
chapter 93

Incubus King is pushed to the corner. He knows that he is only a guess in this side of the land, but his dedication to give a normal life for his daughter forbade him to back down from Argholas demand.

He bring all these succubus and Incubus to show his position in this side of land. Incubus King think that since he treated like an ordinary guest, he need to show his host that he is wrong. Incubus King is not just any ordinary guest. He is a King for a race of demon, he is one the the Seven King, his position must be made clear even if he is a guest.

Incubus King is made sure about his actions by Jada behavior. She didn't deny him when he said he want to call for more of his people. Jada also allow him to build his base near the dungeon. Incubus King think that Jada is clueless about how power must be shown and he used that to his advantage.