
Dungeon Keeper, chests are not for you!

From dungeons here you get everything: metals, jewels, ready-made weapons, ancient books, fame, success, money... Everything, in short. Often standing on dungehki chests, traps, places with fossils, and no one, vmityat, do not know that someone in the morning the head splits from the endless walks... Always robbing chests, mobs kill, find secrets and no hiding, no hiding! Why the hell am I a dungeon keeper and not a conqueror, huh?! I'll give you a radish without butter, not treasure, you stinking pants!

MichaelSkurov · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 2: The Iron Man

Well, okay, if this world really wants me to be the guardian of the dungeon, then all I have to do is become such a powerful dungeon master that everyone is afraid. Well, what about it? If you can't beat it, head it!

Now, it seems, it's time to sit, think, view the skill tree, read, so, routine... Oh, I remember school, I was already drawn to yawn right away. Reflex, so to speak.

So... "Dungeon Keeper-Ahhh... Ha... is a title bestowed by the gods-blah-blah-blah-...he is the physical embodiment of the dungeon... - blah-blah - ...it has a single heart with the dungeon... - very interesting - ... the destruction of which will lead to the death of the keeper and his dungeon ..." And there is a picture. On it, in short, there is a blue ball, even lapis lazuli, very similar to those from bowling clubs. What does it say next?..

Blah, blah, an important element... La-la-la-poplars... Accumulates energy... Yeah, another half page... Everything is clear, more or less.

In short, there is no heart in the dungeon now, which, by the way, is very bad for him. We need to get this ball out of the inventory as soon as possible and bury it somewhere so that they don't just find it. As soon as the heart of the dungeon is here, I will start getting points for leveling both myself and the dungeon. In general, if you do it according to science, then you need to protect him, my whole life is there, after all, but we have only one "Eugene shameful" with the skill "Fast legs are not afraid of cradles!", so putting him on a pedestal and getting up next to him is crap, and not an idea.

Therefore, it is better to hide this heart until better times. my dungeon stretches for a kilometer around, yes, yes, I am now a large landowner, and therefore it is not necessary to bury the heart in the hole itself, you can go out, walk and hide it in an open field, the main thing is to go deeper, you never know what...


- On the way on a summer day, na-na-na-nan! I'm walking, hugging myself, nan-na-nan!..

The lid is slightly sliding down, but within the norm, in principle, I have it walking back and forth from time to time, and then it's also boring so that at least a howl, so I howled a little. Well, on top of everything else, I carefully examined my, so to speak, territories. Around my hole in the ground are located... Fields! Solid, damn them, fields and meadows!

No, this miracle can be called a forest, rather even a half-forest of some kind. Trees of unknown species are separated from each other by tens of meters, everywhere there is grass, bushes and, oddly enough, burrows, mouse holes, as I understand it. Oh, but the mink is bigger, rat-faced, like.

I look around and realize that I really don't want to bury anything here... And suddenly a mouse will gnaw - is that the great heart of the great dungeon rodents have arrived?! No, no and no, it won't do.

I'd rather hide it somewhere near the cave, so it will be safer. Although... It is necessary, nevertheless, to complete the detour. The sun is still high, you don't want to drink or eat, you can take a walk.

Oh, my, something flashed there! Everything, everything, I got the hint, everything is with walks today, the limit, so to speak, came out, mom is calling, I want to write.

And somehow, hurrying, jumping on bushes and grasses, like a ninja trainee, that is, noisily and completely, dent, not secretly, I got to my cave, from this thought something Light came to mind, and I calmed down like a fish in the sea.

I stood for about twelve minutes, afraid to move, and, like, I didn't hear anything except the rustling of squirrels and the screeching of a couple of rats, apparently the ninja trainee still passed the stealth exam, for a C, rustling, but passed, well, or someone didn't pass the hearing exam, which, by the way, I tend to believe more.

But okay... They were a little afraid and that's enough.

Where to put this unfortunate ball now?.. Hmm... oh! I came up with it!

I came out of the cave and buried the most valuable thing I have, my own life, my heart, just at the entrance, half a meter down, I dug for an hour, almost died from the strain... Working with pens is the most disgusting thing in the world! But I am happy with the result. The idea is this: here an adventurer sees a cave, goes into it, and there a homeless man sits and does not blow his mustache. Well, he will kill the homeless, and the homeless oppa will follow him, so maybe I will fight back once on the effect of surprise. Well, am I not a genius?..

Brilliant plan, I like it... Even if I didn't have to die in it - in general, it would be a fairy tale, but so far so.

Okay, what's on the menu and my status... Last time it didn't go beyond the first lines, but now it's a completely different matter, because I am mentally prepared for my fate.

[Hole in the Ground Dungeon

Recommended level: 5

Hazard level: safe.

Special Awards: None.

Monsters: No.

The characteristics below are visible only to the Dungeon Keeper

Number of chests: 0

Dungeon Points: 1/hour

Dungeon Heart Health: 100/100

Dungeon Defenders: None

Traps: None

Floors: 1 (You can read more about the characteristics of the floors)

Dungeon Level: 1

The Keeper of the Dungeon Eugene

Guardian Level: 1

Health: 450/450

Mana: 54/54

Skills: Sprint

Spells: not studied

Active Titles: Fast legs are not afraid of lyuli (+10% to running speed), the Killer of Rats (+5% to the damage inflicted), Curious (+5% to the perception area), From another world (The ability to understand all languages, the legendary status bonus is always active)

Inactive titles: None]

- Mmda, fine, there's nothing to say... Can I have sweeter bonuses? Well, a spell of some kind, maybe a cooler passivity? No? Well, to hell with it, the strong don't need handouts!

It seems to me more and more that this world has taken me like a can of coffee at a discount, just like that, for nothing to do. But everything fits perfectly - I'm not a hero, there are no cool abilities, there are no bonuses, there's nothing, I'm just a mob, an anchor in my ass!

- So, we breathe, calm down, everything is fine, in your previous life you were also a mob and it's okay! That's where you managed to become a normal guy and get a good job, right? And you played hardcore, and even on a terrible server. Everything is much better here! You will also have Lights, and Tanya, and elves, the strong take everything themselves and do not wait for handouts from the outside, and you are strong, everything will be fine with you. So you're also handsome, so it couldn't be better. Voot, breathe more evenly, believe in your words, this is never a stereotypical motivating-soothing bullshit, not at all...


I did some more digging in the menu and realized a couple of things.

Firstly, closed chests generate dungeon points, which is nice. The more of them, the faster I will be able to pump both myself and my cave.

Secondly, it is impossible to open the chests, or rather it is not worth it. If you open it, there will be loot, everything is fine, but the chest itself will become open and will stop generating points for another week after that. A bad situation, nothing to say, but, in principle, understandable. The logic is simple to the point of impossibility, if you want to swing, keep the chests locked, but how is a completely different story.

They can be hidden, but this way they become "hidden" and the glasses swing worse, so the best way is to guard the chest. This is where mobs and traps start to come into play.

But it would be too easy if I put it and forgot... Traps are single-shot and endless, the first need points to work more than one raid, the second just plow. If the mob has died more than once, it is indicated in its characteristics, then it is forever and you need to buy a new one. And another trailer with a trolley of nuances.

In general, everything is like in a previous life - you have to pay for every piece of garbage and only you are free.

I am also considered a mob, but I can be reborn as long as my heart is alive, that's all, sobsna. Of course, it's not worth dying, it throws off a little experience, but it turns out either for points or for killing enemies inside the main dungeon, as I have already found out, it doesn't work outside... But those fields are also considered the territory of the dungeon! Stupid system...

Okay, basically, it's not that complicated.

After thinking about it for a minute, I put my first chest in my cave, which generated as much as two points per hour, and began to save up for my first dungeon guardian. The talent Tree has helpfully offered me as many as two types of dungeon guards. The choice was between goblins and slugs. Well, I don't like live snot more than green gnomes, so I decided that I would be the first to open and pump them.

The branch was quite branched, there were types, subtypes of goblins, something else and more... Everything is gray, not open, it doesn't even work out to read about all this, but, in general, there are prospects for development.

Well, we'll see...

The opening price is ten points or about three hours of my time. Well, we will wait... By the way, I can sleep, right? Well, where's the switch off button? Ah, there she is... Well, good night.

I closed my eyes...



And there was no trace of the dream. I abruptly jumped up from my seat and took a fighting stance. A two-week knowledge of judo, if it did not help in battle, then it allowed you to take a beautiful pose before death. If you look at it like that, then all this is a farce of pure water, Madame Surprise and her sister Madame Cunning rule the ball on the streets and in fights, Equipment, Weapons and the Presence of friends hang around somewhere next to them, and after everything comes Mr. Martial Art.

Well, this time only Miss Cunning is with me, but she should be enough.

I looked around and didn't find anyone at all. the intrusion notification did not disappear, and I myself itched somewhere inside, saying "Someone got into your house," but I did not notice anything. Suddenly something bit me painfully on the leg.

I looked down and saw there...

[Octius Lagarius, 1 lvl.]

Just a rat with a strange name, not a rat, not a huge rat, quite ordinary, such as in my old world ran around the corners. In three strokes I nailed her, the animal turned out to be tenacious.

[5 experience gained]

After our great battle, I decided to lie down again in my place near the chest and press the "pass out" button, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed a small glint in the bushes at the entrance to my hole. Looking closer, I saw a bucket, that is, a helmet, and a small blue coat.

This mirror on legs still tracked me down! Infection, couldn't you have appeared an hour earlier, before I put the trunk?.. Okay, calm down, everything is fine, homeless people in rags regularly bend knights, I've seen this in games and even turned it. The main thing is that you can roll through the sword here, and the rest is not so important.

I pretended to be asleep, now both sisters of street fights will be with me at once, and therefore the chances of winning are no longer zero, even if they strive for it.

This iron man sat in the bushes for another five minutes, got up carefully and came to me. First of all, he decided to kill me, the Keeper of the Dungeon of the first and a half level, apparently decided that I was very dangerous. Well, he didn't lose with that.

[Dorg Dan, level 12]

Hmm, he's only a dozen levels older than me, it's nothing...

And he moved carefully, carefully, not in a hurry at all. Apparently, this is not the tinhead, he would hardly hesitate. It is worth assuming that either someone's rich son is hunting me now, or a not very skilled adventurer, he does everything painfully slowly. Although here the question arises as to whether a not very skilled adventurer could afford such armor?.. Question...

So he raised the blade over me and hesitated. Well, the "x" moment.

- Aaaaa!!! I shouted at the top of my voice and rushed at him with a dazed look.

- Aaaaaah!!! - he answered and, confused, dropped the sword and fell on his back.