
The big secret Part 4

With Mark and Sam now aboard the Behemoth, Hathaway was ready to find Uriel and kill him to protect his family's legacy. Truth be told, a small part of his mind still refused the idea of repaying his kindness with such intentions, but the danger Uriel posed not only to his legacy but also to the world took the decision out of his hands.

Sam seemed to be cooperative with the idea, but refused to share any information about Uriel such as his trait, strategies or anything that could prove to be helpful in a fight against him. He also refused to go out of his room or even take a peek out of the window afraid to lay his eyes on any cryptids that could make his nightmares even worse than they usually were.

The time Sam spent buried in salt was the closest thing to a vacation he got since the moment he became a hunter and, although his body was in pieces, his mind remained whole which gave him enough time to think about his past actions and his future too.