
Dungeon Master's Misunderstood Retreat

In this tale, the protagonist stumbles upon a portal in their apartment, transporting them to a new world. Initially drawn by curiosity, they find themselves in a cave where they rescue near-death creatures, unwittingly becoming a Dungeon Master. Striving for a quiet, secluded life, their actions start influencing the world's politics, leading to conspiracies and misunderstandings. The protagonist, unintentionally thrust into the role of a mastermind, grapples with the consequences of their impulsive actions, creating a diagonal vector in the history of the new world.

Romop · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs


Chapter 28 [Silva Forest - Part 1: Request for Reinforcements]

The season transitioned to early summer, lacking a rainy season like in Japan, making it comfortable. However, the sunlight was gradually becoming stronger. The greenery around the mountain hut thickened, indicating a challenging period for grass cutting. Even simple walks required navigating through dense bushes, and Japanese insect repellent sprays became essential—though unpopular with my children due to the chemical smell. One day...

As usual, I handed Earth's water and fertilizer to the old man of the Spirit Tree. Since Win's evolution, I refrained from standing to pee, much to the old man's strong dissatisfaction. According to him, since then, my health improved significantly, and the number of spirits visiting increased remarkably. By substituting high-quality fertilizer for standing to pee, I managed to handle the situation.

That day, like any other, I expected to examine herbs, chat with villagers, and end the day.

"Master... Spirit Tree-sama is calling."

"The old man? Rare for a summons. Something happened?"

"I don't know, but... it seems like a visitor... came to Spirit Tree-sama."

"Visitor? Even rarer... I sense trouble."

Indeed, from that day forward, we found ourselves entangled in an unpleasant situation.

"Did you call me out for that elf over there?"

"Well... honestly, I'm not thrilled, but... could you listen to the story?"

"Oh, the great spirit user from a foreign land."


Upon inquiry, the young elf, a magician named Horn, revealed he came from the Elven village in Silva Forest—beyond the mountains to the south of Edge Village. He sensed an unprecedented concentration of spirits around the old man. Was it because of my decision to stop standing to pee? They misunderstood me as a mighty spirit user, but it was too troublesome to correct. Apparently, an unusual number of spirits gathered around me. Since I don't emanate attribute magic, he found it hard to believe I was a magician. I haven't learned magic yet. Is Dungeon Magic treated differently?

So, what did he want from me?

"He wants you to save Silva Forest."

"Yes. The greedy Baron Balen is planning to attack Silva Forest soon. His aim is our property and probably intends to enslave us."

The Baron seems to be a tyrant with a supremacist attitude towards humans. Despite the Baron's territory not being exceptionally wealthy, he indulged in luxury, depleted his funds, and now has his eyes on Silva Forest. Horn berated the Baron with strong words, a sentiment shared not only by the old man but also my children. It's unfortunate, but I have no intention of helping others at the expense of our peaceful life. Edge Village has a different lord, and the Baron wouldn't extend his reach this far. As I was about to refuse, the old man intervened.

"Elves have treated the spirits well. If possible, I want you to help. And that damn Baron is not only planning to plunder Silva Forest but also thinking of setting it on fire."

What? That's unacceptable. Burning the forest, do they realize how many creatures will suffer? If animals fleeing in droves come here, it will disrupt the ecological balance. I can't overlook this. To protect our peaceful life, the Baron must disappear. With the new Dungeon Magic, I have a good chance. But just working for free...

"Honestly, I'm not eager, but given the circumstances, I'm willing to cooperate depending on the conditions."

"Oh, thank you very much. So, what are the conditions?"

Fearfully asking, I laid out our requirements to the elf.

"First, the elves must never speak of me to the villagers. I don't want to get involved in any more trouble. Negotiations and consultations will only go through you. I'll be the only one dealing with Baron's forces. Elf participation is prohibited; this is an absolute condition. If elves approach, cooperation will be immediately terminated, and we'll be considered enemies."

Our information, especially about our children, will not be shared, not even with the elves. Ensuring everyone's safety is our top priority. Depending on the situation, our children may join the fight, but witnessing their involvement is strictly forbidden.

"Second, I want to learn Elven wind magic. Consider it necessary for this operation. Once I master it, we'll proceed with the strategic actions."

Horn was puzzled. Why would a great spirit user suddenly need wind magic? Can't he just ask the wind spirits? Moreover, wind magic encompasses various aspects; it's impossible to master them all. Why does he need wind magic? Before Horn could voice these concerns, he received a curt response.

"Our request concerns wind magic, no need for unnecessary inquiries. If you can't do it, that's fine."

Horn hurriedly apologized and promised to teach wind magic. Alright, if I can successfully learn wind magic, I'll have a significant advantage in acquiring flight magic. Flight magic will be useful in the upcoming operation, so I definitely want to acquire it. If that's the price, it's a necessary expense to help the elves.

Now, let's get started with the lessons.