
dxd child of beelzebub

man fucking dies in his sleep and wakes up as Ajukas son with no system no cheats no sacred gear.

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8 Chs

Ch 5 Lab project

i hold a towel to my face wiping the blood from the previous fight off. even though I'm using biomancy to accelerate the healing process it will still be a few minutes before i am completely healed. ahh damn it this hurts so much couldn't he have gone easier on me I'm only eight.

" you did good kid it makes happy that you put your training to use. " he says as he puts his robes back on.

" Alex are you alright. "

" how did you do that with his attack you know redirect it. "

" that was amazing. "

before i could even reply to Lord Astaroth, Diodora and Latia come from the side of the training court where they were watching the match. they barrage me with a bunch of questions and compliments. I put my hands up holding them back from coming any closer.

" Alright one question at a time please " i say to them as the nod at each other and Latia speaks up first.

" What was it that you used to make the stone into brass " with great interest in her eyes.

" oh, that it wasn't really anything special just transmutation magic i saw my father use it in his lab and thought it would be neat to know. " it really did come in handy for this fight i will need to practice with it some more to know how to use it better.

Diodora starts to speak next after her. " how did you manage to make fathers attack curve around you like that. you really caught me by Suprise. at his question even Lord Astaroth seemed to want to know.

I'll admit some pride seeped through as i spoke about it. i was very proud of this spell i created it as a counter to people who relies on the sheer power of their attacks.

" it is a spell I created to counter attacks as the one you saw not to long ago basically it creates a gravity field so dense that it warps the space and time around it is causing any energy-based attacks to warp around essentially. "

they all seemed impressed by what they heard. Lord Astaroth seemed satisfied by what he heard. he places a hand on Diodora's shoulder and looks him in the eyes. 

" I believe you are ready too Diodora your test will be in a month from now. " Is all he says before he disappears via teleportation.

" Hey he's not serious right. " He says nervously as he looks at me i didn't even bother to hide my smile as i look at him. I'm definitely going to watch him get pummeled a month from now.

" Good luck. " The banter between me and him last for another minute before Latia asks me a question.

" I'm curious how were you able to deceive him with your illusions from what i know of you can make a copy that looks like you to the exact detail but it is obvious one is a fake from how much demonic power the illusion has is very little. even I was confused by how you did it. "

Diodora also stops to ponder it. " now that she mention's it she is right how did you. "

" That is pretty easy to answer. As you said it is pretty easy to distinguish the illusion and the real me but remember how i expanded all my demonic power i basically used it as a camouflage for my illusion as i hide within my own demonic energy. " they seemed to understand it. 

" Alright i will be heading to the bathes now to clean up I'll see you later " i say as i teleport away.


I lean back against the bath as the maids massage my shoulders relieving the stress that accumulated from the fight. there are still a lot of things i need to work on that fight helped me see what some of my major weaknesses are first is my inability to fight in close quarters. my mind seems to get overwhelmed when somebody gets that close and i cant think properly. that is not something i can just easily fix it will need to be fixed through many real combat situations I need the experience if i want to overcome that problem.

nearly all of my practice fights have been against Diodora and Latia using magic. My fight against Lord Astaroth was the first time i experienced close combat up close like that and I didn't know how to act or deal with it. second is my control even though it has gotten better and will only get better the older i grow such is the case with devils it is still lacking to me as shown with the accuracy of my attacks were wide and scattered. I will need to find a good way to train my control i have thought about going to the youkai to learn as they are good with things like that i might even be able to learn ki while i am there. it is not all that bad of a idea i might call Serafall and see if she could do something about me training with them it will also allow me to form a connection to them in the future and that can be useful. 

Our relationship with them is not that bad seeing as the nekoshou incident within the branch family of the Naberius clan has yet to occur. but it is very close to happening as Rias is nine years old and she got Koneko at nine years old i don't know the exact this takes place, but it will be within the year, and she gets her first peerage member.

A peerage huh i was hesitant about using the evil pieces cause i don't like them all that much cause of what they do if you ever turn on your master, they turn you into monsters and then you are labeled as a stray monster to be haunted down. they slowly turn you more loyal to the king of the peerage. I like my freedom and taking them away from others just doesn't sit right with me so i asked father when i get my evil pieces if he could remove those affects. if i am to have people follow me it will be under their own choice.

I step out of the bath and get dressed in my usual black and gold robe while checking out my reflection in the mirror.

i Will say i was a little bummed out by my appearance at first but not bad. i have come to enjoy it as time went on even some of the women at the social events have become jealous and envious of my looks.

my green hair is smooth and straight like silk reaching down to my waist. my face is that of a child still but is cute and beautiful my face doesn't have much of a boyish look it is very feminine instead which go well with my eyes which are a gold color that seem as if they shine. the same could be said for my body which is more like a girls minus the tits. my skin is flawless no wrinkles no pores just smooth and flawless. the maids have helped out a lot in making sure my appearance is keep up with using a Varity of ointments and soaps.

' I have the rest of the day free I wonder what I should do i could go check on father and see how our project is coming along. ' i nod my head as i came to the decision and start to head over there.

i came to my father with a idea in mind about a year ago. i was worried that i would not be able to keep track of all the things i need to and if i can be serious i cant. i can use clairvoyance to be able to see far distances but i am still only looking at one spot when there are many of other problems and people i need to look for and keep track of.

i summon a magic circle and pull out a metal eye with two metal rings around it. i call it the watcher bit boring but it works for now. these i have made more of these little guys before i finally went to my father. they are pretty much drones meant for reconnaissance, spying, and tracking they are just what i need they are capable of turning invisible they can track Mutiple energy signatures from demonic power, holy, ki, divine and a few more Ajuka has helped with improving it. it can record videos of nearly everything it has seen. there are just problems that are not making it hard to use them is they run out of energy to quickly they can only operate for a little over a hour the other problem is that you have to control it yourself or you can input in voice commands but it is not capable of doing anything more than simple commands if i give it a complex command they it wont know how to do it and it just ends up frying them.

*knock* *knock*

Ater knocking I enter the lab i see father looking through schematics nearby on a desk with things strewn about. 


once he gets into something he sets everything else aside he would lock himself in the lab for weeks at a time I know if he could he would stay in there but mother is always there to drag him out bringing him back to reality. That is only when she is here there will be times when she will be at kouh she is still the ruler of that place and it is important as it is one of the few territory's devils has in Japan. so it is important to keep that place in order and make sure there are no problems. She is there now and will be back in about a week.

" father " I call out to him but seemed to just get ignored. so i get closer and try again getting right next to him and put my hands to my mouth as I yell in his ear.


he jumped back from the sudden noise but relaxed as he saw me.

" Oh it's just you Alexander, you had me worried it was Cleria for a sec. " he said as he breaths a sigh of relief.

" Nope just me you wont have to worry mom wont be back for another week at most " i look at the table to see what had him so invested and it was a much more detailed blueprint of the project me and him were working on mostly him though.

he saw me looking at the papers and became excited as he grabbed them and motioned for me to follow him as we approach a large metal box with many tubes and wires hooked up to the massive computer in the room. 

" i am close to finishing it just a little more touch up's here and there to its programing and then we will be able to see how well it does when we test it. " he says as he goes over to the computer and presses a few buttons on the key board.

i look to the metal box as it lifts off the ground revealing what was inside it was similar to the prototype watcher i had but much larger in size and with six rings around it each ring bigger than the last with a large metal eye but the eye is closed showing that right now it is off.

" wow you really did get a lot of work done while you were in here " i say as i marvel at the giant made machine it really is more impressive up front then on paper. a lot more has been done to it since the last time i was here. we only managed to get on three rings and we were only done with 3/4th's of the eye however it seem's complete now.

" yes i did it is fully built now it is now just the programming for it is transferring over from the computer to the watcher it is a slow process but it should be done soon this afternoon. the other satans liked the idea and were more than happy to pitch in it will greatly help with the security of the underworld and keep tabs on potential threats. "

' the other satans pitched in for it and is openly supporting the creation of it i can see why they would the underworld gets attacked multiple times in the future and this would defiantly increase the security. '

" father does that mean the satans would have full access to its systems? " I ask as i would much prefer if they did not have control over it as this was originally supposed to be for me to use for my purposes but now that does not seem to be the case.

he just shakes his head. " don't worry they will able to use it to some extent with restrictions the only ones with full control over it are me and you only. " 

at hearing that i am able to relax once i hear that. I look back up to the watcher this is supposed to fix the problems that i was having before. this basically functions as a hive mind for the smaller ones. it takes the commands it is given and controls the smaller ones from here while the ones that run out of energy are teleported back her so they can charge and another takes the previous ones place that is the purpose of this machine.

As i ponder on what i will be able to do with this in the future the staff that i was given to me earlier today pops into my mind. ' I probably should think him for the gift. " 

" Hey father i just want to say thank you for all your help and for the gift you gave me the staff i really love it. "

He just chuckles and pats me on the head while looking at me with kind eyes.

" Your welcome Alexander. It is only natural for a father to help their son. " 





sorry i would of made the chapter sooner but didnt really have the chance to write these past two days. i also wanted to show Ajuka's talent as a inventor.

to be honest im suprised i already made five chapters i thought i would of stopped by the second or third chap but iv'e come to really enjoy writing this so far.

any comments and feedback is really appreciated i will take all of them into consideration if you have a idea for this book cause like i said i dont have a laid out story to write im just writing as i go.

LazyDemon8creators' thoughts