
Dungeon Raiding with the Boys

Kraisee and his friends, Hisan, Jackson, and Elizabeth live out their lives and become the best people they can be while exploring dungeons that appear in the real world. Humans coexist with fantasy creatures like vampires, demons, and demi-humans in order to destroy the dungeons so that monsters that reside in the dungeons do not enter into the real world. And remember, always raid with a party :)

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8 Chs

Greetings and returning

Kraisee stepped into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror as his mom put him up on a stool. He had curly black hair with light brown skin. He was short for his age but he was still growing. He had all of his baby teeth and his irises were bright red. His mother had long curly black hair with dark purple eyes but had lighter skin than him. The only trait he shared with his mother was his hair and the fact that he was shorter than everyone else. He was wearing a red shirt with a white diaper on. His mom wore a black and white striped shirt with tight black jeans. She began to wash his face and brush his teeth. She then changed him into white shirt with a black jacket and black pants. He wore small white shoes and had a white cap on. His mother held him up high and he looked down at her. He held his arms out while kicking his legs and laughing.

"Oh, what a cutie you are. 2 years yet you can't speak yet though. Guess I just have to be patient. Jessie! Take your brother out to the car!" His sister then came out of her room and picked him up. She greatly resembled her mother it's just that she has straight hair and not curly hair. She then takes him outside to their car which was a blue Sudan, and she puts him in the back in a booster seat. His father was in the driver seat and was gonna send him to daycare. It was also gonna be his sister's first day in 1st grade. He had long brown hair with a thick brown beard and was much taller than his wife. His eyes were bright red just like Kraisee's. He wore a black compression shirt to show off his physique with red shorts and black skating shoes. Not for skating but to have better balance when lifting.

"So, today's your big day buddy. You get to go to daycare along with all of our friend's kids. Make sure to make loads of friends, okay?" He told him.

Kraisee laughed and swung his limbs.

"Yeah yeah, I'm excited for you buddy. Hey, I know you're short right now, but believe me when I say. You'll be the tallest kid in school one day." He continued. His dad's phone then began to ring. He picked up the phone and it was his friend Jeffery. Jessie began to play with him and was messing around with him.

"Luke." Jeffery called to him.

"Yeah?" Kraisee's father asked.

"Are you going to the daycare right now?" Jeffery asked.

"Um yeah, we were just about to go."

"Okay, I'll take my kids and wait for you." Jeffery told him.

"Alright, see ya there."

"See ya." He then hung up the phone and drove him to the daycare. Kraisee's father met up with Jeffrey and Jeffery introduced them to his son.

Jeffery was tall and slim. His skin was light and he had light brown hair. His eyes were bright blue and he wore a regular T-shirt with cargo shorts and slippers. He gave his son a little push and he met eyes with Kraisee. He resembled his father but smaller and chubbier.

"This is Jackson. Y'know, his first word was just a week ago." Jeffery told him.

"Really? What was it?"

"His first word was..." He gave a dramatic pause, "Daddy! Y'know, I never thought parenting would be this fun. Well, it's fun after he stops crapping his pants every few hours."

"Yeah, you're just so proud after he does something right?"

"Exactly. Then you can brag about how cool your son is." Jeffery agreed.


"Has Kraisee said any words yet?" Jeffery asked.

"No, but he has been getting close." Kraisee's father told him.

"Aye, that's fine. My sister spoke her first words when she was like 4. Now look at her, a board-certified family's medicine physician." Jeffery reassured him.

"Yeah, this kid is gonna be a genius one day." He then patted Kraisee on the head.

Jackson walked up to Kraisee and pinched his nose. Kraisee let out a high pitched groan and lightly slapped him back. The two then began fighting. Fighting meaning they could barely do anything other than pinch and tap each other.

"C'mon Kraisee, win this for papa." He cheered for him while squatting down.

"Papa!" Kraisee cutely let out.

"Oh!" His father picked him up and swung him around. "Oh my gosh, you finally did it! You said a full word!" He said happily. "Now for full sentences with proper grammar and word enunciation."

"Woah buddy, that's a bit too far." A woman said. The two of them looked at her and it was Jaya. Her skin was dark brown and her hair was black. Her eyes were a deep green. She wore an orange fleece jacket with a gray crop top and gray sweatpants with black and orange sneakers.

"Aye, gotta get him ready y'know?"

"Yeah yeah." She slightly tapped her child in front of her and stepped back a little, "Say hi, Hisan."

"Hello misters." He said shyly.

"Holy crap, he can already speak?" Jeffery said as he knelt down.

"Wow, he's gonna be dumb in the future." Kraisee's father blurted.

"Oh most definitely." Jeffery agreed then he stood back up.

"You idiots. Don't you have a dungeon to raid somewhere?" She asked. Dungeons are interdimensional locations that will periodically appear in the real world for people to raid. These dungeons are all part of an interconnected system that stretches all over the world and is theorized to lead into a single place. That place is hell itself. But in order to even enter hell itself, you need to defeat hoards of monsters. Humanity currently has only cleared about 1.3 percent of all possible dungeons so it'll be a few hundred years because dungeons started appearing back in the 1700s and only a few decades back they've gotten more efficient.

"Oh yeah! Jackson, follow Jaya, okay?" Jeffery told him. Jackson looked at who he was pointing at and nodded back at his father.

"Dad! C'mon!" Jessie called to her father.

"You too Kraisee, I'll be back in no time." The two of them left and Jaya was left with the three children. She brought them inside and let the teachers handle them as she sat down and rested.

Jackson, Kraisee, and Hisan all sat around in a circle when a girl joined them. She had short purple hair with hypnotizing purple eyes. Her skin was abnormally light and she had more magic than everyone else.

"Hello guys." She said as she sat down.

"Hello!" Hisan replied as the other two just waved.

"Hey, what about them?" She asked.

"They can't speak yet." Hisan told her.

"Oh, well my name is Elizabeth. What about you guys?"

"My name is Hisan, that's Jackson, and that's Kraisee." Hisan introduced him and the other boys.

"Just so you guys know, I'm a vampire. Yeah, pretty cool right?" She told them. Humans coexist with other races like vampires, but really they are classified into 3 parts. Human, demon, and lastly angel. Demons have loads of smaller ethnicities while angels have only a few. Vampire is a more common ethnicity and pure blooded ones are compensated for in different places like a school and whatnot for their inability to eat regular food. Pure blooded vamps must drink blood or else their magic depletes and soon death. Half bloods can eat regular food but their taste for human food is brought down by their taste buds because they were made to drink blood and not eat it. Pure vamps are prone to the sun's uv rays and need protection out in the sun but half vamps can go out in the sun without any irritation. Although half vamps can have a more normal life, they are much weaker than pure vamps.

"What really?" Hisan asked while leaning in excitedly along with Jackson and Kraisee.

"Wait, I thought they didn't speak." She told him.

"Oh, they know English, they just can't speak it." As he said this, Kraisee mocked him by acting like his hand was a mouth talking and he opened and closed his mouth while swaying his head.

For the next hour or two, the four of them played around with toys and such before their parents picked them up. They got close and they all became friends. When they were picked up, their parents linked up so that the kids could get together again.

As the months passed, Jackson and Kraisee eventually learned how to speak and could finally make full sentences. All of them went to the same school through elementary until Kraisee moved away for a few years in the beginning of middle school but came back in high school. In those three years of middle school. He wanted to be like his dad so he began weightlifting. He also taught himself martial arts with the help of tutorials online and watching real fights.

It was now the end of summer break and Kraisee could finally return to Austin, the city where he was born and raised. After three years of living in a cold and frigid place like Ottawa, it took a little for him to readjust but he finally came back to normal. He stepped through the halls without talking to anyone and just went about his business. It was about a month into the school year so he had a bit to catch up on. He walked into his first class and the teacher introduced him. She was an elder lady that wore flower pattern dresses and fleece jackets all the time. Kraisee looked at everyone who seemed to be a little taller or had a massive difference in height with him.

"Well everyone, this is Kraisee. He has just returned from Canada so give him a warm welcome back."

"Yo! Kraisee! What up my boy, how'd Ottawa treat you?" A kid in the back asked. He was big and buff. He had short brown hair and was wearing a black hoodie with gray sweatpants and black slides. Kraisee recognized the kid.

"Jackson! It was good, but not as good as Austin." There was an empty seat next to him so he walked over, dapped him up, then sat down.

"I see you are already acquainted so I'll just carry on with the lesson."

After school, Jackson took him behind the school where they met back up with Hisan and Elizabeth.

"Kraisee!" Elizabeth cried as she ran up to him and hugged him hard enough to lift him off the ground. She was about 4 inches taller than him and so he had to slightly look up at her. It's a different story with the boys tho. He was at most at shoulder height to them.

Everyone around them was staring at Kraisee because he was already getting attention from a girl. What Kraisee didn't know was that in 8th grade, she was the top rated female student and one that every boy craved for. Now she was setting up to be a prom queen.

"Oh yeah, you were just hugged by the most popular girl in school." Jackson told him.

"Most popular? Damn, how much has changed?" Kraisee asked them.

"Well, I'm talking to a girl but she's all the way in California and this crackhead is dating the head of the cheerleading team." Hisan told him.

"Ah, a man of taste I see." Kraisee said.

"Y'know it." Jackson and Kraisee then fist bumped.

"So, I know y'all were doing sports when I was gone." Kraisee told them.

"Yeah, Jackson is playing basketball while I've picked up baseball. But really we're just getting our bodies ready for when we're legally allowed into dungeons." Hisan told him.

"Yeah, and I've started practicing archery and different ways to use my magic!" Elizabeth told him excitedly.

"Oh yeah?" Kraisee said, "Look up." He told her, and so she did. She looked up and there was nothing there.

"What? What is i-" She looked back at him and he splashed water on her face with magic.

"You asshole!" Elizabeth cried out. Kraisee and the boys then started laughing their asses off.

"Ah ha! Man, I missed y'all bruh."