
DxD: Dragons, Monsters, Me and Magical World.

I hadn't been overly special in my first life. When I'd died, I'd expected nothingness - oblivion. Instead, I rose again with the powers of a phoenix in a world of magic, monsters, and all-powerful Dragon Gods. If I wanted to avoid dying again, I would have to use everything at my disposal. This story will keep you engaged till the end. If you want to know well, you should add this book to your library and read it.

Real2024 · Komik
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59 Chs

Chapter 40 Thank you.

Sighing, I rubbed the bridge of my nose and said, "You're right. I just really feel like I need to fill our roster. Things are going to get very dangerous very quickly. We need more peerage members."

"I do not doubt your words, my king, but we must make sure we choose the right peerage members rather than surround ourselves with fools who will weaken us."

I chuckled to myself as she said that. Reincarnating the 'right' allies was the exact reason I hadn't reincarnated Issei. That lunatic would be far more of a burden to me than an asset.

"Thanks, Yubelluna. Hopefully we'll find someone soon."

"I am happy to help, my king." She turned around and began inspecting the same bolt she'd been looking at before.

Looking out the window, I saw no sign of Rias, but did notice Sona and her peerage heading towards the store.

"Yube? Get Clarissa and meet Sona. I'll be out in a moment."

Yubelluna nodded and moved through the shelves to retrieve my bishop before exiting the store.

Moving quickly, I pulled three bolts of the fabric Yubelluna was looking at off the shelf and paid for them. When I was out of view of the clerk I dropped the bolts onto a teleportation circle to send them back to my manor. I'd give them to Yubelluna later.

Exiting the store, I found Sona's full peerage as well as Clarissa and Yubelluna waiting for me.

"Are you ready?" I asked Sona, giving her peerage a quick once over. They all looked far too relaxed. Some looked excited, but their excitement was what one would expect of someone going to a hockey game, not a deadly battle with a mortal enemy.

"We are prepared." Sona said, narrowing her eyes at me from behind her glasses. "My peerage will enter the church first. Your peerage will support us as we defend our territory."

Diplomatically deciding not to voice my myriad concerns of her peerage's chances, I instead said, "Clarissa needs to go in with your peerage. It's vital we find what we're looking for before they destroy it or transport it away. She is the only one who can locate it fast enough for it to matter."

Sona nodded, accepting the logic. "Very well. Clarissa will join Saji and Tsubasa." Sona looked around the group of assembled devils. "If there is nothing else?" When no one answered, she started walking towards the church, saying, "Follow me."

It was time to dispense some Fallen.


"Do we know their exact number?" Sona said as two groups surveyed the church from the relative shelter of a nearby grove of trees.

"One moment, heiress Sitri." Clarissa said, interrupting whatever Saji was about to say. Ignoring the glare the blonde boy shot her, Clarissa reached into a satchel at her side and removed a sickly green crystal that was glowing ever so faintly. Holding the stone flat in her palm, she brought her other hand behind it and summoned a spell circle. The circle passed through the stone and magnified, Clarissa's eyes flashing green as it did. "There are twenty-four individuals. I sense only four Fallen Angels, but there are multiple mages among the humans. I would assume the others are physical fighters, but I have no way to be sure." The glow in Clarissa's eyes faded as she lowered the crystal, returning it to her satchel.

"Thank you." Sona said with a nod toward Clarissa. "This is how we will approach: Saji, Clarissa and Tsubasa will enter through the front. Yubelluna and Tsbuaki will destroy the window at the back of the building and enter that way, pincering their forces. Tomoe and Reya will support the front door team. Momo and Ruroko will follow behind the window team. Riser and I will remain behind to assess the situation and make changes as necessary. Are there any questions?"

I raised a hand as I said, "While I have no major issues with your plan, Clarissa's main goal will be to acquire an item the Fallen are supposed to have. She'll fight her way through, but if she recovers the item she'll need cover while she retreats."

Sona turned to face me, pushing her glasses back up her nose. "That is twice you've mentioned the Fallen having another purpose here. What is it that it is more important than removing the Fallen from Devil territory?"

Seeing no reason to lie to her, I said, "If our intelligence is correct, they've found a way to remove Sacred Gears. The item that they use to do that is supposed to be in that church. We need to capture it and turn it over to the Satans."

Sona's eyes grew wider as I continued speaking. "They have found a way to remove Sacred Gears? That is…I see why my sister sent you. But why would they come to Kuoh? There are no Sacred Gear users here."

I felt a pit develop in my stomach as she began to think. Sona Sitri's reputation painted a picture that she was incredibly intelligent. If she found Issei here, it would really screw up my plans. Being sure to control my demeanor and tone, I said, "There weren't."

When Sona looked up at me curiously, I said, "I encountered a young girl as we were on our way over here. She had Twilight Healing if I'm not mistaken. I'd imagine the Fallen somehow got a tip she'd be here and are waiting to ambush her. They probably plan to leave once they've found her."

"Then we need to move quickly." Sona said, turning her attention back to the church. "I am altering the teams. Clarissa and Tomoe will go through the back window with Tsubaki and Yubelluna. Ruruko will accompany the front door team. Tomoe, your job is to support Clarissa. Defend her while she searches for the device and cover her escape. Retrieving that device is far more important than the Fallen."

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