
Due Day

Chae a girl who just wants love, striving to change her fate in karma for toxic relationships, her guardian angel makes a tiny mistake and she is stuck in the loop will she finally find the one for her?

Ddionasty · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Day 1: confession

Keeping a note for her day chae was trying to lean into organization she was a part time worker of course it was like any normal start to a romance. she was taking orders and giving them, she worked in the morning so work was rougher than normal multiple people coming in at the break of dawn screaming their orders in your face when you just woke up as well she imagined it as always like hell , a hell that was somehow well placed soft cushion seats and hard wood floors and door with the brightest lights to invited any devil to come rid this place of it's softness.

Yup costumers she choose this place as a line of work cause she never heard of it before it was one of those self built businesses at the corner no ome really payed attention to but boy was she wrong after she was assigned to hand out posters her first line of work boy did she regret it, lines of people coming to order the desserts and cafe drinks. she thought her job was gonna make so much money that she wouldn't need another job to support the first one but it was short lived yeah they was making lots of money and she had been working her butt off but then the Kevin's and Karen's of the world found out and she started to hate this, prevailing customers with shitty attitudes spitting in her face she started to love the kind ones the omes that leave the tips in the jar and actually can speak like a normal human being and say that she did it wrong, yeah it was definitely some weird kind of hell.

That's until she met HIM, him being known as Hu bak he was one of those type of people you'd low-key hear about on the side from working, all the girls was talking about was Hu Hu Hu and all he did was do volunteer work at the shelter down the street but got everyone wanna go there for his drop dead looks and smile that lit of even grumpy old ladies heart.Yeah she had it out for him...or was he having it out for her?