
Mistakes were made

Mistakes. As we go through our lives we will make a number of mistakes since as sentient beings we are not perfect. Our mistakes could range from small to large, but the main point would be that the amount of mistakes that we make in our lifetimes generally reach a number that we can't truly remember the amount we made. That was what went through Shiro's mind as he watched Issei continue to dodge light spears from the flying fallen angel.

[System does not make mistakes... only miscalculations] sounded the robotic disembodied voice

"I am pretty sure forgetting the fact that Issei can't fly and pretty much all his enemies can is a huge mistake" quipped Shiro as he was contemplating whether or not to interfere or allow Issei to try and figure out a solution to dealing with his airborne adversary

[System stands by initial assessment of miscalculation] responded the system

"Let's just say mistakes were made and move on. So do you think I should interfere?" asked Shiro as he watched a light spear graze his student's arm as he tried to sidestep away

[System estimates chances of victory: 30%] replied the system

"Wow, he really has that much of a chance? I thought he was completely screwed considering he can't actually hit her while she's in the air" said Shiro as he continued to stare at the feather flapping dominatrix

[Possibility of stress unlocking his sacred gear was factored in] stated the voice

"Oh, it's weird I keep forgetting he has it inside him. Honestly I thought he would have unlocked it during training but if this could unlock it then I'm all for waiting it out." said Shiro as he got comfortable

Issei was not okay. Despite all the stamina he gained from sparring with Shiro and following the training regimen the past 3 years, he was feeling winded from constantly dodging and running from his ex. He couldn't help but wonder how this is fair at all. First he worked his butt off to become a Harem king, then he finally gets to go on a date. Things were supposed to be looking up but apparently his girl just wanted to kill him. I mean if she was going to kill him the least she could do was let him feel her magnificent oppai before trying to gut him with spears.

He panicked as he lost his footing as a spear impaled his right shoulder. The blood, there was just so much blood coming out of his wound. He didn't want to die, not yet. At least not until he felt up some 'OPPAI'!

"RRRAAAGGGH" he howled as his left arm began emitting waves of power

the waves pushed the fallen further away as she tried to hold her position.

Within the center of the explosive energy sounded the words of power


Rias Gremory was worried. Worried of the possibility that she had made a mistake. The flyer that should be on the boy she had been observing showed no response. She was nervous as she waited for the call that never came.

"Ara you look stressed. perhaps you got stood up?" came the voice of the buxom nadeshiko as she set down some tea

"I'm tired of waiting, get ready to head out" she said as a magic circle appeared beneath the two as they disappeared.

As the two devils arrived to the scene they were immediately greeted by the sight of what looked like a natural disaster. Large cracks littered the pavement, trees nearly uprooted or shattered to pieces. As they surveyed the scene a desperate howl sounded out near the fountain.

"RRRAAAGGGH" it sounded like a roar of a dying dragon

as the waves of power spread, the trees that were barely standing finally gave out and collapsed. At the center of everything stood the lone figure of Issei Hyodo as everyone including Shiro were in awe of the red scaled gauntlet.

[BOOST] the one word sounded out as another explosive wave concentrated around him. Until finally he disappeared leaving behind a crater as he sent a single uppercut at the floating fallen sending her flying through the sky to god knows where. As they watched the battle-worn form of the Red dragon emperor fall towards the ground. A ridiculously dressed foreigner caught him and looked over to the two devils.

"We will be seeing you soon, preferably on a school day adios senioritas!" was the last thing he said leaving the two buxom devils with more questions than ever.

Arriving at the two story house of the Shinigami and dragon god, Shiro immediately set to healing Issei and calling his parents to let them know he was staying over.

'Yeesh, I never thought I would get to see the power of plot armor up close. I gotta say while it was complete BS, it was also completely baddass!' thought Shiro as he focused on closing up the hole on the future harem king's shoulder

"Shiro, welcome home" came the monotone voice of the goth dragon god

"Ah thanks, oh right Ophis can you check if Draig is awake right now?" He actually wanted to talk to draig if only to make a friend

"mmm... still asleep" responded the loli

"Surprising considering what his host has been through. Oh well hey Ophis you wanna play some pokemon?" asked Shiro as he finished up healing the protagonist

"Okay" came the single reply from the dragon god that wasn't completely monotone

'All according to keikaku' Shiro thought as he maniacly laughed

"Shiro is weird" said the goth loli

"I don't want to hear that from you" deadpanned the disguised shinigami