
Ch7: What can go wrong (1)

Yo, how you guys doing? So about the poll result, obviously the kill issei option got the votes so f for his life.

One of you guys suggested something interesting, that having another character replacing issei as the red dragon emperor so we can see a true rivalry between two dragons.

Mc obviously won't be taking the sacred gear as it's cliché, also he has enough power ups from system and talent to get stronger without the gear.

For those naughty people that might suggest for ddraig to be a waifu, I only can say that I'm sorry cuz that won't happen.

Anyways, I already got a great character in mind to replace issei later on, and his death will be interesting you just have to give me time for it, because agewise issei is just a child rn.

Now let's hope on to the chapter.


3rd pov

After an hour or so, The trio consisting of Kaiser, Erina, and Alice finally arrived at the Pendragons Mansion.

"Kai wake up, we've arrived." Erina said while gently nudging Kaiser to wake up.

Kaiser slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times so his eyes could get adjusted to the brightness of the light that was coming from the car's window.

"Thanks for waking me up."

"Your welcome, it's my responsibility as your maid." Erina replied with a small smile.

Kaiser looked around and saw that Alice was nowhere to be seen "Where's Alice?"

"She got out of the car earlier than us, she said she's going to prepare some snacks for you."

"I see." He then grabbed the handle of the car's door and opened the door "Let's get going then."

After the duo got out of the car, they headed towards the mansion.

As always, the head butler of Pendragon family, Sebastian was waiting for them.

"Welcome home my lord." Sebastian said while giving a small bow.

"Sigh... now I get why father was so annoyed by this. Sebastian please stop you're like a family, bowing to me makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Absolutely not."

"At this point, I think you enjoy annoying me and my father by doing this."

"Your face surely doesn't look annoyed though." Sebastian remarked.

"We know that's the way I always am. I might not look like it but I do get annoyed."

"Then You better work on your expressionless face young lord." Sebastian Remarked

"Now It's obvious where Alice got her talent for annoying people." Erina murmured

"At least stop calling me young lord or young master."

"Oh? Then should I address you with one of your titles? like the Pendragons Prodigy or Sword devourer?"

Kaiser resisted the urge to face palm and curse people that gave him those Titles "Young lord is fine."

"Good." Sebastian said while chuckling "Now let's go inside. I'm sure lord Uther has a few things on mind that he wants to share with you."


After the short conversation, Sebastian led Kaiser and Erina through the familiar halls of the mansion till they arrived at The head of the family's room, Uther's work Room.

Sebastian gently knocked on the door twice "My lord, Young master has arrived."

"Come in."

"That's what she said." Sebastian said Loudly trying to earn a chuckle from Uther or the two kids.

"Thankfully she said it once or Alice would have had a few siblings. Well good for her." Kaiser said which did seem to be quite effective on Sebastian.

*A/N:Emotional damage? check.*

"Kaiser you are wrong on that as I heard once from my mother that Alice's mom never said that to him." Erina said her words aimed at her Uncle, Sebastian.

"I-...." Sebastian couldn't say a word and just went on his way leaving Kaiser and Erina with Uther

Uther chuckled lightly "You two teamed up on him nicely." He then motioned to the chairs in the room "Come in and take a sit."

The Duo entered Uther's office and while Kaiser took a seat in front of Uther, Erina stood behind him.

"Sigh... you take your duty very strictly." Kaiser said.

"He's right you know? Take a seat." Uther said agreeing with Kaiser. He then tried to tease the duo "You're my future Daughter-in-law after all."

The remark only got a blank stare from Kaiser while it made Erina blush.

"Father, do you want me to give you the Sebastian treatment?"

Uther sweat dropped "Hahaha of course not. I was just joking." His expression then turned serious "Anyway let's get down to business. As we both know, you have finished your training in both Magic and swordsmanship and from what I've seen during our training sessions I know that you are strong enough to take care of certain problems."

"When you say problem, you mean people if I'm not wrong, Right?" Kaiser questioned Uther.

"Well, it's not our problem, rather a client that has contacted us and asked for our service."

"Wait, we have that kind of thing here?"

"It's not like what you think, as we are the descendants of the Great Arthur Pendragon it is one of our duties to help factions that are made up of humanity and before you ask, yes we don't work for free and our clients have to pay the price for it. that would have been what I would have told to anyone that I don't trust. The place we got a mission for already has a spy on our side in it and he's the one that asked us to help them. Tell me, have you heard of the Hero faction?"

"Yes other than magic, Mother has taught me many various things about different factions. The hero faction has been around just for a few years, Created to fight against supernatural existences and protect humanity from them which makes them look like noble people." Kaiser muttered the last part which of course Uther heard.

"It seems you don't have a favorable opinion about them? Why?"

"Mother dislikes them or it's what she told me. If she dislikes them, then there is a problem with them so I trust her intuition. Also, they just appeared out of nowhere and are gaining members quickly, so it is kinda suspicious in my opinion."

"I see. Good to know we're on the same page, Our spy has contacted us and requested our help under the Hero faction name. I originally planned on sending someone else but I thought it would be a good chance for you to use the skills you've learned."

"Thanks for your consideration. Can I know the details of the said mission?"

"Of course. A few days ago in Japan, one of their members stumbled on a Stray devil during patrol and fought with the devil. The said Devil was injured and ran away and the hero faction member chased him and found out about a hideout that was fully of stray devils. they asked us for help in the task of annihilating the base of these stray devils."

"What is the level of these devils?"

"They estimated that their level is Medium to low-class devils."

"Wouldn't it be weird that they requested help for a job like this? even though they have recently been established, this mission should be easy for them. So if we go there wouldn't it put our spy in a bad position?"

"Normally it would and it indeed would have been a risky move on our side but from what our spy has told us, they don't want to exhaust their forces over something like this. Also as you know they've been trying to gather descendants of historical heroes in their group, so this might be a good chance to impress them as a Pendragon family member and join their ranks."

"But I'm not related to you guys by blood so I don't think I fill in the criteria of being a descendant of a hero."

"You are right about that but you forgot one thing, they don't know about this. I want you to go undercover and join them, gain their trust, and gather intel as much as you can. Can you do it?"

"Sure but one step at a time. First I need to complete the mission they Hired us for."

"There's one more thing, I originally planned on giving you another mission instead of this."

"Is that so... Well if it's possible I want to know about it."

"How much are you familiar with japan, specifically the factions that are located in it."

"Not much, most information I know about japan comes from Alice, and that's because she always drags me to watch anime with her."

"So that's what she's been doing instead of doing her job...." Erina muttered with not a much friendly tone.

Uther coughed and continued "There's this ancient clan in japan, known as himejima clan. The head of their clan has suspected one of their members to be a traitor to their clan as she has married with a fallen angel long time ago without them knowing."

"And? What does that have to do with us?"

"Normally I wouldn't have cared about a faction in japan, but it seems they plan on killing the traitor and her family."

"You're telling me that they plan on killing a member of their family just because she married and made a family with a fallen angel?"

"Yes. They plan on killing both her and the child, sounds awfully familiar doesn't it?"

Kaiser clenched his hand hearing that but then he calmed himself "Where did you even get this information from?"

"You'll be surprised but actually the fallen angel that we talked about is the one that asked for this."

"This doesn't make Sense. Instead of that can't he protect them himself?"

"He didn't tell me a reason on why he can't do it himself but if I had to guess, it would be the fact that it will make problems for grigori of fallen angel faction."

"So he preferred them over his family, I suppose he has to be a high Rankin member if he's willing to go that far for his faction. Can I know his name?"

"Yes, I'm sure you've heard of him, Baraqiel."

"..." Kasier just silently looked at Uther with shock.

It was understandable as it wasn't an everyday occurrence to get comminsed by a fallen angle, a cadre on top of that. much more from the guy that has the title of lighting of god.

Uther chuckled breaking the silence "That also was my reaction when he asked our help for this."

[New quest available for host.]

[One of co-founders of grigori, baraqiel has requested for your help.

Objective: Save Baraqiel's family from death.

Reward:Special ticket (Summoning skill)(Current banner only)

Time Left: 1 Week]

[The reward is different from other tickets host can gain. By using this ticket, host can get the ability to summon a being from the chosen banner.

*Note:The summoned being cannot be a human or any intelligent creature.]

Looking at the screen kaiser made up his decision "Can you please entrust this mission to me? I might be able to get it done after I visit and join the hero faction."

Uther pondered about it "Alright, but do know that this mission is very important, if by chance you can't protect his family then we might sour our relationship with their faction forever, and as a neutral force we don't want that."

"Just have trust in me, I'll protect them with my life."

"Fine." Uther serious attitude disappeared after that "Well then let's talk about other things. I know I have asked you this many times but I'll ask it again, are you enjoying the time you're spending with us?"

"About tha-" Before Kaiser could say a thing the door of the office was opened with a loud bang.

"I am here." Alice said while smiling without a care about the broken door which earned her a smack on the head from Erina


"Ouch, why did you hit me for?" Alice asked with tears in her eyes which were fake probably.

"So next time you won't forget about etiquette."

"Erina didn't I tell you to not hit Alice again?" Kaiser said while sighing.

"Sorry." Erina apologized.

"I know it, kai is the only one that cares about me." Alice said with a smug smile while looking at Erina

"Ah, it's not about that, if she hits you too much you will lose your remaining brain cells." Kaiser said bluntly.

The remark made Erina and Uther laugh while Alice was Pouting "I hate you all."

"Anyways where were you?" Kaiser asked as if nothing happened.

"Oh right, I was making some deserts." She then went out of the room and few seconds later came back with a tray filled with different desserts.

After everyone picked up their preferred desserts and took their time enjoying it, the trio bid their farewell to Uther and parted away.

"So in short we have to go undercover?" Alice asked while tiptoeing.

"Me to be precise. You two are not coming with me."

"Why!?" Alice shouted which earned a sigh from Erina and Kaiser.

"Because it's dangerous. If it's just me, I'll be fine. But if I have to look out for you two, it will be a different story."

"Hmpf. You think we are weak and need your protection?"

"He's right Alice, as much as it hurts me to say it but We are indeed weak. there is no denying it. All we can do right now is prepare the necessities."

"You sure we can't go with you? Pleaaseeee?" Alice asked almost begging.


First-person pov


"You sure we can't go with you? Pleaaseeee?" Alice asked me. If this went on I might resort to the use of force.

I mean I get it that she's worried about me and is trying to look out for me, but knowing her character, that's not all and she thinks the mission will be fun.

As I was going to reject her again I heard a familiar ring sound.

[New quest is available for the host.]


[Host has been commissioned for an undercover mission.

Objective: Infiltrate the Hero faction successfully with at least 2 other people.

Reward: ???

Time Left: -]

"..." Wow the timing is just great. Guess there's no room for any negotiation.

There's also the fact that for the first time system hasn't told me what the reward for completing the quest is.


"Look, I know we might be a hindrance to you during the mission but you have to tru-wait you said yes!?" Alice questioned, my answer even surprised Erina.

"Why are you surprised? You asked for it so why are you taken back for what I said?"

"I know that I asked you but I didn't expect you to agree with it, especially this fast. I planned to use special methods if you kept on refusing."

"What special methods?" I asked, concerned by what she could have done.

"Not telling." Alice said while making a zipping motion to show that she didn't plan on revealing her plan.

"She was going to annoy you about it, if that didn't work she would have gone for seduction which obviously won't work on you and I don't know why she even considered it. The next one was sneaking and stalking you after you departed. The-." Alice began listing Alice's plans which prompted Alice to stop her.

"You said enough!!!" Alice said, being embarrassed about it "How did you even know?"

"You're just easy to read that's it." Erina said which I agreed with. I get the first and third plan or even the ones that I don't know of, but did she think of all things, something like seduction would work on me? Especially with the system sorting out my emotions for me

"Go and get prepared for our departure If you two are done with your bickering. I'll go and have a chat with my siblings." with that said, I roamed around the mansion till I arrived at my mothers room and then Gently knocked on the door of her room.

"There's no need to knock, Come in dear." a gentle voice said which recognizable was my mothers voice.

*A/N: At first I didn't write the there's nonneed to knock part, after reading the chapter I found out that "come in dear" sounds sus, so I added the first bit.*

So she can still sense my mana even after I suppressed it.

Opening the door I walked inside and was met with my mother who was sitting elegantly on a chair while reading a book.

"How did you know it was me? I thought I had concealed my mana and presence completely."

Olivia giggled lightly "I'm the one that taught you that, so it wouldn't be weird if I had a trick or two to know about it."

"Impressive as always mother." So I couldn't hide it well enough, lets try this then.

'System seal my mana completely.'

[Yes Host.]

In a matter of seconds I felt as if all the mana I had, had been vanished. Even I couldn't feel any sort of energy like mana in my body.

"Hmm? You improve quickly, what did you do? I can't sense your mana anymore."

"Just a small trick that I learned."

"I see. So why did you come here?"

"Can't I just visit my mother because I want to?"

"Kai, while it would make me happy to know that my son has come to see me, I know that's not how you usually behave. So tell me what's the reason for your visit?"

I just wanted to tell you that I've been given a mission by father so I'll be gone for a while.

"And for How long that is?" She asked while looking at me.

"Probably a long time, maybe a year or more."

"Is that all? Surely you didn't just visit me to tell me that?"

I smiled inwardly. Honestly even though I don't show much emotion, they still know me so well. But it is expected of a parents like them. "I'm taking Erina and Alice with me too, so I came here to ask if you have any artifacts or a spell that can ensure their safety in case something happens."

"Oh my, did my son develop feelings to care for others?" Olivia teased.

I sighed "Great, Uther and Sebastian weren't enough now you are also doing it too."

Olivia giggled "I'm joking of course, I know that under that emotionless face you care enough for those around you. Anyways, sure I can cast a few spells on them. Before your departure I will cast it on them. Anything else that you might need from me?"

She already agreed to cast the spells on Erina and Alice so it won't hurt to ask for more "Well there is one more thing, we didn't talk about this during our classes but I wanted to know if you know any spell that can manipulate time."

Olivia pondered for a bit "I know a few but unfortunately I don't think you have enough time to learn them given the time you are leaving, so if you're interested then you have to research it yourself."

"I see.Thanks mother."

"Your welcome. Just be careful and come back safely alright?"

I nodded and quickly left the room to meet Arthur and Le Fey and be done for the day.

Finding Arthur wasn't a hard job as he was most of the time in training ground trying to improve his sword arts.

Arriving at the training ground just as I had speculated, Arthur was swinging his sword in a different yet unique patterns.

Noticing me watching him, he stopped his training "Welcome back I guess."

"If you worked on your social skills like how you do your swordsmanship, you might be able to start a conversation."

"Why so when I can talk with people through fighting them?"

"And they say I'm worse than you in talking with people. Anyways, up for a spar with your older brother?"

"What's the catch? No way you came here just to ask me for a spar, right?" Arthur asked while narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

Seriously, does everyone in this family think of me like that? "I'll be gone for a while and knowing you, I thought having a spar would be better than a talk."

"While I would love to test my skills against you, I know my limits and know that I'm no match for you. maybe after a few years so I can put up a fight against you or even beat you.

Guess I went a bit hard on him during our previous spars, otherwise he wouldn't have admitted that "I look forward to that."

"Hope you don't slack off while you're away, After all it would be a shame if the heir of the Pendragon family loses to his little brother right?" Arthur remarked with a smirk.

"I told you before, I don't have the slightest interest in claiming that position. Lets not forget about the fact that you have never won a single spar against me."

That will change soon. And as for the hair position, I don't have any interest in it too, I just want to go around the world, challenge the strong and find different swords. That's it."

"How about this then, after I return, we can have a match between the two of us and the loser will have to become the heir." I suggested a bet that I knew I would win.

"Alright, but you can't use magic." Arthur agreed.

Magic was one if my strong forts and without it I was at a big disadvantage and Arthur knew it too, that's why he probably suggested that.

but would I lose without magic? Nah I'd win.

"Sure. I wouldn't have used it in the first place. Guess I'll get going then, later."

Two down, one more to go. But should I really talk with her? She's quite attached and less mature like Arthur, so she might throw a tantrum.

Guess I just leave a message or a letter for her. Arthur can taken care of the rest .Yeah that'll work, what can possibly go wrong with that?

[Host, you might have jinxed yourself with that.]

Now I should also make my preparations for the upcoming mission.


Word count: 3790

How was the chapter? If you enjoyed it then I guess I did my job right. Shortly after this chapter I will put another poll this time for a reward that Mc will gain after reaching level 50.

Anyway, till next chapter bye bye`