
Dungeon Master's Misunderstood Retreat

In this tale, the protagonist stumbles upon a portal in their apartment, transporting them to a new world. Initially drawn by curiosity, they find themselves in a cave where they rescue near-death creatures, unwittingly becoming a Dungeon Master. Striving for a quiet, secluded life, their actions start influencing the world's politics, leading to conspiracies and misunderstandings. The protagonist, unintentionally thrust into the role of a mastermind, grapples with the consequences of their impulsive actions, creating a diagonal vector in the history of the new world.

Romop · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs


Chapter 47 [Count Vazari's Territory 4: Diversionary Force (Part 3)]

In the military encampment of the Count's territory, opinions on how to deal with this emergency situation were divided and couldn't come to a consensus. The cause of this was the recent royal directive, stating, "In the event of an enemy attack, avoid reckless actions." While the royal family likely intended to prevent unnecessary chaos, the frontline personnel did not perceive it that way.

"We can't act recklessly with the royal directive in place!"

"Our town is burning! Can we just stand by?"

"If we act carelessly, we might be blamed and even executed!"

"Could it really go that far?"

"Well, it's not impossible. The royal family has been eyeing the opportunity to crush southern nobles. How they might exploit this situation..."

"We won't get anywhere arguing here. First, send out scouts to gather information."

"Where do we send them? The whole town is in chaos. It doesn't seem likely we'll get useful information."

"What if orders come from the Count or the royal family before the scouts return?"

"If we act independently, we might face punishment... but..."

"Is there no request from the Count? Our lord is Count Vazari. Rather than fearing the royal family's orders, it makes sense to follow the Count's commands."

"There's still no communication. Should we inquire from our end?"

"The magical tools entrusted by Count Vazari only allow communication in one direction. If the Count contacts us, we can discuss and explain, but we can't summon him."

While discussions were still inconclusive, a messenger burst into the room.

"A message from Count Vazari! Hurry, head to the mansion!"

"All right! Let's go! Leave a minimal guard and go with everyone!"

"Do we go against the royal directive?"

"Our lord is Count Vazari. Following our lord is not an act of rebellion against the royal family!"

Finally reaching a consensus, they hurriedly made preparations. The Count's territory army, a total of two platoons, leaving half a platoon behind as a guard. Even preparing took some time.

"Finally, some movement. Honestly, they could have prepared for deployment while waiting for the Odawara Conference..."

"Sley, it seems they're bringing out wagons."

"Oh... planning to move troops in wagons. That's interesting."

As the commotion reached its peak, a wagon loaded with soldiers attempted to leave the encampment. Suddenly, irregularities in the ground caused horses to stumble, and wheels bounced, causing the wagon to overturn along with the soldiers.

"Enemy attack! There's an earth mage lurking nearby! Be on guard! Archers, shoot anyone suspicious on sight!"

A commander, driven by anger, gave unreasonable orders. In their frenzy, the bewildered soldiers followed the command without questioning.

"There! There's an enemy! Shoot, don't let them escape!"

Unfortunate residents who came to request help were hit by arrows and fell.

"Damn! This one is a decoy! Be cautious of the surroundings! There's a possibility of infiltration into the headquarters!"

"They're still alive! Provide first aid before questioning!"

The residents who came seeking rescue turned into unfortunate victims.

After a meaningless passage of time, finally, the next move was seen.

"Captain! No sign of enemies in the vicinity!"

"All right! It's quite late, but let's hurry to Count Vazari's place!"

"The wagons can't move."

"This is the opportunity. Everyone, run on foot!"

The heavily armed Count's army, their armor clanking, rushed away.

"Sley, what should we do?"

"We've bought quite a bit of time... Let's consult with our master."

"No need for that, Sley. We received a message from Horn. They plan to escape with the liberated slaves. You all head to the rendezvous point. Can you move through the ground?"

"We can, Master. I and the children can dig a hole and proceed."

"Good, Win, I'm counting on you. Hurry and move."

"Yes, Master!" (x2)