Issei's Boosted Gear awakens at a young age and he finds a much more interesting use for his gear then simply becoming a powerhouse. AU Issei x Harem tons of LEMONS and OOC characters. Smarter Issei, slightly darker Issei, OP Issei. ***
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(Sona's home)
Sona Sitri was by every definition of the word a simple person.
Despite being the heiress to Devil nobility, Sona lived in a simple apartment in a building she co-owned with her fellow heiress Rias Gremory.
The home had a small kitchen and living room which suited her perfectly.
Her bedroom was as basic as it got with a simple wooden dresser that held most of her unmentionables and other casual clothes with her uniforms sitting in a closet not far from the twin-sized bed she was currently sleeping in.
Her glasses sat on top of an alarm clock that was on top of a small table right by her desk that also contained a small lamp.
However there was one aspect of her life that wasn't simple and it was because of that relationship that her eyes shot open.
"Issei!" Sona Sitri gasped as she quickly got out of her bed and at a speed far faster than most would expect, ditched the pajamas she was wearing in order to get her Kuoh uniform on.
The man she loved Issei Hyoudou, got himself involved with something crazy and she was going to help him whether he wanted to or not.
During their last date, Kokabiel a cadre of the fallen angels and the man behind the current chaos in Kuoh got a hold of Issei and revealed his plan.
Sona was worried because Issei was hard to control and there was a chance he could do something on his own.
To make sure he didn't go completely rogue Sona wore him down with a threesome involving her and their waitress for the night who was also her employee.
Once he was exhausted and asleep, she cast a spell on him that would allow her to track him no matter what happened and if anything disrupted the spell, she'd be alerted which is exactly what happened.
As she left her room, she wondered if she should contact her sleeping peerage and get them to help with the situation.
That was until she received a knock on her door which was odd considering how late it was.
Opening the door, she was surprised to see Ravel Phenex wearing a purple dress and with a concerned expression on her face.
"Sona, we have a situation?" the voice of Ravel Phenex said nervously.
"What happened?" Sona wondered.
"That idiot is trying to make moves on his own again. One minute he's at the home of those fallen and the next he's charging somewhere. Luckily for me, I managed to figure out his sensory range and my familiar is following him in secret." Ravel revealed.
Sona frowned because the idiot in question was clearly Issei, but something else was bothering her, "Why is your familiar watching him." Sona wondered.
Ravel blushed briefly, "It doesn't matter. What matters is we need to get to his location and soon. Who knows what he'll do next?" Ravel said hastily.
Sona was afraid to ask why she blushed but she realized that it didn't matter.
What mattered is finding Issei and, "Alright but we should gather the others since who knows what could be going on." She wasn't going to at first, but now she was going to gather all the resources together that she could.
"Agreed." Ravel frowned. This was going to be a long night.
(Irina and Xenovia)
'Issei what's going on.' Irina thought to herself as she and her partner ran through the town in the deep of night.
Figuring out where Issei was ended up being a far simpler task than they realized due to Irina sensing a massive magical barrier.
Issei was many things, but the thing he specialized in was logic.
Fighting Kokabiel alone was the opposite of that and she couldn't help but wonder what would cause him to do go after the cadre alone.
"Irina you need to focus." Xenovia shouted breaking her from her musing.
She knew her partner was concerned also and she could appreciate that.
"Yeah I know." Irina frowned but as they approached one of the many large bridges around town, they stopped because a very familiar person was waiting for them.
"Hello girls, it's been quite some time." The person said with a smile.
"It can't be. What the hell are you doing here Arthur!?" Irina said in disbelief.
Standing in front of them was a young man that appeared to be in his early 20s with short blonde hair with a long strand across his faces and spectacles.
His outfit consisted of a black business suit but on his right hip was a sword sheath. His name was Arthur Pendragon and she was a mentor of sorts.
"I'm sorry Irina. As a knight of the Pendragon family I will serve my Lady's desires and right now those desires are to stop you from going to the Red Dragon Emperor" the now named Arthur Pendragon revealed.
"Irina. We can't beat him. Maybe we should stop" Xenovia suggested.
"I know… but I have to go to Issei" Irina scowled.
She really didn't want to fight Arthur but this was for Issei.
"I know how you feel Irina, I really do. However, I have a mission and I will do everything I can to stop you. Even if I must use this." Arthur frowned again before reaching into his sheath and revealing Excalibur Ruler, the final fragment of the Holy Sword Excalibur.
Irina's eyes widened at seeing Ruler unsheathed, "I never thought I'd see the day you pointed Ruler against me Arthur. Especially since you were the one who taught all of us how to use the blades." During her training she and the other exorcist were taught about the various Holy Swords and Arthur was the one who taught them about Excalibur.
Not surprising since he was the heir to the family that once used the full blade to rule over Camelot.
He also held Ruler and another blade which it seemed as though he wouldn't use yet.
"Yes and I taught you back then that conviction is everything. So tell me Irina, even if it means dying against Excalibur will you stand against me. Are you willing to fight someone you KNOW you cannot defeat?" Arthur asked with a steeled gaze.
If this was even a month ago the answer would be different but right now, there was one answer, "Yes I would. If I have to fight you to save Issei I will and that's how determined I am." Irina said firmly.
In her life only three things mattered: Serving God with her partner, Her father, and Issei. To protect him, she would do anything.
"Very well" Arthur replied before surprising both girls by sheathing his blade.
"Arthur" Irina said in shock.
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