
Chapter 71 - Back To The Surface and Grauzauberer's Headquarters





The train journey continued, and I found myself lost in thought.

This past months had been a whirlwind of activity, and now I'm heading into another potential maelstrom.

But I felt a sense of resolve.

This was my path, and I will walk it with determination.

[Announcement. Announcement.... We will momentarily be breaking through the dimensional wall. We will momentarily be breaking through the dimensional wall.]

I suddenly heard that sounds when I'm lost in thoughts and about an hour since the train journey started.

"Look outside Rey."

Mephisto-jiisama said.

And after I and the three women turned our head to look outside the window, I saw something.... creepy? Or weird? I don't know how to describe it.

But the thing I saw was at the end of the train tracks, I saw something like large black hole.

"What is that?"

I asked wonderingly.

"That's a portal and the dimensional tunnel which connects the Underworld and the Surface (Human World)."

Mephisto-jiisama explains.

"I see.... So that's why there's that announcement earlier."

I said and nodded slightly remembering the announcement earlier.

"That's right. We'll leave the Underworld and enter the Surface after passing that portal."

And not long after, the train sped through the black hole and entered dark tunnel.

And the transition was seamless, a testament to the precision of the magical engineers who had designed the train.

As the train emerged from the tunnel, we saw the surroundings was greatly different. Especially the sky.

After a few years used to the purple sky of the Underworld, seeing the dark blue night sky of the Surface was quite exhilarating and refreshing.

And about thirty minutes later, the bright lights of the city came into view, a stark contrast to the dark, ethereal beauty of the Underworld.

"Welcome... to the Las Vegas,"

Mephisto-jiisama said with a flourish.

"The city that never sleeps, where supernaturals and ignorants secretly coexist in perfect harmony."

Mephisto-jiisama said as I saw buildings decorated with lots of lights just about tens-hundreds meters from the railway.

And not long after that, the train entered an underground tunnel until finally slowed down and stopped at a platform which looks quiet and empty.

"We're here. Let's get off."

Mephisto-jiisama then led us off the train and then to an elevator.

"I'm sure you'll be surprised after this, Rey."

Mephisto-jiisama said with a mysterious smirk after the elevator going up.


I tilted my head at his words but I keep silent and just shrugged my shoulders.

And not long after, the elevator stopped and the door opened.

And what we saw after we exited the elevator was.... The sights and sounds of many people in a large bright hall.

"This.... A casino?"

I guessed after I saw some tables where people playing cards, roulette, or any others.

"Mahahaha.... You guessed right. We're now at one of the grandest site in Las Vegas, the Plaza Hotel & Casino."

Mephisto-jiisama chuckled and told us where's this place exactly while we walked.

I don't know anything about this "Plaza Hotel & Casino" because I never came to casino, Las Vegas, or even cares about gambling establishment.

But the scenes in the casino were quite overwhelming, a cacophony of life and energy that was both exhilarating and disorienting.

So while we walked past the people, inwardly I also took a moment to steady myself, drawing on the calm presence of Scathach-sama, Sakuya-san, and Kulshedra-san who's even looks interested to games.

"So the underground platform earlier located under this famous place? Why?"

I said my wonder because I don't understand what's the reason.

Because even though I'm sure the access to the underground platform was restricted, it's still not supposed to existing in a flashy place like this.

"It's simple. Because this place is mine."

"Wait. What? This place is yours? This Casino & Hotel?"

"Aye. I'm the true owner behind this establishment."

I'm surprised with Mephisto-jiisama's blunt confession.


I asked again because I don't understand why an ancient Devil like him even care about business.

"Because this is a profitable business.... You already know about Devil's Job, right? And you know that human are full of greed and desires. And I am Mephistopheles. So I'm sure you understand what I mean."


I got silent by his answer which accompanied by an evil-like smirk.

And yeah, I understand what he meant.

Basically, to gamble people needs money or any kind of acceptable bet to be able to play. And some people even got quite desperate to win until they even dare to bet all they have including their own life for it.

So.... Yeah....

He's truly a Devil. Devious Devil.

He's fully taking advantage of human's greed to do his works as a Devil.

Maybe I was a bit disillusioned or just forgot that he's the Mephistopheles because most of time he just act like a dandy grandfather to me. I smiled wryly at that.

"The headquarters of Grauzauberer is on the third floor. Follow me."




We followed Mephisto-jiisama to take the stairs and then we stopped before a door which on it there's a placque with [Chairman's Room] written on it and then entered it.

The room inside looks quite wide and comfy but doesn't look any different than any other office room I could imagine.

And there's someone sat on a couch while enjoying a glass of wine.

And what's surprising is.... he looks exactly the same as Mephisto-jiisama. Just his clothes which differentiate them.

"Hm? Ah. You're back already."

"Yeah. Anything new?"

"No. And that's why I'm quite bored."

"Then why don't you go to the casino or hotel to do inspection or something?"

"Shut it.... The staffs are enough for those things. My job is just sitting here nicely and receiving their reports."

"You're just too lazy."

I watched their interaction while confused who's this man who looks exactly the same as Mephisto-jiisama is.

"Ah. I almost forgot. Let me introduce him.... His name is Dovel. He is my [Pawn]."

Mephisto-jiisama introduced the man to us.

"Oh. You must be the Young Master Rofocale and the Ladies which Mephisto talked about oftenly.... Nice to meet you all. I'm Dovel the Doppelganger. Sometimes I became Mephisto's body-double like currently."

The man stood up and slightly bowed to us respectfully while introduced himself.

I followed him by introduce myself and the three women with me.

"Nice to meet you too, Dovel-san. I am Rey Rofocale.... And the ladies with me are Scathach-sama, Sakuya-san, and Kulshedra-san each."

I introduced them and the three women each gave a cold short nod, slight bow respectfully like a maid she is, and a seductive-like smile to Dovel-san.

"I'm sure you're quite surprised initially, Rey. But I'm sure you already understand after hearing from himself that he's a Doppelganger."


Doppelganger is not an unfamiliar thing to me because I even used one for the exam battle where the Doppelganger became the key of my victory against Eleanora Dragulia.

At that battle, I summoned a Doppelganger with my Sacred Gear «Serene Summoning», and using him as a distraction by ordered him to pose as myself and attack Dragulia-san. And using that distraction, I successfully ambushed Dragulia-san and finished her.

"He's a Doppelganger alright. But don't think of him as the same as the one you summoned before, Rey. This idiotic lazy sloth is far above them. And he's a real massive troublemaker added on that. Along the history, I don't want to count or mention on how many historical troubles he's been caused just because he got a little bit more intelligent than other Doppelgangers."

Mephisto-jiisama said with a cynical snort.

"Not too much or many actually. I think just a few of them which significantly and greatly damaging. Like posed as Kings and then sparks some conflicts"

Dovel-san said while smirked evilly.


I got silent by his words and I don't want to know which historical Kings or what historical conflicts he had ever caused.

"Hmph! Just ignore this idiot."

Mephisto-jiisama said and then walked to the side wall so I and the ladies followed him.

He then put his hand to the wall and a small magic circle appeared for a few short seconds and then a door-like rectangular black portal which looks similar with the dimensional portal opened.

We stepped inside and after we passed through we were greeted by a sense of grandeur and mystery.

A large hall which was a marvel of modernity blended seamlessly with ancientness of some kind of artifacts, magical tomes, or any other magical things which displayed on few racks, and also magic scholars engrossed in their studies.

Basically, what's this place looks like is a library or museum.

The casino's chaotic rowdiness seemed like a distant memory here.

"Welcome.... to the heart of the Grauzauberer Association. Where magic and intellect converge to push the boundaries of what is possible."

Mephisto-jiisama said with his voice slightly echoing through the vast chamber.

And it makes other people turns their gazes to us but not for long before they focused back to their own activities.

I looked around and my eyes filled with curiosity.

"It's incredible."

I murmured.

Scathach-sama, Sakuya-san, and Kulshedra-san also swept their gazes over the impressive surroundings.

Mephisto-jiisama smiled, clearly pleased with our reactions.

"Come. I'm sure she's been waiting."

He said, leading us deeper into the hall where the prodigal young witch, owner of another Longinus Sacred Gear like me have been waiting.



