
DxD: Dream Maker With Hope

“Reincarnated to DxD world, with Annihilation maker our mc who is a pacifist do to her past life experience decide to hide the fact that she has one of the most dangerous sacred gear. With knowledge of her past life as gacha gamer and mecha fan she will live her life as spectator and hand from the shadow. For what a story without their own twist isn’t it?” ~~ Asuka Mumei ~~ …. Don’t do a synopsis on your own Asuka. (Key) ============================================================== HI! HI~~~~~!! My name is Asuka Mumei, your full of hope and dream Highschool girl!!!! So~~~ right now I’m in Dragon X Deus, Yay~~~!! Eh? How did I got there you say? Well~ let’s just say that I push a child away from a coming truck, the usual trope and get some of those notification in my head then tada~~~ here I am!! [******] … come on, there’s no need to be so dead on like that, where’s the fun of it? I’m sure the other also think the same right? Hehe, I hope you are in my side. [******] Maybe one day. But for now, how about tell them about my story, a story about DREAM MAKER WITH HOPE. [English is not my first language] [I don’t own anything I use from other works] [Cover from waifu lab, and it's pretty much how I imagine Asuka Looks like XD.] [No Discord, but maybe someday........ someday]

Key_Swire · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

not a chapter

hey everyone, I'm really sorry for the long silence. I had very hard time dividing my time between study, rest, work and writing. Because I'm Muslim and need to fast in Ramadhan I having hard time focusing in day and didn't have access to my pc at night because of work.

So I decide between the four one need to go, which is why I haven't write anything for almost a month.

The problem is because of me spending time not writing making me lose motivation to continue this story as it is. That's sound like I try to abandon this story which is not.

I gonna remake this story, at least most of it because the brain said it can be better so I better remake it from the beginning. What a shitty midnight though.

so I need your opinion whether or not you guys want the previous chapter still exist or just delete it. please comment bellow to chose.


Keep it

I also need some help to choose some character that can fit some criteria for MC power sharing (Magical girl power) because it will be divided into three main category. Please give character recommendation, it can be mob character that in part of the story such as one of the kids that get killed in holy sword project.

Logic (Ideology)

Dream (Idealism)

Hope (Faith)

That's it from me, Happy Eid Mubarak for everyone and me who celebrate it.

Key, sign out.