

Ceci decided to be absent from work to make her boss realize how efficient she is as his secretary. But she got the greatest shock of her life while staying at home that day. Her long-lost love, Joe, showed up at her apartment as an assassin, hired to kill her. Joe, who was forced into the assassin profession was convinced that Ceci was innocent of the allegations her stepmother claimed. They later discovered Ceci's stepmother wanted to acquire Ceci's father’s wealth. They both came together with the agenda to expose Ceci's stepmother.

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6 Chs

The Date

Joe smiled as he watched Ceci's bus kicked off. He was still unsure of his feelings for her. Though, when she professed her love and told him about their childhood, he felt a heavy burden he had been carrying for years been lifted from his neck. All the girls he had dated before were the ones that shew him the green light and a sharp Lagos guy like him grabbed his opportunity. He knew he liked Cecilia right from the first day he started monitoring her but he's not the type that believed in some happy ending love stories. So, he thought he should just ignore Ceci's feelings since, he has her now after so many years he has always tried to remember her. Being friends will do and won't complicate things, he thought.

He got to Lekki toll gate and paid the gate fee. He drove into the mansion and entered the house.

"What caused the change in our plans?". Joe was startled by the sudden voice he heard and what was said.

"Good evening, Dad," Joe said as he prostrated to Makanaki. It's a Nigerian way of greeting specifically, Yoruba culture to prostrate for an elderly one. Joe could be mistaken for a Yoruba guy. Makanaki taught him all the Yoruba culture even the language. Though, he can't speak it fluently but he understands it well.

"Kayode, kilode to fi change plan wa, kilo shele? (Kayode, why did you change our plans, what happened?)," Makanaki asked. He named Joe a Yoruba name Kayode which means, Joy beholder.

"Let's go inside first, Dad. You won't believe what happened".

They got inside the living room and they sat down.

"Mo n gbo e (I'm all ears)".

Joe explained everything though, leaving the part of the past relationship between him and Ceci out.

"We need your help, Dad. That woman is very desperate", Joe said impatiently.

"Calm down", Makanaki said.

"We really need to make a plan now, 7pm is approaching. She'll start calling me", said Joe.

"I'll help you and your friend out only if you agree to join me in my business", Makanaki requested.

"But that was what I was doing till I got caught up in this and —". Makanaki raised his hand asking Joe to shut up.

"You and I know that you were busy thinking of how to get away without carrying out the operation when you got caught in this. You didn't want to do it and was looking for opportunities that'll set you free", Makanaki muttered.

"So you must first vow to me that you'll take up our family business", he continued.

Joe turned his head down and scratched it. He's stuck in the middle, he would never become a killer neither would he let anything harm Ceci.

"You're wasting your time, boy. 7pm is fast approaching", Makanaki said.

Joe made up his mind.

"Ok. I'll join you"

Makanaki smiled and said, "Wow, I never thought that one day I'd have something to negotiate with the mighty Kayode. Life, indeed, changes people".

Joe looked up at him shocked.

"Don't ask me how I got to know. I have my ways and you know that. Get prepared to meet with Chioma, dance to her tunes. And when you come back, I would have come up with an idea".

"Ese Daddy (Thanks Daddy)", Joe said and prostrated.

Makanaki laughed and said, "Omo ake (Naughty boy)".




Chioma roamed around her office impatiently, checking the time and her phone at the same time. Her phone rang, she picked up almost immediately.

"Hello, Joe. Should my driver come around already?", Chioma asked.

"No, Ma. I don't think it's a good idea if Dad knows that I'm meeting with a client", Joe said.

"Oh, it's true. I totally forgot, so, what do we do? And I don't want your car to be seen where anyone could see it and inform him".

"I'll drive to Iyana Ipaja, come and pick me up from there".




Joe and Chioma got to the hotel. One of the hotel workers led them to the underground restaurant. Joe wasn't sure if they were the only one that'd be there with all the variety of foods and wine on the table.

"Are some people joining us, Ma?", Joe asked playing dumb.

Chioma smiled and said, "No, darling. It's only me and you, I didn't know what you'd want specifically so, I ordered them".

"Wow, that's very nice of you, Ma".

"I hope you've found something you like. At least, if you don't like taking heavy food for dinner you could eat the fruits".

"Thank you very much, Ma. But champagne is okay for me," Joe said.

"Only champagne? Have you had something before coming?," Chioma asked.

"Yeah. I've had my dinner," he said.

"That's quite early," Chioma said as she grabbed the champagne. She opened it and filled two wine glasses. She handed one over to Joe and took the other for herself.

"Since you're having champagne. I'll have it too," she raised her glass in a toast.

"For the mission accomplished and more to be accomplished," she declared.

"Cheers," Joe said.

"So, let's wine and dine," she said happily.

Joe nodded

"You've been calling Ma , d'you know I'm just 38?".

"Wow, you look 25, Ma".

"I would have blushed for that but you made it sound like you're being ironical when you still called me Ma".

"I'm sorry, Ma", Joe said and Chioma rolled her eyes.

"My mistake, erm, Chioma", he said.

Awwn…awwn, call my name again. I love the way you said it", she flirted.

Joe made a fake smile. He was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Your step daughter was very easy to clear", he changed the topic.

"Oh, please, Joe. Don't spoil the atmosphere with that witch's name. If one could kill the dead again, I would kill her again".

Joe choked in his wine when he heard her.

"Is the wine affecting you?", she offered him water.

"Take, don't take the wine anymore please".


"Are you okay?".

"Yeah, I'm good" he said but she didn't seem convinced. "I'm good", he reassured.

"If you say so". She adjusted her dress and cleared her throat. "Do you have girlfriend?" she asked.

Joe paused for a moment then said, "No"

"Wow, " she exclaimed. "Why will a very handsome young man like you be single? Girls should be killing themselves over you" she said sarcastically.

"I don't have time for cunts. And most of the ladies out there end up being a bitch".

"Yeah.. young ladies these days are gold diggers. They don't know how to take care of a man".

"Exactly" he played along.

"Instead of going for young ladies why don't you go for someone a bit older than you".

"Like you're reading my mind? That's my next move".

"Really? It'd be nice, a woman in her late thirties would have experience on how to treat a man right".

Joe nodded affirmatively.

"So.." she twisted the fork she was holding on a piece of beef that seemed a bit tough. "Perhaps you find one now, would you go for her?".

"Right away," he snapped his fingers.

She giggled and said, "You're quite desperate for that".

"Not quite, I'm absolutely desperate," he said.

"Really? What if— what if I'm available?,"she leered.

Joe rubbed his hands together and smiled lustfully at her.

"I— take that for a yes, " Chioma tittered.