
Dungeon Wars I am the only one with a divine talent

Kyle Smith a 24 year old average guy so he thinks, is one day transported to a new world along with the rest of the planet and turned into dungeon cores, forced to play the game for the gods hes forced to fight and explore making allies along the way, the world of dungeon wars with different races and lots of new places to see, will Kyle be able to learn the secrets of this new world and build his power as a new dungeon core or will he be taken over by the myriad races and used for someone's gain? author's notes: this is my first time writing something like this new chapters will be a bit slow but i do hope to post new pages weekly.

CosmoKitty · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Moon Queen Engora Wolf

[----Ding congratulations your Engora wolf has evolved into a Moon Engora Queen Wolf, rank: divine----]

The humanoid wolf slowly stands up her head hung down, and she is wearing thigh length socks that are dark blue and white paw shaped fur boots. Around her waist she has on a white fur skirt with a blue outline along the edges and a leather belt with a gold buckle holding it in place.

Her stomach is exposed showing off her smooth fit stomach, a dark silver tail slowly sways around looking big and fluffy. The top she's wearing is also fur, matching her skirt, with blue shoulder straps covering just enough to hide the important parts. In the center of her shirt sits a yellow bow holding it all together, from her wrist to her elbow is covered in dark sliver fur, and her gentle looking hands each sporting deadly looking claws sharp enough to disembowel her prey. On her right arm sits a leather strap in the shape of a x that wraps around her arm, and on her neck she wears a blue choker looking a bit like a collar.

She lifts her head up with her eyes closed, her dark silver hair falls behind her. Sitting on top of her head is a set of pure white antlers with a purple glow, spread around the antlers purple buds can be seen. Slightly below her antlers are a set of white fluffy wolf ears as she opens her eyes she reveals her mystic purple eyes that look like they can see through anything.

Wow, she is so pretty. After hearing her master's words, the Queen Engora wolf blushes then bows.

Thank you master for your praise; it is very nice to meet you master. I as a servant of my master am willing to do anything the master requests of me. Her tail sways around showing her excitement and happiness, (Hehe master thinks I am pretty, master is so wonderful.)

(Let's pull up her stats and see what she's got.) Kyle thinks about seeing his new hero's stats a new system window shows itself.


Name: Moon Queen Engora Wolf LVL - 1 EXP 0/10 Dungeon Grade – Divine

Age:??? (Its rude to ask a lady her age)

Race: Moon Queen Engora Wolf

Titles: Dungeon sub manager / moon goddess

HP 200/200

MP 150/150

Health – 20

Mana – 6

Stamina- 17

INT – 15

Wisdom – 12

Magic ATK – 57.15

Magic resistance – 28.58

Magic Affinity: moonlight / Chaos

Talent: Royal Wolf

Skills: dungeon management / moons kiss / flames of chaos

(wow that is some high stats she is a moon goddess what is that?)

[----Title Moon Goddess with this title the user has earned the right to try for the candidacy of godhood the moon goddess, this type of title is given to those with the potential to become a god/goddess to earn the godhood *&&^&* must *#*#@*****----]

(Well now I was not expecting this, so she can become a god, although it does not say how she can do this. I can find something to help her later let's look at her skills next.)

[----Dungeon management: this skill lets you help the dungeon master with his dungeon weather that is building defense or monster management----]

(It's simple but useful this skill isn't bad. Ok the last two.)

[----Moons Kiss: gives all nearby allies a buff of 20% ATK boost, and a 15% DEF boost. This skill effects any enemies inside its range with a debuff of –10% movement speed and casting time. Effective range of this skill is 200 meters and a cooldown of one day----]

[----Flames of Chaos: a power born from the chaos blood, lets the user control flames made of chaos. The flames are special as they can't be stopped by one weaker than the caster or if holy magic is cast to dispel the flames. The flames have the effect of attacking and burning the soul for 5% of the targets health per second till nothing is left but a soulless body. The flames can't burn physical matter, the power of the flames are proportional to the amount of mana used in other words more mana more power----]

Kyle ponders as he reads the skills, (hmm not bad, a buff skill that can be used as a trump card and a soul attack this is good stuff. Now if only I had some skills of my own.) Kyle then snaps out of his thoughts and realizes the Engora wolf is still standing in front of him.

Ahem, I should give you a name let me think for a second hmmm, your sliver hair sticks out to me, and you are a Moon Queen Engora Wolf. So how about Luna, it means moon, do you like it?

As Luna receives her new name, she jumps up in excitement rushing over to her new master. Thank you master Luna really likes this name, she then grabs Kyle hugging him in a tight embrace.

(What I would not give to have a body right now.) Ok Luna calm down we have pressing matters to attend to.

I am sorry master, Luna jumps back freeing Kyle of her hug, her tail sags down as if she's sad (master felt so warm but too bad I could not hug him longer.)

Ok Luna we need to start building my dungeon, we must clear that doorway first are you able to move the boulders?

Luna looks at her master with a pondering look Well master, don't you think you should have me explain a few things first? Trust me, there is something we can do to clear that, and it will be a lot simpler too.

Hmmm you are right that voice did say you would know somethings.

Well to start with master how much do you know about dungeons?

Kyle pauses to think realizing he knows nothing, well about that I do not really know anything to be honest with you hehe.

Not to worry master thanks to your kind gift I now have divine rank potential, so I have access to much more information than other heroes. Hmm where to start though, Luna furrows her brows and ponders, how about I start with what a dungeon is and go from there master.

Kyle sighs, sure it's not like we are pressed for time or anything.

Luna smiles, master you're funny I'll start now, so a dungeon is basically your body master and the core your heart. Without the core the dungeon dies and so does anything within it.

Ok I understand so I am the dungeon, but how do I use the dungeon?

Luna smiles, that's right master, and do not worry I'm getting there master as I was saying the dungeon is your body using the core buildings and extra buildings you need to summon monsters and build an eco-system to support your monsters.

So, I'm building a kingdom of monsters then?

Luna pouts, well you can put it like that. You are not entirely wrong master but let me finish first.

I am sorry, continue please.

Very well master, you'll use those monsters to defend your dungeon and explore the outside world. As you level up, you will be able to expand your dungeon to make new floors. The dungeon has 4 core buildings the mana pool, troop totem, pocket mine and lastly the alter. Each core building must be upgraded before the dungeon can rank up and to upgrade them you need materials like wood, stone, iron and mana stones you will need a special item called a mana crystal too.

Luan pauses and lets Kyle think, (I understand what she is saying but the only core building I have is the altar.) Luna we do not have the other core buildings now.

That's ok master, have you investigated the dungeon shop yet? We should be able to find what we need inside.

Kyle then turns to his interface and opens the dungeon shop, Luna stays quiet (I hope I have been helpful to master.)

[----Dungeon Shop----]

Dungeon coin (DC) balance:1500

Basic Mana Pool tier 1 – free

Description: generates mana that can be used to help power the dungeon storage capacity of 300 and can produce 100 mana an hr.

Basic Pocket Mine tier 1 – free

Description: a space pocket used for mining the area and where it is set up determines the type of resources that can be mined from it because it is a low tier pocket space it cannot replenish itself over time.

Basic Troop Totem tier 1 – free

Description: Troop Totem is used to summon monsters giving 10 mana stones and 15 food will summon one monster.

Luna why do I already have 1500 DC?

That master is probably because of me, you should look at the description of the alter you're floating on.

Kyle then inspects the altar.

[----Description: sets the grade of the dungeon and can only be upgraded after the other 3 core buildings have been upgraded first. At its current rank it generates 50 Dungeon coins a day Having monsters in your dungeon can grant you a one time income based off their rank----]

I see so having you in the dungeon gave me 1500DC because you're at the divine rank. This is good let me get the basic buildings first.

Master, wait you need to build rooms first to place your buildings in first.

Kyle frowns, and how am I going to do that Luna?

You just need to feel the room and picture how you want your rooms to be placed. After you have a clear picture send your mana out.

(Ok how should I have the dungeon layout? Oh I know, lets put a room on the left and a room on the right next I'll make 3 rooms in front of mine and make the third from the entrance the boss room.) Kyle then feels around the hall and starts to send out his mana purple mana starts to seep out of Kyle his core and head towards the walls the second the mana touches the walls the surroundings start to shake.

Luna walks over to get closer to the alter. As more of the purple mana gets absorbed by the walls soon strange markings appear over the walls then a door is made behind the alter and then alter starts to move backwards it enters the room but doesn't stop as it passes through this room to the next only stopping as it passes one more room and settling in the fourth room. There two other rooms can be seen on the left and the right all matching the first room Kyle was in.

The shaking dies down and Kyle receives a new message from his system.

[----Ding congratulations for expanding your dungeon for the first time you have been rewarded with one bronze chest----]

[----you have expanded your dungeon to the max please upgrade your alter to expand more----]