
Fishing and tables

"Hey Skasa, this is my soul right?" the shinigami asked as he was laid back on the small boat holding a fishing rod

"Of course, where else would we be right now?" the humanoid dragon replied a matter of factly as she was also laid back with her partner on the boat as they fished together

"Well then how was she able to get in here?" Shiro asked as he looked over to the goth loli form of Ophis in a school swimsuit floating around the small boat as the two fished.

The heavenly dragon just shrugged her shoulders unable to understand the abilities of a dragon god capable of entering a person's soul.

"Shiro has been sad lately" stated the less monotone voice of the dragon god

"She has a point, you've been pretty depressed lately" commented Skasa as she started to reel in her line to pull up a large bass

"Hey you were feeling down too after Kokabiel killed off the little army in your mountain" the crimsonette retorted

"I got over it after I realized they respawned after a week" the ice dragon admitted as she looked over to her mountain to see all the wildlife that were killed in the fight going about their day as if nothing happened.

"Shiro, be happy?" the little loli asked as she climbed into the small boat

The shinigami just sighed as he was still feeling down from killing the cadre. Another reason he was sad was also a bit childish

"I just... I really wanted to show up and smack people with an oversized frozen fish" he admitted as he thought back on all his plans to show up at the last minute and play a fun song, then start flash stepping around and wailing on people with a giant fish.

"Cheer up, I am sure you'll get plenty more chances in the future." Skasa said as she patted his back while ophis patted his head

"mmm, I guess you guys are right. Alright to get out of this groove I might aswell go do a summoning job! System turn on the requests!"

[Summoning Request function on..... Summoning detected]

"My lord has been unreasonable as of late! If this continues we may not even have enough in the budget to arm our foot soldiers!" the scholar exclaimed as he complained to the red-head

"He continues to destroy his table-desks. Whether he is enraged or not! It's as if he has some sort of grudge against them! The amount of our funding that goes into replacing Lord Sun Quan's desks is nearly half of our military funding." The scholar sighed

"Which is why we have called you here great spirit of the heavens! To save Wu from this crisis." He said as he prostrated to the crimsonette

"Oh um, so I just need to make him a desk that he can't break?" Shiro asked to confirm what the financial advisor wanted

"Any methods you have would be greatly appreciated sir" the scholar said as he continued to prostrate

The shinigami sat still as he closed his eyes to think about how to solve such a problem.

He didn't think a table made of wood would be able to handle the might of Sun Quan's sword, perhaps a steel desk? Shiro opened his eyes as he just had an interesting idea.

'Hey system, could I use the mana crystal creation to make a table of a chunk of mana crystals?' he asked as he wondered how hard mana crystals were

[Host would need to carve out the crystal to fit the design of a table-desk. The material should be hard enough to withstand the blow of steel from this time period] responded the robotic voice

Holding out his palms, mana began to focus in front of the shinigami. The sound of a solid could be heard, like rocks dropping. A large chunk of crystal appeared before the crimsonette as the scholar was dumbstruck of the miracle he just witnessed.

Unsheathing his sword as it lit aflame.

"Let's get artistic" Shiro smiled as he made the first cut

In the large tent filled with high ranking people of nations were a group of eastern looking military officials kneeled on one side, as a group of Scholars were kneeled to the other side. The commanders stood behind them as they observed their lord's decision.

In the middle of everything was a stoic man in red armor, sat behind a short crystal desk with two bamboo scrolls.

"My lord... we cannot bow before a scoundrel like Cao Cao!" said the military official at the front

"But we cannot match the might of his army! We must surrender" countered the lead scholar

The lord of Wu contemplated his choices

"Cao Cao's demand for surrender.... Liu Bei's request for alliance" He spoke as he closed his eyes

'What would my father have done... or my brother?' he mused as he opened his eyes to gaze out of the open tent at the flag of his nation standing tall behind his subordinates.

"Surrender, alliance... Both options are reasonable, I think." He began as the crowd looked towards their lord waiting for his answer

"But. I have faith in Wu.... Faith in you all! Therefore, I must think of our future!" he said as Sun Quan grabbed his sword to destroy the scroll of surrender. Everyone watched as the scroll was broken into pieces by their Lord's blade. But once the blade made contact with the desk, the sword snapped in two as the tip of the sword flew out of the tent

The people of the room were dumbstruck to witness such a thing.

Since that day, Sun Quan could be seen charging into battle armed with a crystal table-desk