
Dungeon Wars I am the only one with a divine talent

Kyle Smith a 24 year old average guy so he thinks, is one day transported to a new world along with the rest of the planet and turned into dungeon cores, forced to play the game for the gods hes forced to fight and explore making allies along the way, the world of dungeon wars with different races and lots of new places to see, will Kyle be able to learn the secrets of this new world and build his power as a new dungeon core or will he be taken over by the myriad races and used for someone's gain? author's notes: this is my first time writing something like this new chapters will be a bit slow but i do hope to post new pages weekly.

CosmoKitty · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chaos Core

(Holy crap I got a different talent and it's a Divine talent too, not an SSS, or a X rank talent but a divine. I didn't know you could get a talent like that, I must be the only one in the world! No I can't think like that the voice from earlier said there are other races and they could have beings with divine talents among them. I need to be smart about this but why did my system act like that, it's totally changed. Now it's no longer blue but orange, Well, it looks like the interface hasn't changed, from what I can see I still have all the same icons from before, for now let's see my stats, STATUS.)

Kyle thinks about seeing his stats and an orange window pops up with his stats.

(I just noticed this, but this system is easy to use.)


Name: Kyle smith LVL - 1 EXP 0/10 Dungeon Grade - G


Race: Dungan Core/ Hybrid ????? ???????

Titles: Baby Dungan Core/ <<NEW>> First Chaos Core

Hp 50/50

Mp 250/375 +125

Health – 5

Mana – 15 +5

INT – 10

Wisdom – 10 +3

Magic ATK – 43.5 +4.5

Magic resistance – 29.5 +10

Magic Affinity: ??????? / ???? / Chaos

Talent: Blood of the Ancients uses 3/3

Skills: None

(Wow my stats have gone up a bit but how? For now, let's look at what my talent does. I'm sure it is awesome; it is a divine talent after all,) with that Kyle focuses in on his talent.

[----Description: with blood of the ancients in your soul you are able to condense a drop of blood using mana. The more mana you use to condense the blood the stronger the blood will be, at your current state you can only condense low grade blood. The blood is used to empower your monsters, buildings, and heroes. Currently you can only condense about 3 drops a week at your current rank, next rank up will let you condense 5 drops----]

(my status page has changed a lot, and my talent looks really good, but what does it mean by empower monsters, buildings and heroes? It's a shame I can only use it 3 times a week, but it looks like I can get more uses if I increase my rank. That's good, I'll have to test it to see its effects it says I can only condense low level blood right now, I wonder how much mana it will take to condense a drop of blood? I'll wait for now, why did my stats go up though? Is it because of the new title I got?) Kyle then focuses his mind on the title, first chaos core.

[----DING Congratulations on getting the title, First Chaos Core----]

[----Description: you are the first ever chaos core to exists due to your soul being born of 2 apposing ancient races of immense power, it has mutated your core, but thanks to that as a chaos core you can ###@&@##&#@&&@#&@&#&@#&&#&@#&@#

This title has given you 3 magic affinities of ???????, ???? And chaos, stat increase of mana +5 wisdom +3 and magic resistance +10

(This title is odd it has a bunch of information missing and I don't even know what my other 2 affinity's are. Maybe if I level up some more I'll be able to see more, but I did get a nice increase in my stats. My mana went up to 15 now I can use 375 points of mana, wisdom went up 3 points and my magic ATK and magic resistance went up a bit, but my race what happened hybrid of what? Why can't I see the info? Does the system not know or is it hiding it from me? I need to find out soon hmmmm what's this?) The system starts to flash in front of Kyle and a new pop-up shows itself.


(No not again, I cannot have this talent taken away. What is wrong with this thing? It's one issue after another. Why can't you just work how you should?)

[----users soul is still in chaos due to excess power, finding a solution----]

[----DING solution found system will now use the user's talent Blood of the Ancients to condense special blood----]

Kyle feels his very soul being pulled out of him and in the prosses he screams out in pain. AHHHHHHHHHH, after a few seconds that felt like an eternity a drop of black blood with a purple glow forms in front of Kyle.

[----Congratulations you have gotten 1 drop of chaos blood----]

(oh my god, I am so glad it wasn't something too bad, but dam that was a crazy amount of pain, wait, would I have died if that power were not used? What is this blood? Looks black with a purple glow.) As the blood floats in the air Kyle inspects the new blood.

[----Description: chaos blood when used on a creature it boosts their potential to the max, when used on building it boosts productivity by 100%. It has a 12% chance to mutate creatures and buildings giving creatures the chaos element as for buildings it's a random effect. As a side effect of the blood being formed from chaos soul power it provides a small amount of soul power to you and the one who uses the blood, please experiment on your own.----]

(Now that is awesome, it's quite good but I don't know how I feel about using it on buildings, I would much rather use it on a monster or a hero. I will have to use it to improve my assistant hero, I cannot wait to see the effects of this. I should summon my hero, I need to start building my new dungeon as soon as posable.) Kyle then wills the hero ticket in his inventory and a bright flash of white light appears in the hall as the light fades away what appears in its place is a small little silver wolf with dark blue eyes and what looks like small white antlers on its head.

[----Ding congratulations on summoning an Engora wolf rank C----]

[----Description: Engora wolfs are pack wolfs who are aggressive to anyone other then their packmates and mate Engora wolfs will follow anyone strong enough to best them. They are a noble wolf breed sought after by many people of power----]

(Well, this is interesting. I have never seen a wolf like you before you're quite pretty and you are a C rank at that, but its still not strong enough. If I'm going to get strong fast I'll need this wolf as strong as it can get. I'll use this chaos blood right away then.) Kyle speaks out in a commanding tone, open your mouth.

Afterwards Kyle hovers the drop of chaos blood over the wolfs head. The wolf lets out a soft whimper and nods its head, feeling excited by the power it feels coming from the black blood with a purple glow. The wolf tilts its head back and opens its mouth, Kyle seeing this, smiles.

(It is quite obedient that is good I will not have to train it.) Kyle lets the chaos blood fall and it drops straight into the wolfs mouth. The wolf takes in the blood and as it's adsorbing the blood it starts to shine purple, you can hear a low growl coming from the wolf with a pained expression on its face.

(This does not look good; it's not going to fail will it?) As Kyle is thinking that his system gives him a new pop up.

[----Ding Engora wolf is mutating recommend the host to feed it with their mana to support the mutation----]

(Feed her my mana how do I do that? I've never used mana before.)

[----host has been using mana this whole time to move objects around if the host wishes to feed the Engora wolf his mana all the host needs to do is control the mana using your will straight into its body----]

(well, it sounds easy, but will my mana really help? I guess I'll just have to try.) Kyle takes control of his mana to enter the wolf sitting in front of him. In the Process he can feel a force moving around in his core, (so this is mana, it feels quite nice. Now I have to move it towards the wolf.)

As Kyle moves his mana to the wolf his mana starts to get drawn into the wolfs body. (Whoa, it feels like somethings pulling it out of my body but I can't stop now the Engora wolf needs my help.) Kyle's mana starts to drain at an extreme speed, (am I going to have enough mana for this? I think I'll hit my limit soon I'm not used to something like this.)

As the wolf is feeding on its master's mana and the chaos blood, it starts to relax and calm down. After a few seconds more it starts to slowly change from a wolf to a human looking figure. Just as the wolf finally consumes all the blood's power it cuts off the mana of its master.

(Dam is it over now? That took a lot out of me, I may not have a body but I feel really tired now. It's probably due to the massive mana loss, I guess mana works as my stamina as well.) All of a sudden a loud bang echoes about the hall, Kyle focuses back on to the wolf. It's now being surrounded by purple and sliver energy swirling all around its body. The energy hurries and enter the wolf's body, being adsorbed the energy starts to fade and the light surrounding the wolf slowly fades away.

[----Ding congratulations your Engora wolf has evolved into a----]