
Dust Over The Time

"Have you ever been through a deserted land, full of struggles and eternal pain? Have you ever thought, would this be your life's end?" A young yet wise-looking man questioned Jordan in a deep, yet ancient, hoarse voice. At this moment, one couldn't see anything else but a void of emotions in those calm eyes. Hello all, first thank you for your presence. To not confuse you, the given part is somewhere from the middle of "Dust Over The Time." This is a fantasy-based fictional story mainly focused on better storytelling, character development, and strategy, not just overpowering fights only. The story of Jordan Hemnix, son of Savitri Kami and Levan Hemnix. ..........

Yugal_Rijal · Fantasi
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1 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Beginning from the past

The relentless rain fell upon the vast mountainous terrain, transforming it into a deluge. The landscape, resembling a dense forest with two prominent pathways, was eerily quiet.

In the dead of midnight, a group of 250 guards stood watch at a substantial fort, vigilant and waiting. Amid the pitch-black jungle, two horses thundered through the mud, bearing three figures. Their desperate flight hinted at their escape from some perilous pursuit.

"Levan, Savitri, just a little farther. We're nearly at the fort. Once we cross, we'll be beyond the reach of the Mughal Empire," declared the man mounted on one of the horses. His name was Saurabh Dhimal, but despite the heavy rain, blood stained his clothes and smeared across his face. Upon closer inspection, his body bore numerous wounds.

"Saurabh, you shouldn't risk yourself. The Mughal guards watch over that fort, and if they become aware of our situation or recognize Savitri, it spells doom for us. You've already done so much for us. Your involvement could put your life in jeopardy, even as a lieutenant colonel of the Moras Kingdom," Levan Hemnix, a man around 25 years old, implored Saurabh with genuine concern.

"No need to worry, Saurabh. Both Moras Kingdom and the Mughal Empire's soldiers will soon converge on this location. You've already slain over a hundred Mughal soldiers. If news of this spreads, you'll be in direct conflict with the Mughal Empire, and the situation may turn dire for you. You should part ways with us now; otherwise, it may jeopardize your life if the Mughals discover your involvement," urged the girl who was seated behind Levan on the same horse. Despite the rain and the harsh circumstances, she exuded an innate grace. She appeared to be around 22 years old and, surprisingly, was none other than Princess Savitri Kami.

"Haha, Princess Savitri, don't worry. I won't abandon you two until you safely cross the fort. What's there to fear? I've already dispatched those loathsome Mughal soldiers. I won't be cowed. As long as they don't find irrefutable evidence, King Satyavan will protect me. Princess, conceal your face carefully, especially considering tomorrow was to be your wedding day. The guards will undoubtedly be on high alert," Saurabh said, his voice filled with conviction and sincerity.

Savitri glanced at Saurabh and saw the blood still flowing from his wounds. She was deeply moved by this determined youth who had shown unwavering loyalty and determination to ensure their safety. She suddenly comprehended the depth of this man's feelings, a man who had been by her side from his days as a soldier in her kingdom to now, a Colonel. Her eyes glistened with tears, but she knew that her heart belonged to another-Levan.

"Thank you, Saurabh. I may never be able to repay your kindness in the future," Savitri said, her beautiful eyes moist with emotion. Saurabh simply cast a fleeting glance at her, unable to respond. Complex emotions swirled within his heart at this moment.

Levan sensed the unspoken sentiment between them, aware of Saurabh's love for Savitri. Yet, he had no intention of intruding upon Savitri's choice. She had chosen him, and he loved her in return. Growing up as close friends with Saurabh since childhood, he had made the difficult decision to relinquish any claim to Savitri. 

Saurabh, understanding that love could not be forced, graciously accepted this choice. His love for Savitri ran so deep that he was willing to let her go, all the while safeguarding their escape from this treacherous territory. Saurabh was their true hero.

The trio pressed on through the torrential rain, guided by a dim, flickering lantern which was in torch shape inside was a gleaming white jem which was the source of light that Levan carried. It was a grueling journey, and every step brought them closer to the fort they desperately needed to cross. Saurabh, despite his injuries, maintained his determination to ensure duo safety.

Levan, riding alongside Savitri, glanced at Saurabh's almost paralyzed body, bearing severe injuries, with numerous bruises and sword cuts-a testament to their numerous fights before reaching this fort. Saurabh had sacrificed much for his friends, Levan and Savitri. Gritting his teeth, Levan declared to Saurabh, "My friend, from today onwards, we are not just friends but brothers. You already are.... Your injuries are severe, and I can't let you suffer further. Wait for a while, please. I have a way to temporarily alleviate your wounds." Levan halted his horse, determined to stabilize Saurabh's condition, who had done so much for them. Saurabh, a little ahead on his horse, stopped and turned around to meet Levan's intense gaze filled with various emotions.

Both had loved the same woman, and she chose Levan over Saurabh. Despite this, Saurabh had endured these hardships for their safety. Understanding Levan's emotions, Saurabh smiled and said, "Thanks, brother Levan. But we don't have time for these minor tasks." He explained that a formidable army, with powerful chakric masters, was approaching. They couldn't affort to be entangled further. Saurabh, a professional in his path, had placed spirit sensors along the way. The massive army mentioned was likely the Mughal elites, aware of Savitri's disappearance.

Saurabh urged immediate action but accepted a healing pill from Levan, acknowledging the challenges ahead at the fort. Levan, wearing a dark blue long jacket, retrieved a pill-shaped elixir from a "Void Pocket." The elixir, resembling a golden liquid in round form, surprised Saurabh. Levan explained it was the rare 'Gravity Eruption' essence, a reward for curing the Supreme General. Saurabh, breathing rapidly, " B... brother Levan are you really willing to give it to me. We both are at the peak of Manipura chakra and recognized its significance and its potential to reach Anahata chakra." The name 'Gravity Eruption' alone could make anyone at the Anahata Chakra stage flush with greed and longing. Achieving the Anahata Chakra stage requires self-dissolution and a vast amount of energy activation. Finding a stable energy source becomes crucial, as absorbing this energy is essential for Anahata Chakra activation. While some may seek rare essences that work on Anahata Chakra, the most renowned among them is the domineering Life Gravity. This potent essence is primarily used to form the chakra wheel, but some cultivators have harnessed its power as an energy source for chakra activation. It is very powerful such that cultivators below the Anahata Chakra stage cannot utilize it or form the chakra wheel through it. 

Pressed for time, Savitri encouraged, emphasizing "Saurabh takes the essence, our minor injuries compared to yours is nothing." Saurabh agreed, recognizing their reliance on him to cross the fort. With no time to waste, he accepted the essence, hoping to step into Anahata chakra. Levan handed the essence to Saurabh, who swallowed it immediately, knowing the Mughal army was closing in. The trio rushed towards the fort, which loomed ever closer, while Saurabh's wounds started to gradually heal with a golden blood clot slowly covering his skin.

Saurabh's eyes were sharp as he scanned their surroundings, ensuring they weren't being followed. He had been a skilled and dedicated soldier for the Moras Kingdom, but he had made a choice to defy the Mughal Empire for the sake of those he cared about. His heart ached for Savitri, but he knew that her happiness lay with Levan. Saurabh's sacrifice was an embodiment of his love.

As they neared the fort, the sound of rushing water grew louder. The dark outline of the fort gradually materialized before them. Levan brought the lantern closer to inspect the surroundings. He could make out the silhouettes of a few Mughal guards stationed nearby, their figures blurred by the rain. 

Saurabh took a deep breath and whispered, "Stay behind me, both of you." He had a plan, one that would hopefully allow them to cross the fort unnoticed. In his former role as a Moras Kingdom soldier, he had acquired valuable skills that could prove instrumental in this daring escape.

Saurabh, with the stealth of a seasoned professional, led the way, guiding the horses and ensuring their movements remained silent. They inched closer to the guards, who were huddled together beneath their cloaks, attempting to shield themselves from the relentless downpour. The darkness and the rain worked in their favor, concealing their approach.

Levan and Savitri held their breath as they crept closer to the guards, their hearts pounding with anxiety. It was a high-stakes situation, and their hopes of escaping the Mughal Empire rested on this precarious moment.

By making a plan with the duo, Levan made a sudden, calculated move. He tossed a small stone with blazing undulating force into the bushes nearby, creating a diversion. To be surprised by that strange blazing one Levan clone formed from the ocean like blue blazing energy but still it was kind of illusionary. 

The guards, startled by the noise, shifted their attention away from the approaching fugitives. With a swift, coordinated effort, Saurabh led the two figures, Savitri and Levan, into the fort as Levan's clone managed to drag soldiers' attention away. The rushing water concealed their movements and muffled any sounds they might make.

They waded through the fort, clinging to each other as the water tugged at their clothing. The rain pelted them mercilessly, but the anticipation of reaching the other side kept their spirits high. As they emerged on the far bank, Saurabh cast a glance back at the guards, who were still investigating the disturbance he had created. 

Saurabh whispered to Levan and Savitri, "There are two powerful master commanders stationed here, but we're almost out of the fort. Just a little farther, and we'll be free."

As they continued through the fort, the relentless rain and rushing water made the journey increasingly challenging. They were on the cusp of reaching the other side when one of the master commanders, a man with extraordinarily sharp senses, detected their presence.

However, the trio aren't ordinary people, enabling them to move at astonishing speeds. They accelerated their pace, trying to elude the approaching commanders. But their luck ran out when, in a desperate move, one of the soldiers rang a massive bell, alerting the entire camp.

Tang, Tang, Tang

He called out to his fellow commander, and they approached the trio cautiously, their eyes keenly scanning the surroundings. It was a tense moment.

To be continue...