
Dungeon Return

Ten years ago, the world experienced its first cataclysmic disaster with the appearance of dungeons— portals to a space filled with hostile supernatural beings. If left alone, these portals would explode and allow the monsters in Earth. To counteract this. humans gained powers and a system that upgraded their body's attributes. Rion was an orphan with minimal social connections. Surrounded by death at a young age, he grew up with pessimistic perceptions. After an impressive dungeon debut, Rion's ranks through the Hunters rapidly rose; also taking part in the world's first multi-layered dungeon. Humanity failed and so Rion was transported back to when it all started.

CyanSuch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 7

Rion carefully watched the recording dungeon clear and paid close notice for the small details the veteran hunters did to ensure an easier experience.

After all, it was his first experience in such a high ranking party. If he did not properly analyze and better himself, what was his title as a leading Rookie for?

It was because of his constant efforts and tendencies others would call suicidal that he's gotten to where he's at now. He'd be a fool to get complacent. Rion circulated his mana while hearing the hunters explain their actions and what could have been done better.

Circulating mana would ensure a smoother mana flow that would make mana and skill output release quicker and less strenuous. The knowledge of such a method was usually for mages, and Berserkers usually wouldn't train in this; however, Rion's new sword skill was something that was definitely worth the effort.

Watching the videos, something Rion specifically took note of was Hunter's very intentional positioning and timing. It was something that was honed by constantly entering dungeons, but if Rion properly analyzed, their experiences would turn into his.

Time flew as Rion patiently absorbed the insights and very soon the debriefing had ended.

Since they had been given more leeway due to the threat of a dungeon outbreak being pushed back, they could afford to rest properly and ask for stronger hunters to fly Los Angeles, the current setting.

The next dungeon run would be notified by the Association once more A-Rankers arrived to take up the job. Since the difficulty of such a dungeon scaled up and had even more unknown variables, it was even harder to get the people qualified and willing to do the job.

They were all dismissed quickly by the team leader Larsson who stayed with the other A-Rankers to discuss how the A-Rank dungeon would be organized and dealt with.

The deadline for the next dungeon run would be exactly next week in the early morning.

Noticing Larsson and Alessandro would take a while before finishing, Rion briskly decided he'd check out his new sword. He had difficulty falling asleep last night in anticipation of the new sword. He usually didn't have many things to look forward to, but this was something he couldn't help but be emotional about.

Rion quickly called Si Eun to inquire about the new weapon.

She answered at the third ring.

"Hello, Rion?"

"Ah, Si-Eun. How are you? Where are you?" Rion attempted to calm his anticipation.

Si Eun curiously inquired, "I'm good. I am currently at a cafe, what does Mr. Lee need?"

As impatient as he was, he couldn't bring himself to interrupt his manager's free time. Especially when she was as hardworking as she was, "Hmm, if you're at a cafe my problem can be solved some other time. Please relax, Ms. Cha."

"Ah, it's no problem. I'll go immediately. Would you like me to bring you a drink?"

"No, really. It's fine, thank you."

He insisted and he finally cut off the call.

He couldn't help but be disappointed once again at not being able to test out the giant sword mana construct skill. He had only used it once yesterday when he stole the sword from the Dullahan and it had given him a sense of rush and power he'd like to experience once more. It wasn't common for bosses to have such a powerful weapon.

Rion stared at Si Eun's contact for a while before deciding he'd go wait.

Rion patiently waited in the lobby at the lounging room. It was the first time he had let himself relax at such a place, but there really was nothing to do but wait for Larsson and Alessandro.

A blank expression took his face as the scenes of the dungeon kept playing back in his head. It was fun for Rion to simulate dungeon scenes in his head, it was also something that made him an abnormal person.

Who the hell would spend their time thinking about fighting and bleeding instead of just resting peacefully?

"Hey, you."

Rion smoothly exited his thoughts and looked up to stare at a stiff-faced young man.

"Hello…" Rion greeted the man, not considering the man's hostile face.

"Who are you?" The offender asked bluntly.

"...?" Rion looked in confusion at the man who asked for him, but also asked who he was.

"He's asking who the hell you are, bastard."

A rat-faced man appeared and yelled at Rion.

Naturally, it was Rion's first time being approached by such a villainous figure. Rather, it was because of his reputation as a bloodthirsty and talented rookie that he was protected from people such as this.

It looked like they were clueless of his identity, however.

That's right, it was the villain cliche.

A proper and noble looking man began approaching the three of them, "Please, let's be respectful to each other," the young man's condescending look contrasted with his polite words. "Ah, but of course. Introductions are in order. My name is Finlay Russo, and I must ask… what is your relationship with Ms. Cha?"

Rion's ears perked up.

Si Eun's father was a high ranking official in the Hunter's Association, it wasn't uncommon for her to attend luxurious parties and galas with other powerful people. It seems this man had been charmed by the pretty Korean woman.

Still, Rion had no inclination to answer this man's inquiries.

From far away, he heard, "What's going on over there?"

Even if they tried to do anything to him, he knew his own value and what he meant to the Hunter's Association. Why would they let go of someone who worked for their good and at double the work efficiency of the others?

His interest in them was as quick as the time the confrontation lasted. Rion took his phone out and began fiddling while checking social media apps. These usually provided trending posts of Dungeon highlights from recordings.

Taking his phone out might be seen as disrespectful, but what about their rudeness from before?

He watched the dungeon posts with interest.

Rion could find out what was more or less going around the world very quickly, though it still felt a little embarrassing to see his own face in trending posts sometimes.

Finally expecting the hostility from the man, Rion quickly moved his phone away from the sudden strike of the rat faced lackey. Inwardly, he smirked. Facing such animosity, who'd blame him for striking back?

His leg stretched to kick at the man who had gotten too close to slap the phone.

Before his kick could connect, Rion heard his phone ringing.

Though he initially planned to set a quick and ruthless example to deter other troublemakers, it still was pretty illegal to mutilate somebody.

Rion scratched his cheek and picked up the call from Larsson.

"Alright, you ready to get shit on you stupid brat?!"

At such a loud voice, he couldn't help but immediately move the source of such noise further away.

From the other side of the call, he heard Alessandro's voice reminding Larsson that they were still in the same room as several high-ranking officials.

The incident that took place just seconds ago had long been forgotten.

"Ah, my good friend Rion," Larsson spread his hands and briskly walked over to his young friend with a grin. Alessandro following from behind with an embarrassed expression.

In such a public space, it was obvious that doing something so high key like that would not be very fit for their dignity.

Though having never experienced such sudden closeness, Rion didn't at all feel uncomfortable.

"Ready to get shit on?"

As quickly as the heart-warming sentiment came, it also faded.

The reporters were practically spamming their cameras at the trio who walked along like good friends.

After all, it wasn't very often that the most admired hunters suddenly lost all dignity and began acting all willy nilly.

Rion couldn't help but want to cover his face, similarly to Alessandro after Larsson's raucous voice.

He looked to the side to see Alessandro merely smile and shake his head while muttering to himself, "Excuse me, we don't know this sleazy person right here."

"Hee~? You wanna die?" Larsson squinted his eyes at his closest friend.

Rion wasn't too sure what they were doing but he decided he'd just quietly follow along. He had a feeling it was something that'd become troublesome the moment he heard it.

He just properly smiled at the camera and waved at the crowd while dodging Larsson's hand that kept trying to pat his head.

"Well, I've ordered Indian take out," Rion said after they escaped the masses, "You guys good with spicy things?"

Not disappointing his red hair, Larsson gave a huge thumbs up. He then followed up by quietly whispering, "Though he may not look like it, Alessandro's actually pretty good with spicy too."

Alessandro dead-panned, "I can handle spiciness better than you."


"It's a bet, then."

"Alright, Rion will be the witness to this. The loser will wear a cosplay to the next dungeon run."

Alessandro coughed and almost tripped to the floor.

"What's with your weird bets, man? Will it be a cosplay from your weird cartoons again?"

Larsson smirked with a scoff, "Too afraid? Since you're an Archer it's only proper you cosplay as Archer from Tafe."

"If you lose you just have to wear a maid outfit," Alessandro said in a ruthlessly cold tone.

Larson quieted down and glanced at his blue-haired counterpart nervously

"...Hey, isn't that a little too much?"

"I'm sure your female fans would thank me properly once you lose the bet."

The day before the Dungeon Run.

With laborious breaths, Rion took out his Virtual Reality headset that was stuck firmly to his head and sat on the floor. His firm and toned muscles glistened with sweat, his shirt long ago taken off. The Dread sword that had been combined with the titanic sword had become a sword slightly bigger than normal and he had tied it up horizontally on his pants.

Getting used to its weight would be something very important. For days, he had not taken off the sword, and in some days he would just keep the sword on his hand even as he did nothing.

His arm muscles ached frequently and screamed at him to stop and so for this day only he'd tied the sword to his body. He couldn't have his arms uselessly sore tomorrow, after all.

Currently, he was at a training gym facility specially accommodated for Hunters. He was in a spacious room that had an atmosphere of mana, decorated with colorless hard floor and walls.

This room was special to stimulate the senses a Hunter would have activated upon entering the dungeon. Training here would simulate an environment similar to a dungeon.

Rion was especially training here with the Virtual Reality headset to practice his sword technique and mentally training his mind to become especially focused when entering an environment like a dungeon.

For many days in a row, he had been playing the 'Teab Baser' game Larsson had shown him.

His words had been truthful and his technique had shown colorful improvements that astonished both the three of them. In fact, they had been so interested that Rion and Larsson had decided to spar. Obviously, Rion's defeat was inevitable but he observed and learned valuable insight from the superior sword technique.

In the rhythm Teab Baser game, Rion had taken it a step further than Larsson and practiced different stances and sword dances.

The difficulty in doing such a thing was that the timing of sword dances would overlap with a song's rhythm. This meant he had to be able to keep momentum and fluidity while slowing or even speeding up his pace.

He even purposefully went into song settings and adjusted song speeds to be painfully slow or insanely quick all so that he would not get complacent.

The effects were bountiful and Rion's out of the box thinking training methods gained him immediate benefits. Not only that, practicing sword dances ensured muscle memory to take over fighting. What was so special about this was that he did not need to think or react when fighting; his body would do everything for him.

Rion took a sip of his water bottle. His face adopted a sombre mood as he thought of the following dungeon run.

His training had been hard and not at all slacked on, but he couldn't help but want to be able to do more.

It would be his first time in an A-Class dungeon, and the frequent patterns from this multi-layered dungeon told him he would face bosses massively more difficult than A-Class ones.

As a B-Ranked hunter on the low end of levels, the only way Rion could catch up to the dungeon's survivability requirement would be through wits, perception, and proper technique.

Larsson managed to beat the Sword King who had a higher dungeon level and incidentally a stronger body, only using his abnormally gained sword technique.

Being a friend of Alessandro and Larsson, Rion made it a serious challenge to meet the expectations of his leaders.

Of course, he wouldn't take such a big role like last time and would be doing the maximum that the leaders would allow him to do safely; still, it was an A-Class dungeon that should be taken seriously.

He now had multiple people who'd be upset if he kept getting as hurt as he did. Failure now was not an option.