
DXD - The Rise of Motohama

Seeing yourself in a fictional world seems like a dream for many. However, finding yourself in a fictional world filled with powerful monsters, mad exorcists and fallen angels isn't pleasant if you're a normal human. The situation is even worse if you are a simple sidekick. In a supernatural world, how far can a human go? (Obs: English is not my first language. So I apologize in advance for possible errors)

Albion_Kusanagi · Komik
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 – Forgotten Realm.

Chapter 6 – Forgotten Realm.

After taking two long showers, Motohama managed to make that unbearable stench leave his body. How much clothes Motohama threw away – along with his favorite sneakers! After being properly cleaned, Motohama lay on his bed, still feeling his body ache. Hir body was quickly getting used to his newfound power thanks to his healing factor, but it still hurt a lot. He wouldn't want to imagine what situation he'd be in if he didn't have such a strong healing factor. Because his body was still not in perfect condition, he decided to postpone training until the next day, taking advantage of the weekend. It wouldn't do any good for him to start training if his body wasn't in the right condition to withstand the " Seiren - Sacred Training".

In the morning, Motohama used a spell to adjust the size of his clothes in his closet before going through his normal morning routine, doing his hygiene before going downstairs to help his mother with the restaurant. When he entered the kitchen, attracting Saiya's attention, Motohama was a little apprehensive. He knew that as much as he had undergone a lot of physical changes overnight, other people would magically ignore it as one of the effects of the potion, but his mother wasn't exactly a normal person.

Name: Saiya Kusanagi

Dimensions: B81-W54-H81.

Age : ? ??.

Race: Human.

Gender: Female.

Rank : ? ??.

???: ???/???.

Description: Saiya Kusanagi is currently in charge of the Kusanagi building and inn. She is the wife of Takeshi Kusanagi and the mother of Motohama and Yukari. In the past, she ???

She was definitely not a normal person. The power difference between the two was so great that Motohama's skills couldn't see much of his status.

Motohama's mother looked at him and paused for a moment arching an eyebrow before shaking his head in disbelief. She went to the pantry and came back with a bucket full of potatoes and onions.

– Peel and cut them – Saiya said smiling gently hiding a slight twitch in his left eyebrow.

– Oka-san I hate cutting onions... – Motohama muttered, having a deathly hatred for onions, whether cutting or eating it... until he saw a sinister aura begin to envelop his mother, forming a white hannya mask above his - but I'll do it with pleasure!

– Oka-san, did you see my red beret... – Said a girl a little younger than Motohama, of average height, fair skin, dark hair, and blue eyes, wearing a Kuoh Academy uniform. She stopped when she saw Motohama and tilted his head – baka-niisan … have you always been like this? Did you use any new beauty products? I could have sworn he didn't look so good.

– Must be the haircut – Motohama said, starting to cut the potatoes.

– It must be – said Yukari shrugging and talking to Saiya.

While the two talked, Motohama continued to cut potatoes and onions before helping with the preparation of breakfast for the inn's guests and the restaurant's customers.

Next, Motohama helped serve the restaurant's guests and customers – occasionally stopping to admire the customers' curves. One thing Motohama noticed was that the customers seemed less bothered by his looks and presence, sometimes even starting to strike up a conversation with him. However, he preferred the old… old women to stop winking at him and pinching his ass when he passed his.

Motohama saw Yukari leaving to go meet his classmates and do some weekend activities at his club, but she didn't much care that Yukari didn't help out at the inn or restaurant. If Yukari started helping to prepare breakfast or wait tables, it would probably do more harm than good. He knew she was a terrible cook and had a tendency to drop things whenever she tried to help. He was also somewhat protective of his as she was previously in poor health. In fact, his health had improved a few months ago... around the time of Luna's death.

After helping his mother with the restaurant, Motohama returned to his room and put on a white sweatshirt with black details and black sneakers. After some thought, Motohama bent down beside his bed and removed a board under his bed. From the hole, he took out some books, talismans, a bundle of money, some pornographic magazines – including the new one he had bought the day before – and lastly, he took out a cloth package. After putting away everything else, he unwrapped the handkerchief, revealing a pocketknife. That was the same switchblade Luna had forced him to kill his with. Motohama released the blade, seeing the black metal reflect the light from the lamp in his room. Motohama felt that there was something very unusual about that knife, but his skill didn't seem to identify anything.

When Motohama looked up from the knife, he saw his reflection in the mirror. Motohama approached the mirror and took off his glasses, looking at the reflection of his eyes in the mirror while using his ability. Motohama felt a slight headache as he received a large amount of information. He began to understand what had happened when he fought the two demons.

Name: Mystic Blue Eyes

Type: Creation Analysis/Death Perception.

Rank: S.

Description: Mystic Blue Eyes are a type of ability that is considered a myth, existing only in legends in the same way as the Mystic Eyes of Balor, Mystic Eyes of Petrification. Mystic Blue Eyes are a combination of Mystic Eyes of Knowledge and Mystic Eyes of the Hunter. This ability allows a wide variety of analysis, be it objects, people, information, languages, etc. This ability also allows the user to perfectly visualize their opponent's movements, reproduce their movements, and visualize their weaknesses, being able to see the death lines of people, objects, buildings, techniques, magic, etc. As much as the skill is called "Mystical Blue Eyes", its use is not entirely dependent on the user's eyes, as they can still "see" the lines and analyze knowledge even if their eyes are blinded or gouged out.

Motohama understood that since merging with part of Alex's soul, his ability that should only allow him to receive information had started to evolve, acquiring new characteristics. When he merged with the other half, his skills fully evolved, reaching his maximum potential.

He could now see red lines on objects, and people called them "death lines". A target's weaknesses are visualized in the form of lines, and cutting them will result in "death", that is, the destruction of something, regardless of the object's constitution or properties. The lines of death can be seen as solid red "zigzag squiggles" on everything that exists, even within the air itself. That looks like cracks. However, just because a person can see the "death line" doesn't mean he can cut it. It takes technique, precision, and strength. Dexterity and power to cut everything that exists in the world.

Motohama went to the table in his room, took a pencil, and with the tip of the pencil, lightly passed over the "lines of death" of a white eraser. The eraser that should have only had a black line split into hers in the exact spot where the pencil had passed. Motohama was a mixture of amazed and horrified at how easy it had been to cut through that rubber.

– I... I think I should hide that I have this ability... for a long time... – Motohama said in shock, still looking at the rubber split in two.

Controlling his breathing, Motohama tried to disable his ability to see death lines, but it was harder than he expected. It was as if seeing the lines of death was his natural state, which was why it was so hard to turn off that trait demanding so much of him. Seeing himself without choices, Motohama put his glasses back on, which made him see everything normally again.

Having texted his mother that he would be out for the day, Motohama took a travel bag and went to a nearby supermarket, where he filled the bag with groceries. Being properly prepared, Motohama discreetly returned to the building he used to live in, going to the external storage he had used the night before. After making sure he wasn't being watched by anyone, whether human or supernatural, Motohama raised his right hand, pointing his palm forward. He took a deep breath and proceeded to channel his reiki to the mark on his hand.

– Forgotten realm... open it – Motohama said, making the mark in his right hand release a small sphere of white light that flew to the center of the deposit before growing and changing shape, giving way to a large double white metal gate with the same imprint of Motohama's palm in the center between the two doors. Obeying Motohama's command, the gate to the invisible realm opened, revealing a strong white light coming from within.

After taking a deep breath, Motohama walked towards the gate, passing through it, causing the gate to close and disappear. Motohama came out the other side, finding himself in a tropical forest with gigantic trees. He felt his body incredibly heavy. The temperature was also very high. At the same time, he felt that something in the air seemed to cause a pleasurable sensation like a drug. That world was created by the destroyer King to train his children and his subjects.

Closing his eyes Motohama could feel the presence of several creatures in that forest. He was in a relatively safe area, with no strong presence nearby, but he knew he couldn't be careless in that world. That world was created especially to train in, but also to be a constant challenge. In that world, it was possible to obtain power and treasures corresponding to the level of danger you were willing to face. That area that Motohama was in was a safe area, but depending on which direction he went, he could find mortal danger.

By using his spiritual awareness with a greater amount of energy to see the world with his mind instead of just sensing presence, he found what appeared to be ruins a few kilometers to the west. They also located different animals, fruit trees, and a lake near the ruins.

When Motohama arrived at the ruins, he saw that the place looked like it had been some sort of military fort at some point in the past. It even had some rusty weapons and skeletons wearing rags. The interesting thing was that that world was made for aging and decay to be much slower than in the real world while time in that world passed faster than in the real world. If those weapons had rusted, the clothes had been shredded, it meant those people had died a long, long time ago, maybe hundreds of millions of years. The fact that they died in a safe area meant that they hadn't been killed by monsters.

The important thing was that he could use that location as a base for now. He could slowly restore the location and weapons using his magic. With fruit trees nearby, animals, a lake, and now shelter, he had completed the first phase of his training plan. Using the knowledge he had from the memories of Alex and the Destroyer King, he had everything he needed to train, but to get stronger, he knew he needed above all not to let his resolve slip.

After choosing a room that was almost fit to be inhabited, he went to the fort's courtyard and began to exercise. He had set up a physical exercise plan that he should do every day while he was in that world. He said that as his body was much better than before taking the potion, he didn't find it as difficult to exercise as before. He still had the physical strength and speed of a normal human in good physical condition.

When Motohama finished his exercises, he felt more tired than he initially thought he would, and his body was sweating a lot. As the gravity and temperature of that place were higher than that of Earth, it was normal that he had gotten so tired. He decided to take a break and went outside the fort, where he found an apple tree, but the apples had a strange bluish cast.

Kyoka fruit suru .

Rarity: rare.

Type: Food.

This fruit has been bathed in high-purity natural energy since its inception, giving it special characteristics. One who eats this fruit regains spent stamina and heals minor wounds. By eating daily, the body is slowly nourished and strengthened.

Taking one of the fruits Motohama washed it with a little water from his canteen and took a bite of the fruit, feeling its taste was sweet accompanied by a large amount of energy entering my body. Motohama sat cross-legged on the floor, relaxing into meditation as he let that energy flow into his spiritual veins, uniting that energy with his own at his core combined them together. When the process ended, Motohama felt that all fatigue had disappeared and his body was full of energy.

Motohama knew that the former Destroyer King had started in this world as a weak human and had slowly developed his power by absorbing the natural energy of the environment and combining it with his spiritual energy, thus forming his reiki. Seiren ( sacred training) initially consisted of training the body, spiritual affinity improving reiki manipulation, combining natural external energy with spiritual energy and refining it. For Motohama it looked a lot like meditative cultivation, which he didn't like much as it required a lot of time and cultivation to develop his powers. He knew he needed to find a way to build up his energy reserves faster. In the fanfic Issei increases his power (temporarily) by touching Rias' breasts, Matsuda harasses the girls of his nobility... after they take on loli forms and Kaito drinks his girls' blood. Unfortunately, Motohama didn't have any girls to test out any of those ideas on – it made him cry crouching in a corner whenever he thought about how unfair it was.

Running out of ideas Motohama began to put into practice some ideas to improve his control over his reiki. The first idea that Motohama had was to put a leaf on his forehead and try to meditate while keeping it stuck to his forehead. The idea itself wasn't bad, but Motohama's energy control and manipulation weren't so low to need to use a basic technique like that.

He took a leaf with a drop of dew and tried to perform the practice of floating the dew with his reiki... the drop didn't even move. It took several attempts for it to float a few inches above the leaf before falling again, and in the process, an absurd amount of energy was expended. When using his skill to evaluate his practice and find the flaw, Motohama discovered that his elemental reiki affinity was linked to fire and lightning, which made the practice of dew inefficient and very tiring for him.

Having had an idea Motohama took another sheet and sat down, crossing his legs, putting it on, and this time he started to concentrate his energy in the center of the sheet, heating it, producing a small spark. Motohama then came to control this ember, preventing it from spreading to the rest of the leaf while preventing it from going out. While practicing Motohama, he felt that this leaf ember exercise had a greater result than the previous ones. It was an exercise that taught him control, not only over his powers but over himself. Fire was a power that could destroy, but it was also a source of life. Without heat, living beings would die. Without the light produced by the sun's flames, plants would not grow. In the same way, people could be incredibly destructive, but they could also be creative. That practice taught them to control their emotions, have patience and discipline.

After hours of practice, trials, and failures, Motohama opened his eyes. He had lost control, causing the leaf to burn completely several times before he began to master the exercise. He decided that even though he was beginning to understand how to control his reiki, he still needed to follow the most basic notions of a human being. So he went back to the fort and prepared a meal for him. After eating, Motohama rested, recovering his energy both, physical, mental and spiritual.

As the days passed, Motohama continued his routine in a disciplined way, doing physical exercises, meditative cultivation, practicing his control over his reiki and studying magic. When he finally thought he had reached the maximum control he could have used a leaf for the leaf ember exercise, he gradually increased the number of leaves he was holding, increasing the difficulty of the exercise until he reached ten leaves. He had reached a greater level of greater understanding of his reiki and his mana. Reiki was formed by spiritual energy fusion at your spiritual core with natural external energy coming from the world around you. Mana was the union of his psychic energy with the natural energy at his magical core. One was guided by the spirit and the other by the mind. That's why the Quincy arts were more like martial arts techniques than spells. However, the two didn't seem to be completely opposites... in fact, they seemed to strengthen each other.

After a month of practice, Motohama returned to the real world without having aged even a day. In the real world, it had only been an hour since he'd been out, but that was more than enough time inside the " Forgotten Realm ". Motohama decided to take the rest of the day to rest and leave to return to the forgotten kingdom the next day. It was necessary to know how to take breaks to relax and have fun. Furthermore, he could only enter the Forgotten Realm once a day, and at that time, his supplies were gone.

The next day, after replenishing his supplies for three months, Motohama returned to the forgotten realm and resumed his training. After working out, Motohama added two more routines to his training. He went on to practice his marksmanship using a bow and arrows with a quiver he had found in a secret armory. Initially, his current body was not used to the strength I had been cultivating and he made several mistakes. Slowly, his body began to remember how to use a bow and arrow, as if Alex's memories were affecting his body's body memory. Then he practiced using different blades little by little, regaining his dexterity with them in the same way he had regained his accuracy with the bow and arrow.

The following week, Motohama started the second phase of seiren, which would be the practical use of reiki. The problem was that the Destroyer King's techniques weren't compatible with Motohama. Motohama might be a Quincy, but he was an enhanced version by combining Quincy and Fullbringer , but that didn't mean he could use all the techniques and abilities that Quincy and Fullbringer had. He would have to develop them from scratch. He could start developing these techniques and skills from scratch ... but the time spent on it seemed to be very poorly spent.

– I hope this idea works – said Motohama making the Shin Hogyoku necklace appear around his neck.

This time it was really hard to find time to post this chapter. Luckily you can post it today.

There have been many people who have donated Power Stones to this story since the last chapter. So many that it would take me too long to add them all to this acknowledgment. Even so, I would like to thank all of you who are following this story, donating Power Stones, giving ideas and much more. I am grateful for your support.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Albion_Kusanagicreators' thoughts