
Dungeon Master's Misunderstood Retreat

In this tale, the protagonist stumbles upon a portal in their apartment, transporting them to a new world. Initially drawn by curiosity, they find themselves in a cave where they rescue near-death creatures, unwittingly becoming a Dungeon Master. Striving for a quiet, secluded life, their actions start influencing the world's politics, leading to conspiracies and misunderstandings. The protagonist, unintentionally thrust into the role of a mastermind, grapples with the consequences of their impulsive actions, creating a diagonal vector in the history of the new world.

Romop · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs


Chapter 45 [Count Vazari's Territory 2: Diversionary Force (Part 1)]

A few days before the Vazari assault, Crow and the others were confirming the execution procedures of their operation.

"This time, we need to divide into three units: a unit to disrupt the town, a unit to interfere with the count's army deployment, and a unit to attack the count's mansion. Since the lord's private troops are stationed away from the count's residence, I can't take on both roles. Take care, and move without drawing attention, ensuring not to overexert yourselves. If our identities are exposed, think of innocent slimes, skinks, slayers, and worms getting killed."

Our advantage lies in keeping our identities unknown. To secure an upper hand, concealing our identities is an absolute necessity. Of course, we can't expose our children to danger, so I emphasize that point once again.

"Listen, in the recent training, everyone should have learned the technique of casting magic from a distance. Use that skill to ensure your absolute safety before launching an attack. ...It would be great if we could secure a safe zone using my dungeon transformation, but..."

"Master... this time, not only us but also elves and beastmen will participate... revealing the danger of dungeon magic is not acceptable."

Indeed, this time, Keen's disruption unit operates in an area adjacent to the lodging place of the target slave traders. Despite instructing them to keep a distance, there's no guarantee they won't be seen by sharp-eyed demi-humans. Therefore, it's necessary to execute the operation with minimal use of dungeon magic. Entrusting the liberation operation to elves and beastmen is the most troublesome, but not being able to use my trump card, dungeon magic, is not pleasant.

"Well, complaining now won't change anything. So, Keen and the skink unit, I leave the disruption in the town to you. Do you understand the procedure, as you did in Balen?"

"Yes! Master, leave it to us!"

"To interfere with the count's army deployment, rely on the earth mage as discussed in the meeting. Sley and Win, take command."

"Understood, Master."

"Our children have grown, so don't worry, leave it to us, Master."

"As for causing mischief at the count's mansion, it'll be me and the slimes led by Rai, alright?"

"Yes, Master, we can do it!"

"Alright then, each unit, get ready for deployment!"

The slave liberation battle in Vazari, which would send significant ripples through the country, was about to unfold.