
DxD: Forgotten Son of Gremory [On Hold]

Born as the shadow twin to the renowned Rias Gremory, Nox suffered a different fate from birth. While Rias inherited the iconic Gremory red hair and powers of destruction, Nox was born with black hair and a rare gift for manipulating gravity. To avoid conflict over inheritance, the family exiled Nox at a young age, consigning him to live alone on the fringe of society. Without support from his influential family, Nox was forced to dwell in obscurity. He learned to harness his anomalous powers in solitude, guided only by a few disregarded servants. As the years passed, Nox faded further from the memories of his clan. The Gremory lineage proceeded without mention of the forgotten son, lost to the shadows of their world. While Rias flourished in the spotlight of the Gremory name, Nox survived unseen on the edges of the realm. Through his isolation, he has become a mystery, unknown even to those who should call him family. Now, Nox navigates the secret streets of the occult underworld using his abilities shrouded in darkness, forgotten by all but the few who still know of the shadow twin.

noobstar14213 · Komik
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4 Chs

1.2) Notice No.2 Don't know when I'm coming back...

Alright, so far I've written an okay rough outline for the first volume, but I'm not completely sure when I plan on writing again. This is for a few reasons.

One main one is:

With life knocking on my door, I don't think I would have much time to write, even with the outline I've written. To specify, I'm moving away to another state to work at my relative's restaurant, so, as I said, I'm honestly not sure how much time I'll get to write, much less time for myself, seeing how I never worked before... It'll probably take a month or two to adjust, but even then, I'd be too busy trying to get the basic stuff for a young adult. (Driver's license, ID, etc.)

If I somehow adjust to my new environment, then sure, I'll try writing again. Shouldn't be too hard to pick up again thanks to my outline... probably...

ANYWAYS, to sum up, I'm moving, so I can't promise if/when I'm going to write again. Only time will tell, mainly if I can get used to it without wanting to kill myself. (Not literally obviously.)