
Dulzura De Mi Vida

The Story is about a boy that create his own system from his spiritual power that is not bound with any administration or something. But he want to live a life peacefully away from male lead and female lead, he choose hidden boss as his HUSBAND to pamper and spoil but WHY THESE LEADS ARE DISTURBING MY LIFE.??! Enough of this I will make their lifes HELL if they are soo free for their own good..... hello its my first story ...and I have make this story reading alot of these type of novel. So if my story got a little bit similar then plz don't mind CAUSE I HAVE READ IT PROBABLY. all the pics i use is not mine, credit to the artist ....if there is any mistake then I AM SORRY for that... i hope u like the story ... I will inform about mature content if I made any. THANK U and plz try to support me.

mahnoor_mir · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Your Love makes Sense in My Life(1)

I don't know what is it but I feel like everything is fake. I don't feel the need to react to anything around me literally. Sorry for the late introduction.. My name is Adonis Silvia and I am 17 years old. My parents are dead and I don't have anyone close to me other than a childhood friend that I quite like but he betrayed me for just a woman. Drugged me and throw me...just to get some money.

'It feels like a novel where male lead throw his childhood friend or lover or girlfriend(boyfriend) for female lead. Then,I wish I had a system like those novels but more better to assist me' Just as I thought of it, a light glowed and a furry creature sit on bed beside me.

"HI Host! I am system created just to assist you. Should I tell you about this world?"

"Hmm.. I-I..you really are a system like those novels?"

"Yes host but I am better than those little things. You can do anything like break the  world..destroy it..leave it..or just live in it ANYTHING means anything. Do you understand? Now what do you want to do host?"

"Hmm..first get out of here..tell me how much time we have before they came?"

"Oh..hmm...host we have 1 hour to get out of here."

"I want to live this life this world...first i want to find someone to live my life with. Search a partner for me system."

"Ok host but what kind of partner you want?"

"I don't want that much relation to male lead and female lead..someone that come in story rarely but have to be possessive about their things\people and loyal too.do you think you can find someone?"

"Host don't you have alot of opinion in this..fine I found some people HERE:

Tim Howard ☆☆

Kim James ☆☆☆

Easton Williams ☆☆☆




Isaac Blackwell ☆☆☆☆☆☆"

I scroll through the list and stop at the end of  it. I pointed at the star-shape shown after the name and said "what does this mean?"

"It means how  difficult person that is to fell in love  and sometime to understand"

'I see ' " who is he?" I pointed at the very last one 'Isaac Blackwell huh' "Host he is very dangerous man and hidden boss that didn't  show in the story that much that's why information on him is not much.."

'Interesting'"I will choose HIM then. Where is he? Got to see what kind of person is he.."

"Hosstt..he is dangerous I told you..why do you want  to choose him?" "Because I want someone possessive and loyal and that person is alot better."  "*hah* fine..he is here.  His spiritual power is unevened because of that he is very very dangerous right now and  only his compatible spiritual power can make him better." "Ok lead the way.." "Hosttt are you sure?" "Yeah" "Ok go out and turn left to the 3rd room" I got up and feel  dizzy but it's fine. I got out of  room with trembling legs and reach HIS room. There's no one on the door. So I got inside-if system don't tell me he's here I would have thought  the room is empty. Just as I enter the bedroom someone pulled my hand and throw me on bed and tower over me. Because of the pull and throw happen in-an-instant my head got dizzy the drugs acting much faster ..I started to feel hot and dizzy. The body towering me judging me frowned. The person got closer to inspect me and the person know I was drugged. The person got close to my ear and said in a deep and husky voice"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I tried to glanced at the person but my eyes were already hazy due to drugs.