When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation
Koneko just watched the event with the same look, while Yuuto just admired the destruction.
- What did it say? Naruto asked with a small smile.
-... Don't expect me to apologize. - Akeno smiled. -It's still weak next to me.
It was the blonde's turn to laugh.
Please, this is an incomplete technique, like a small flame in front of the fire that is complete. - He laughed, remembering all the variations she had.
- Wait, Senpai... I thought you and your parents were human and that you didn't know about the supernatural. Where did you learn this? -Yuuto asked, a bit curious indeed, as he turned between the blonde and Rias, who he knew had the answers.
- Is there a problem with me telling you? The redhead received a negative wave from him. So... - Yuuto, Naruto is a special case of person... He is a reincarnation of himself with the complete memories of his previous life.
Yuuto nodded, while Issei, who had woken up from his perverted coma, gently raised his hand.
- I thought there was no reincarnation for Christians. He commented.
- There is no... Naruto must have been of some other religion in his previous life, am I right, Naruto- kun? - She gave him such a cunning and happy look, that the blonde couldn't tell that he never actually had religion.
Well, yes, R-Rias-chan. - He didn't lie well.
- Okay, so... Incomplete technique? - She asked, asking for continuation.
- Oh yeah! The Rasengan is a technique that is completed with elemental manipulation, See: - He said, calmly before making a Rasengan in his hand, and then a wave of wind began to circulate the sphere that shone in a tone that was now white and purple before small blades of wind appear around you and increase your turning speed. Then, Naruto released the chakra, making the technique die little by little. -That's partially complete, I can't make it complete yet... My poor control now would make it explode in his hand.
Rias nodded, very happy to see that Naruto was so strong.
- I see. She said. That is all?
The blonde touched his chin.
- Yeah, I think so. - She clapped her hands. - So... Now let's all rest so we can go after this devil at night! Right?
- Hai, Buchou! - Everyone nodded
- Hey, Rias... Do you mind if I take a nap on your couch? - The blonde asked, calmly.
Not at all, Naruto-kun... Feel free. She said, - before questioning: - But can I know the reason?
Naruto scratched the back of his head.
-I was training a little before I came here and I ended up accidentally breaking some things at home and flooding it due to plumbing. He laughed awkwardly. They're having concerts right now, so I - can't go home.
Everyone had drops on their heads, but they felt it made sense just because of the damage he did to the wall with that technique.
Well, then the sofa is all yours. He laughed. - Have a good nap! - Then she left the room with the other members.
- And don't do anything perverted, okay? - Akeno laughed, as she left, receiving a finger from the blonde in response. - Ara, so nervous~!
It was already night when Rias' group returned to the room, all together ready to face the stray devil... That's when they opened the door and to their surprise they found Naruto still sleeping.
In fact, everyone expected this, but not what was more: A tail came out of Naruto's clothes and floated peacefully above him, who was still sleeping heavily.
It was an orange-red shade, with a few simple black empty circle markings around it.
- What? - Rias didn't understand.
...Youkai? - Koneko approached him and touched his tail. It's a fox.
- He didn't say anything about foxes or being a Youkai. - Rias commented, curious.
- Maybe it's a sex toy? - Akeno tried. -It could be inside him, you know...-his smile grew, while everyone gave him incredulous looks... But he started to look too serious. Then she reached out, grabbed the tail and tugged gently, earning a grunt from the sleeping Naruto... Maybe a moan of pleasure?
- Wouldn't it be better to wake him up and find out? - Yuuto offered, receiving incredulous looks. Yes, Koneko and experimentation. Akeno wanted to continue the
Well, I'll do that. - Rias shrugged, before approaching. Naruto-kun, time to wake up! - called, gently hitting him. - She
- Please give him two punches and 4 slaps and - he wakes up. - Akeno commented, laughing. He's a
masochist, trust me!
Rias ignored it.
Naruto-kun... If you don't wake up... All the ramen in the world will die! - Rias said, receiving strange looks from everyone in the room. Don't blame her, she knew some things that the rest didn't, like... Naruto idolized ramen.
Said and done... His eyes opened wide as he grabbed onto the closest thing, desperately looking at everything around him.
- Please! My life but not ramen! - He asked, while everything slowly came into focus. - Um... Hi?
- Hello. - Rias commented, while seeing him with his hand on her right breast. Could you remove your hand?
Naruto returned his gaze to his hand and noticed what he was squeezing.
-... Am I obligated? It's so soft. - He commented, giving it an extra squeeze.
- Ara ara... A pervert, can I kill, Rias-buchou? - Akeno asked, her hands shining with lightning.
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