
Dungeon lord: multiversal war

reincarnated into a demon lord to bring change to a stagnant multiverse, being a former human Drogon knows the fastest ways is through war

Moistpurplemeat · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Prologue: reincarnation and the great task

It was getting late, the compounds light flickering. The wind howled picking up speed Little drops of water started falling from the heavens.

A middle aged man named James exits the heavily secured compound sighing to himself for nth time today "thank god I'm finally out of there, these damn meetings are exhausting" he works in a top secret research and development lab that is focused on biology and engineering, James being smarter than most is well learned in both. James deciding to hurry home hails his car 'ai chip please call my car out for me' [Ding! Affirmative]

James lives on an advanced version of earth a hundred years ahead of our time and ai is a perfected technology there.

Seeing flashes of light and then the rumble of thunder on the horizon James moans to himself "great shitty weather to compliment a shitty day, well at least I'm home bound" remembering the new novels he bought at home waiting to read put a small smile on his face "well at least it gets better from here, right?" Immediately getting an ominous feeling James vision is immediately blinded by a bright flash of light and a severe pain everything goes dark.

Waking up in a comfortable chair to a view of an unknown space, well space doesn't quite fit. Space is a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied, This however was occupied with many floating balls of mixed colours moving in vast lines as if on invisible conveyors, all moving through a floating stone kaleidoscope coming out devoid of colours. James, being an avid novel reader, immediately put the clues together and realised he was dead.

"You seem remarkably calm young man"

hearing a familiar voice behind James turns in the chair "Keanu reeves!?" Sitting behind a desk made of unknown wood sit Keanu reeves with a golden halo.

"Be not afraid human, I possess a form your mind is comfortable with, as our true forms are incomprehensible, I am similar to angel in human terms and help god manage this multiverse'" the unknown being states.

"Theres a god?" James asks bewildered, as he was an atheist and didn't believe in such.

"Not as in the religious sense, you can think of him as a omniversal manager responsible for the continuation of the omniverse"

Understanding the being and sighing in relief that he was not smote by an angry god. Gesturing to the window behind him James asks "So… why am I up here and not down there?"

"You were brought here for a special task we have deemed you worthy of, as such you will not be going through the standard reincarnation process" the being explained and continued to elaborate "you will be reincarnated into a stagnant multiverse as a demon lord, your task to by any means necessary stop the stagnation and eventual decline of said multiverse"

"I see so the whole creation and destruction being two sides of the same coin gimmick, and how do you expect me to achieve this?" said James, concerned about how a normal human is supposed to complete such a monumental task.

"You will be granted 3 small wishes, and will be reincarnated as a demon lord of a random race" the being assured James

"I'm confused as to what you mean by a random race of demon lord? I assumed demons are already a race" James questions

"A demon lord is more of a title similar to the dungeon core of earth's novels, but as such a being is stationary you will be granted a avatar of a random race to travel the multiverse to accomplish your task" the being clarified "are you ready to chose your wishes and begin the task?"

James began thinking about what he could use to help in his task "Very well, in human society war has always been stimulus for development and change, as such I would like to use a one of my wishes for a loyal general and assistant to guide and grow alongside me"

The being pondered for a moment and accepted with some additions "Granted but the being will also be of a random race as well"

James nodded, finding it acceptable, thinking of typical dungeon novels and his second wish "can I have a DP based system based on the change I bring to the multiverse?"

The being pondered once more "acceptable, however it will be limited to purchases of unique structures, monsters and general amenities for personal use in the dungeon core, not modern items. you will have to create them yourself and a starting amount of 100,000 DP"

Excited at the possibilities of such a thing James immediately starts to think of his third wish but pauses. remembering his previous life's companion, his ai chip built and programmed by himself "is it possible to give life to my ai chip? to accompany me as it was my life's work, treated almost like my child and I loved it dearly"

The being this time was pondering for what felt like eternity "I'm unable to approve such a request, requesting higher approval" the being seems to go into a trance for a while, before returning to its senses "creator has granted your request, however much like your first request, it will accompany you as an assistant much like in your previous life as a steward with a random race"

Overjoyed at his request being granted, bowed wanting to express his gratitude "please thank your creator for me, I will accomplish his request to the best of my abilities"

"No need to worry child, what we are asking of you is already enough"

Hearing a new yet strangely familiar voice James immediately turned around "Morgan freeman?! I'm going to guess that you are god?"

"Yes and I'm here Finish the final process before sending you on your way" the new being smiled benevolently, imitating the biblical god. "The final process is select your avatars race and grant you a new name"

Crossing his fingers James hopes for something good "alright please start"

The being imitating the biblical god snapped his fingers to summon a gachapon machine with thousands of small balls inside "pull the lever three times, the first for your race, the second for your general, the third for your companion"

James pulling the lever three times and immediately opening them

[Crimson dragon]


Crimson dragon scales


Infernal breath

Shape shifting

Blood magic

Fire magic

[Noble Dracul vampire]

Blood magic

Military martial arts

Blood conversion

Vampire bat form

Immortal blood

Born leader

[Grave mind butler]

Born steward

Cyber mind

Parallel thought

Necromantic magic

Satisfied with his pick James awaits his new name

"Drogon Almandine, go forth and bring change"

Hello this will be my first attempt a novel, any constructive criticism or corrections are greatly appreciated, please enjoy

Moistpurplemeatcreators' thoughts