
Dungeon of the endless.

Dungeon of the endless, that's what people called it when it appeared out of nowhere plaguing the inhabited areas of the world, at first everything was chaos, death and horror, then they appeared, "dungeon hunters", those crazy enough or unhinged to Entering those nests of monsters, beyond those nests inhabited by horrors that only the most twisted human imagination could afford to breed, my name is John and I would never have thought of having to enter one of those twisted places. Unfortunately, nobody and nothing would have prepared me for what I would have to face one morning.

Sagarast · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter One; One real bad morning.

The first appearance of those fantasy creatures known as "Monsters" was in Egypt, where they quickly began to appear more regularly until they started to be of enormous sizes, then he appeared. The great dragon.

With an absolutely huge size and incredible power, nobody could believe that something like that could exist under people's noses, unfortunately that astonishment from one moment to another became terror when it began to indiscriminately attack everything that simply existed.

The armies of the world did not remain silent and deployed a massive attack together against the great beast annihilating it, but not without paying an extreme price for that victory that seemed impossible, Korea, Egypt, Russia, New Zealand and many parts of the world were totally in ruins due to the simultaneous appearance of the "Dungeon Doors" allowing the free passage to thousands of creatures that the human being could never have imagined.

Much of the world is incapable of being inhabited or even visited due to the presence of the monsters, the only ones with possibilities to see those places again are only the hunters, since they are the ones who have the opportunity to survive with their own forces. Which allow them to annihilate the monsters that inhabit those places abandoned by human beings.

10 years later since that event, the world seems to have calmed down a bit, but living a normal life today is almost impossible and much less leading a normal job.

[8:24 AM, Central emergency communication office]

It was a quiet morning again in the remainder of the military-civil colony of sector 24, it was already normal not to hear the birds sing and the children laugh, but that morning everything seemed to be quieter than usual. The sun was already shining in the sky announcing that it would be a good day for everyone...or at least for almost everyone.

"John. Hey, John, damn it. Wake up."

A voice said with an irritated tone addressing the person who was asleep at the desk.

His Name was Brian Britovsky.

"Damn it. Man is Marcus. Wake up or you'll be fired!"

Brian's voice continued to exclaim with a tone of concern and irritation, but John seemed not to want to wake up or care at all.

"Rodriguez. I already told you to let me sleep, I haven't slept in the last two days... I even have a headache and the pills that the doctor assigned me are not helping me at all."

John exclaimed they were a whining voice crossing both arms on the desk, laying his head on them.

The steps of his boss approaching made Brian turn around again and concentrate on his work rather than his friend, But who could blame him? There were few job options, being the most lucrative of all. Was being a dungeon hunter, but that would lead to the danger of dying.

"Come on man, you know how much I had to do to help you get into this job. The lives of hunters and civilians depend on us, wake up. Damn it!"

Brian said in his voice getting more and more irritated to the point that he was clearly totally irritated since John didn't even bother turning his head to look at him.

"You know..."


Suddenly the head of the department head knocked on John's desk causing his headache to skyrocket and interrupting Brian before he said another word.

"To my damn office. Now."

The department head said, looking John directly in the eye.

Brian knew what would happen just as much as John knew at the time he came to the office again to try to do his job that morning.

John could not do more than follow his boss in silence while the other employees of the department watched from their posts the scene, some happy and others showing clear discomfort, knowing that they would have to work more to compensate for the lack of another employee.

"Close the door when you enter and take a seat."

John's boss said, as he adjusted his tie and sat behind the desk.

John simply stood in front of Marcus's desk, waiting for him to say his final sentence.

"Listen, I know you work a lot, you are young. How old did you say you were when you arrived? 26? 27? Now look at yourself, you get tired at work knowing how things are out there and it is clear that you do not want to go to the dungeons, but I assure you that if you continue like this you will have to go. Because the jobs are all occupied and you know it "

Marcus said, claiming to know the situation in the world and knowing that no one would really want to go down to the dungeons, but sooner or later that would become the last option for anyone and John.

"I know sir, but I am tired, I have not been able to sleep well lately and it does not help me much to know that the number of emergency calls increased, I promise that when I get back I will give one hundred percent of me..."

Marcus raised his hand interrupting John while shaking his head in denial.

"I'm sorry. John, you know how important our work is, people's lives depend on us and I can't allow these people to try to recover the time someone wastes."

John could do nothing but stare helplessly at Marcus, even knowing he was right, the job he and everyone in the department had been very important both to maintain the lives of both civilians and hunters.

"I'm really sorry, take your stuff and then leave."

Marcus said, with a heavy voice, knowing that it was very difficult for a person today to live without a job, the situation was so bad that even the children who had the opportunity to study began to plan what things they could do to earn their bread of every day, And those who did not have that luxury had to manage the best they could or starve to death.

John returned to his desk and took only his backpack, his only person belonging which was not even in good condition, since it lacked a grip and was cut and torn in many places, as if a wild animal had attacked it.

Upon leaving the building, John was once again welcomed by the same sight as always, a depressing environment and barely staying in order, just two weeks had passed since the last attack of monsters to the settlement of sector 24 and both food and water. They were starting to run out, as well as the options available.

Although the world was in total and costly attack of monsters the common crime was not taken a break, having the always active thieves stealing left and right and racial crimes being a common occurrence, life in the settlements was a "real shit party" for those who seek peace within those walls.

"I really hate everything right now."

John exclaimed in a tired and whining voice when he observed every day of his life, exactly the same thing every day, and worse still knowing that there were guards, but these hardly gave importance to the problems within the settlements.

The guards would rarely move a finger to do something since nobody important was there to regulate their positions and activities, in addition to these receiving 2 meals a day and were allowed to avoid chaos with lethal force, although this did not always mean that they would attack the person they were supposed to attack, many times both innocent and guilty were attacked and killed by the guards causing people in the settlement to feel more and more distrust.

"Move to that alley, and we won't hurt you."

A feminine voice could be heard on John's left causing his momentary peace to be immediately interrupted when two hooded figures approached him from the sidewalk without really paying much attention to them.

The hooded person showed a knife supporting the tip of this on John's side with the clear intention of assaulting him, but not obviously in broad daylight, but it's not as if John really cared since his backpack carried absolutely nothing of value at that time, more than a few sheets and pens.

"It is a backpack with papers and pencils, you will end up frustrating to see that I have nothing."

John's voice was calm and frank at the same time, but neither hooded man seemed to believe him or even try to listen to him, since the person with the knife pressed his weapon a little more against John's body.

"I told you to go to the alley or it will end all very badly for you."

John's eyes really didn't seem to feel anything, but that didn't mean he wanted to be stabbed either, knowing that the medical system in the low settlements was nonexistent. So without thinking much more decided to follow the orders of the girl, heading to the alley.

The alley was strangely dark even when it was almost nine o'clock in the morning, it was strangely poorly lit so John felt a bad feeling.

"I will give you my backpack at once, but I will not take another step, I honestly do not feel safe approaching the darkness that is here."

John said, causing the two hooded people to look at each other and show both a knife in each hand. Noting his intentions clearly, these two people had no intention of leaving John alive, but it is not as if he had realized, since the little importance he was taking from the situation was being given to the darkness that lay behind him.

"Take the backpack and leave, I really have a damn bad feeling about this place."

John exclaimed removing the backpack from his shoulder and holding it with one hand presenting it to the two people in front of him giving it to them, until he noticed the knives in his hands.

"It seems that this is not a robbery after all and I thought that my day could not get worse..."

All he could do was take a couple of steps back, but not too far back as his foot was in the darkness that was in the alley, the same darkness he tried to avoid at all costs, but the situation instead to improve it had only begun to get worse.

"Hey, you don't want to do this, I'm nobody and I haven't done anything to you ..."

John tried to use his only resource and tried to speak to the two hooded people without any result since these two continued to stare at him, like a pair of wolves looking at their prey.

Suddenly those two people ran to John. With the intention of stabbing him in the stomach, but this achievement covered with his backpack and causing the three to fall into the darkness that he was avoiding approaching, disappearing completely.

And to be honest, I've never been good at writing xd stories, but I like to try :D.

Sagarastcreators' thoughts