
Chapter 3 - Shidou Family Sorrow

6 years have passed since my first meeting with the Shido sister, Irina character is in line with the main story of the anime or novel rather tomboyish and has short hair but really sweet for children her age, while Mizusu has long shoulder-length hair but her hair color is not light blue like when I met her as Aqua the goddess, her nature has improved somewhat it seems she has realized that what happened to her is not entirely my fault but also because of the results of her stupidity.Stupid maybe that's the right word to describe Mizusu's character and self in IQ she actually can't be called stupid even in terms of lessons she goes far beyond Irina, but her innocence is what makes it easy to be deceived and fooled by people, I and Irina must continue to watch over her if we are outside the house.Maybe all will be confused because suddenly I was 10 years old so I will tell in sequence what happened during the last 5 years.

When I was 5 years old, I practiced the skill in my right hand so that I could control it until 100% of the training had sweet results because in the end my Boosted Gear was able to access and was no longer sealed, only the strength in my right hand was too dangerous and I decided todo not access it 100% unless needed.at the age of 6 I can access the form of saiya which makes me grow the tail of this ability is not too difficult to master because this skill is the most simple and I spent a year until the age of 7 years to train my physical .At the age of 7, I tried to control Alucard's power, which turned out to be very difficult to control and filled me with negative thoughts, only with prayer and fasting, I was able to get rid of the negative thoughts and the terrible effects of this skill, and now whatever wounds on the body will heal automatically as long as I have enough nutrition.Among all the skills that I have the only this skill that can be used continuously unconsciously.

.When I was eight years old exactly 4 years after Shido's family moved to the side of my house, Irina and Mizusu's father had an accident while he was evangelizing, Shido's family experienced extreme sorrow, especially the mother of both of them.It was also a painful time for me and my family because uncle Kazuma was a very good person, and he also made my family who did not know God come to know God.At the age of 9 years the Majin Buu skill and copy and also mastery, the Majin Buu skill is no problem because it's almost the same as Alucard, but if copying DNA is rather troublesome the problem when I activate this skill and try to copy Irina's dna it turns out I immediately changed to Irina, when Irina looked at me that look likem herself she was fainted and her mouth foaming, turning into a girl was troublesome so I decided to go back to the beginning but apparently after I used this skill I had to wait for 1 hour first then I could go back to being myself again because this skill had complicated conditions I decide to only use it if you really need to.I really thought it was hard 5 years but I'm sure this skill could be useful later when the main story of DXD starts 6 years from now. The main story has also been messed up because Mizusu appeared and Irina's father died.

Author note:a really short Chapter sorry