
Chapter 201

Will the Netherlands face the current situation in Denmark in the future?"

With Hesbet Feng expressing concern.

Hearing this, Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck and Dutch Chief of General Staff Mark Rude also showed unprecedented solemnity on their faces.

The Duchy of Luxembourg is also a member of the German Confederation like Holstein, and is also a private duchy of the King of the Netherlands.

Holstein could be an excuse for the infiltration of the German Confederation, so is it the same for the Principality of Luxembourg in the Kingdom of the Netherlands?

This is the problem the Netherlands has to face.

When William IV saw the expressions of several people, it was obvious that this question was indeed brought up by Haysbert Feng.

And William IV also knew the ambitions of the Prussians. At present, it seems that Luxembourg is far away from Prussia to the north, but how will the world know that from 1864 this year to 1871 a few years later, in just seven years, Prussia has By defeating Denmark (while depleting Austria's military strength), defeating Austria (driving Austria and unifying Germany), and France (establishing land hegemony in Western and Central Europe and becoming the German Empire), complete the Empire's advanced three wars.

And a unified German empire led by a unified Prussia is more threatening to the Netherlands next year. Therefore, this is the reason why the Netherlands must escape the German threat and hide in the Far East if it wants to rise as well. Ask William Fourth, why not defeat Prussia and replace it earlier, before Prussia rises.

William IV never thought of this idea, why?

Because the rise of Prussia has its own cause and effect.

Britain and France, as well as Tsarist Russia, all need a strong Prussia.

Because of the alliance between Tsarist Russia and Prussia for hundreds of years, when Austria and Tsarist Russia had disputes, Austria needed to take into account the alliance between Prussia and Tsarist Russia.

The same is true for the UK and France.

At the same time, when the three countries faced the alliance of the powerful German Confederation, they naturally didn't want to carry the other party hard. What could be more effective and easier than resolving them internally?

In the end, an ambitious Prussia who is considered neutral in a powerful country is obviously more useful to Britain, France and Russia when they are guarding against each other than Odi Liu, who commands Tai Chi and talks about diplomacy every day.

To put it bluntly, compared to the smooth old fritters of Austria, a social person, in the eyes of various countries, he is still a young middle-aged Prussia who is a newly rising upstart. He is more impulsive and makes countries better control.

Therefore, Prussia is supported along the way with other countries. Haven't we seen the marriage between Tsarist Russia and Prussia for several generations, and now the United Kingdom is also marrying the next generation of King of Prussia?

Even France turned a blind eye to Prussia's successive annexation of the Rhine Province, and watched the infighting between Prussia and Austria.

The current size of the Netherlands in Europe is too small, and its population and area are difficult to compare with other countries, so the value is greatly reduced. The United Kingdom is on the opposite side of the Netherlands at sea, so it is very concerned about the sea power of the Netherlands, and although France is currently with the Netherlands. The Netherlands is an ally, forming a Franco-Prussian tripartite alliance, but in Belgium, the competition between the two countries has not reduced the majority.

With the return of Belgium to France in the three southern provinces and the return of the two northern provinces to the Netherlands, the previous balance in terms of population and area of ​​Belgium was broken.

The Dutch population in Belgium has increased from 60% to 75%, and the provinces where the Dutch are the majority have thus become the Dutch-French three-to-two advantage.

The Netherlands absolutely occupies an advantageous position, and even now King Leopold II of Belgium has changed his attitude towards the Netherlands, because with the Dutch-born Jules Danetang becoming the elected Prime Minister of Belgium, the Dutch-born Joseph Beit Controlled the Belgian lower house.

The strong position of the Netherlands in Belgium is even comparable to that of the Belgian royal family, and even faintly suppressed Leopold II.

Therefore, in Belgium's diplomacy now, in addition to not hurting the relationship between the British and the special royal family, Leopold II will almost follow the Netherlands and form a Dutch-Belgium alliance.

This made France already dissatisfied.

This can be seen from the fact that the Netherlands has not received obvious support from France on the African issue.

Although he lamented that whether it was the East or the West, it turned out that in the face of national interests, the covenant seemed to serve the national interests at that time, to decide whether to use it.

Just like the future of Italy in World War I and World War II kept jumping.

So many thoughts of William IV are actually completed in an instant.

"Haven't we already made a countermeasure against the threat of the German Confederation?"

The three were stunned, and then thought of something.

The three couldn't help but ask: "Is it the Far East?"

William IV nodded, "The depth of the Netherlands is only so large, and there is no defense. When facing the powerful German Confederation, on this European continent, only the British and Russians can use the large Atlantic to deal with it."

Haysbert Feng: "Why doesn't your majesty say France?"

William IV asked Mark Rudd, "If the German Confederacy attacked France, would it be possible?"

Mark Rudd: "According to past history, France is too strong, but just as Prince Frederick Karl, the Prince of Prussia who fought in Africa, observed France's military training, Cointreau began. Corrupted, at a minimum, the French army may be similar in strength to Austria, but in the face of Prussia, it has begun to distance.

This is from the comparison of the wars of African countries. I believe everyone has read the latest issue of the "Amsterdam Institute for Peace", where the comprehensive strength and military strength of various countries were released. This latest issue , has been reduced to individual combat, France is not the opponent of Prussia. "

Founded in Luxembourg, "Amsterdam Peace Research Institute" is a semi-annual publication about European and world military strength that is published every six months in January and January. It has become an authoritative publication in Europe like the "European Times" in Luxembourg.

In this regard, compared to the later British "Financial Times", "The Times", etc., I don't know how many times more famous, at least the upper classes in London are currently subscribing to their two local newspapers, and they are also subscribing to Luxembourg. The European Times and the Amsterdam Peace Institute.

In this regard, even the UK has to admit the impartiality and authority of the European Times and the Amsterdam Institute for Peace.

"France is in danger. Compared with Britain and Russia, the depth of France is still a little small."

This time, Heisbert Von thought so too.

With the guidance of William IV, the ministers in front of them instantly established the key to the strategic position of the Far East to the Netherlands, and also provided administrative urgency and speed for the Netherlands to build the Far East more quickly in the future.

That's what William IV wanted.

"Anyone who underestimates Prussia will suffer a lot. You have to be careful about Bismarck, this person is not easy, especially in this role-playing action of the German Confederation against Denmark"

Mark Rudd asked inexplicably: "Your Majesty, I don't understand why Prussia can defeat Denmark even when Prussia is so powerful, and why should they unite with Austria?"

Both Tolbeck and Hesbet Feng were full of doubts.

William IV: "Bismarck decided to cooperate with Austria for four purposes.

First, disguise the ultimate goal of wanting to annex Holstein and Schleswig.

Britain and France and other countries were opposed to Prussia's annexation of the two principalities, and the British Empire was reluctant to have control of the northern and Baltic coasts in the hands of a more powerful country than Denmark.

The French Empire also did not want to see Prussia continue to expand. Austria is more afraid of its rivals adding strength.

Therefore, the joint action of Prussia and Austria is still a more reliable guarantee to prevent Prussia from taking over the two principalities. "

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Seeing a few people nodded in approval of this statement.

William IV continued: "

Second, the joint action of Prussia and Austria will not only help prevent the threat of joint intervention by Britain and France in the implementation of the plans of Bismarck and William I, etc., but also defuse Austria's obstruction and prevent the recurrence of the 1850s, when Austria and Tsarist Russia pressure, and forced Prussia to abandon the "Olmuts Agreement" that planned to unify Germany"

The second is to cooperate with Austria and incorporate it into the Prussian policy devised by Bismarck, so that Prussia can control any future actions of Germany, even including Prussia's ambitious agreement with the idea of ​​​​the German Confederation, if implemented. "

Hearing this, several people were shocked. They were all shocked by the grand plan of the Prussian cabinet led by Bismarck~www.mtlnovel.com~ It was incredible to see this William IV.

Unify Germany?

What a maddening ambition this is.

But why, after listening to His Majesty Wilhelm IV's slow analysis, did he instantly feel that this idea was no longer unrealistic for Prussia led by Bismarck, but instead increased some confidence in their successful realization?

This is the position that surprises them, even they are like this, so when the members of the Prussian cabinet faced Bismarck directly, did they support Bismarck's actions more?

Thinking of this, the faces of several people turned worse, because this means that the Prussian cabinet has received a lot of support for the implementation of the unification of Germany. Combined with the actions of the Bismarck cabinet now, even the plan has already begun. .

Then, the Dutch government led by a few people will face such a Prussia in the future, how can they feel at ease?

Therefore, the face is very solemn.

William IV: "Fourth, the cooperation between Bismarck and Austria is an expedient measure, and its fundamental purpose is to use the problem of the two principalities to slowly dilute Austria's influence and destroy Austria's image. Even to expel Austria in the future. Germany is laying the groundwork"

"Expulsion from Germany?"

Almost exclaimed!

This was sent by Heisbert Von, and he also discovered his gaffe, but at this moment, the other people were not much better. Because the words of William IV are amazing.

"Yes, an Austria that is slowly no longer recognized by Germany, an Austria whose image no longer fits the leader, an Austria that is multi-ethnic and unable to control its own country, and an Austria that is inferior to Prussia both militarily and economically. , do you think such an Austria that occupies Mao Kebu's si, do you still want it?"