
Chapter 12 : In terms of that chapter being sad

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Well… You got your wish. I'm also about a third of the way through writing chapter four at the moment. May take me a little bit more time than this one due to some university work I have to do soon (Gotta love midterms…).

In terms of that chapter being sad… Yeah, what can I say, sometimes the best trail foreword is paved in tears. But leaving the edgy musings aside, it's mainly here to show how rough the transition is for people entering the world of the supernatural. I always kind of thought that things were a bit too lax in canon; like, they really just throw around the fact that they're devils in canon. For me, it always felt more appropriate to be this tight-lipped secret that's guarded with a manic amount of secrecy. No witnesses, you know? Also, Vin having to leave his family? Yeah, that's not going to get forgotten about or retconned. It's sticking with him, a little chip on his shoulder, you know?

Also, bonus credit: thank you PaperTucan for being the very first person to leave a review on this story! You coming by and just leaving a simple comment on each chapter that's been uploaded has been such a welcome sight to see, and I love it every time! Thanks time and time again for coming by and reviewing!

FateFan Says:

"It's good that Xenovia's attitude is still serious, it's disgusting when she barely leaves the church she becomes a girl obsessed with having babies, and please tell me that both Xenovia and Irina are going to be in a relationship with Vincenzo, because the I really hate those fanfics where there is a good OC and yet the best girls always end up with the idiot of issei, so please I hope they are both with Vin and not that they join the harem of a perverted devil that is no different than riser"


Well, to start off with, yeah I want to keep Xenovia firmly with her early S2 personality for this story arc, at least for now. She's not mean, just cold and closed off. Part of Vin's journey to get closer to his new family is going to be breaking through that shell of hers.

When it comes to the whole 'Xenovia wants a baby' bit. I'm… actually going to keep it. Upon re-watches and research, I found myself actually beginning to understand something about that specific bit. She wants a baby, sure. But she want's one, because now that she's out of the church, she can finally have the things she could never have before, she says that herself. And what does Xenovia want most? What could she not have before in the church?

A family.

Sure, she has Griselda, but the LN always frames their relationship as more tenuous and more so the relationship of a mentor and student, than a mother and daughter. Xenovia later on in the LN learns to accept Griselda as more than just a caretaker, but the reasons are still there. Xenovia doesn't feel like she has a true family in the church. At least, that's how I read into it.

Moving on, um… So, the topic of harems, or multi-ships is a complicated one. I've already expressed how I'll be keeping Issei in this story, and with the placement of this first story arc on the DxD timeline, we won't ever see the events of the Riser arc (They would play out just like canon, by the way). Vin… won't be with Irina. He's flustered around Irina, sure; and there's some element of physical attraction, because hey, an overly affectionate, bubbly and very pretty girl is right in your face. But it doesn't really go much beyond that. I have plans for who Irina is going to end up with, and it just might be Issei. Because yes, Issei is going to have a harem. Cut down slightly? Maybe. But he'll still have one.

Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to drop a review! It's super appreciated!

Alrighty! That's it for this round of the Review Roundup! If you want to have a question or anything answered, don't forget to simply drop a review. Even if it's just telling me what you liked or didn't like, I always appreciate feedback. Leave a favorite or follow if you enjoyed it, and get ready, because chapter four is on the way!

Have a great day everyone!

Vin couldn't remember what he was dreaming of that night, but he knew that it was comparatively better to what he was facing right now. He had awoken not half a minute ago to the sound of knocking on his door; his face feeling clammy and gross as he woke on a pillow much to damp for his liking. Smacking his lips, he could taste the gross film that covered his tongue. Yep, dehydrated.

"Vin, are you in there?" The voice of Ethan muffled through the door, "It's time for breakfast, you cool if I come in?"

Vin slowly sat up in bed, "Uhhh… mmm, come in."

The door, and Vin took a double take as the figure standing in his doorway wasn't Ethan, but a small girl with long brown hair tied in a bun.


His breath hitched, but as he blinked, the visage of his little sister left his sight. Instead, there stood Ethan, clad in a simple pair of basketball shorts and a baggy long sleeve shirt. Slowly, Vin forced himself to calm down.

You left your family, no need to develop schizophrenia over it, geez.

"Damn, you look like shit," Ethan observed ever so eloquently.

Vin grumbled, still far too early in the morning to be dealing with sass, "Mmmh… Fuck you too…"

That elicited a bark of a laugh from Ethan, "Yeah, yeah, just be lucky it's me waking you up, and not Griselda. Trust me, the first time I tried to sleep in, the woman came in, dragged me by my ear into that kitchen, and then proceeded to work me so hard that afternoon that I felt I was going to pass out."

Under the threat of such a thing, Vin threw the covers off his lower body, and forced himself to take his first groggy steps over to his desk to retrieve his phone.


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters
