
Dungeon Farming: Reborn as a Dungeon Lord, cultivating life inside a cave.

One day I woke up inside a cave. There were luminous crystals in the walls, one huge crystal in the center of the room and a collapsed tunnel leading to God only knows where. I tried digging the entrance but human hands are not exactly the best tools for digging and there were no other tools around, so after a few hours of useless efforts I gave up. Time passed and nothing changed, but instead of getting weaker and weaker with the passing of the time, I got stronger. I felt no hunger, no thirst, I didn't even get sleepy. "Can somebody tell me what the heck is going on!?" And then, I got the answer. ---------------------------------//-------------------- Quick summary: The story is about an archaeologist guy who wakes up in a cave and discover he is now a dungeon lord. The story progress as he finds out more about his position, how the dungeon works and their place in the present world. Through the story he creates a farm in his own dungeon, summon some creatures to help him out, develops a business relationship with the outside, learns some magic, discover some hidden truths of this world, meets many people, make some friends and some enemies and eats as many turpins as he wants without ever getting fat. ---------------------------------//-------------------- 5 chapters per week + bonus IF I have time... ---------------------------------//-------------------- The cover image is a royalty free photo, taken from the site www.nicepik.com https://www.nicepik.com/people-inside-cave-lanzarote-dark-light-bill-green-plant-hole-output-tunnel-grotto-free-photo-820046

Seink · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
98 Chs

The Dungeon Lord practices first aid.

As I approach the fainted Ruyk, I can easily notice his wounds. One arrow pierced his arm, one arrow hit his side, failing to pierce him, but leaving a deep cut and a final arrow that pierced his belly.

I was no medic but my last life had at least taught me how to do some first aid....wait damn it, I got no bandage here, actually I dont even have clothes! What to do? What to do?...Summoning! Let's see if we can summon something to help us...

As careful as I could, I took Ruyk in my arms until we reach the stairs, then I put my hand in the stairs wall and called teleport, sending myself and Ruyk directly to the Dungeon Core.



"Search for cl-no, search for bandage!"




[0 results found]

"Search for cloth!"




[0 results found]


"Search for Medicine!"




[253 results found]

"Filter to what I can summon now!"





[15 results found]

Ok, now, let's take a look...

Blue herb, Medicine, main ingredient for mana potion. -skip

Blue herb seeds -skip

Green herb, Medicine, used as a catalyst to improve the effect of low tier potions. -skip

Green herb seeds -skip


Red Herb, Medicine, main ingredient for health potion, can be applied on the wound to stop external bleeding.

"This is it! 3 Summon Red Herb!"



[Error! Not enough Mana!]

What!? How expensive is this thing?

"System, show me the info on Red Herb!"


[Red Herb]

[Rank: D]

[Type: Medicine]

[Consumption: 0u/d]

[Description: Main ingredient for all kinds of health potion, can be applied on the wound to stop external bleeding or eaten to help blood flow better and cure internal bleeding.]

[Resources required]

-Mana, 200u

Two hundred is expensive but I should have 3000u Mana stored! Where did it all go!?



Name: Full Armor Demon Lair

Rank: E

Avatar level: 30/40

Floors: 2/2.

Task Force: 3E.

Defense Force: 1F, 1E.

Invaders: --

Allegiance: Neutral

Available Mana: 320u

Available Miasma: 270955u

Productivity: 140u/d

Event Log:

-Creation of Miasma draining tunnel complete.

-New source of Miasma detected.

-New commands available, "Turn on The Sun" and "Turn off The Sun"

-Magicraft The Sun has been connected to the Dungeon Core.

-Magicraft The Sun was summoned.



Available Mana 320u....Why???

I scratched my head with all my might.

Is the mana leaking because they opened the entrance? or maybe it's the crops fault? or....the magic?

Damn! For it to be lacking just as I need it! Whatever! Let's summon one first and stop the bleeding on his stomach, as for the others we will look for another way...

"Summon! Red Herb!"


As soon as the red leafed herb is summoned, I pick the leaves one by one and put them on an improvised pot I created with the Building Mode, then I use a circular rock to smash them all into a paste.

Good! It seems like this will be enough for the other wounds as well...

Taking a long breath, I grab the arrow in the goblin stomach and pull it out. The wound is opened and blood start flowing out. I grab the red paste with two fingers and apply it on the wound, then press it with my hand, making the blood stop bleeding out. Then I apply my mana as a piece of cloth, bandaging the wound and take my hand out.

My trick seems to work and the bleeding stops.

Great, the worst one is down, next the arm.

Using the experience I gained from treating the belly wound, I repeat the process again in the arm without any problem and finally I apply what is left of the red paste in the side wound.

Well, I did everything I could...next we can only pray he has no internal bleeding and has the strength to survive...

Sigh... I really want to sleep now... but before that, I need to check the entrance...

"Blue, I leave Ruyk to you. Take good care of him."

Blue nods with it's big head and flies to Ruyk.

I press my hand on the Dungeon Core and command.

"Teleport, first floor stairs!"

All I can say is, blame the dice XD

Seinkcreators' thoughts