
Duality Or Destiny?

Kim Dae Ju, a famous idol whom is in the highest peak of his career, suddenly have an accident that greatly changed his life. After he opened his eyes, he realized that he has to lead a very normal life... in a strangers body! Shocked and scared of the sudden mystery of his body swapping with a person he never met nor saw before; the great determination of unraveling the mystery fueled him to stay in his unwanted host. Will he able to retrieve his life back? Or will he be trapped forever because of the love he feels for host's beautiful wife. Though he knew that they were not destined to be together. Suddenly he discovered a fully new things about the body. It was actually a dead body. What will he do for get his body back? What will happen to the girl whom he loved? And what will happen to the body?

Bunny_Junnie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
152 Chs

144: Miracles happened

"Who?" Dae Ju asked and shrink his face as if he doesn't know her.

"It's me! Lina! You told me to come, isn't it?" she came closer to him but Dae Ju moved backwards as he was awkward.

"Sorry. I think you are mistaking. If you came to take my autograph, then I can give it to you." Dae Ju said and smiled weirdly. Then he noticed she have a diary in her hand. He snatched the diary and opened it. He signed on a blank space and give it back to her.

"I think it will be fine! You should leave now!" Dae Ju said and looked back. He went to inside.

"But, You don't know me, right?" she asked very gently but disappointingly.

"No, should I?" he looked back and after thinking for a while he replied.

"No, it's okay. But think about me. I think you will remember if you try." saying this she went away. She noticed that necklace which was still on his neck.

"Strange girl!" saying this he turned back and went inside.

"Who was it? Do you know her?" Min Jae came to him with two glasses of coffee.

"No! How could I know her? But, maybe she was looking like someone I know." Dae Ju replied and went to the dressing room.

"Someone you know? Who?" Min Jae gave a glass to him and asked.

"I am not sure! I have a feeling that I saw her somewhere before. But I couldn't remember her." He smiled.

"Oh, right! I have something to ask you." Dae Ju suddenly remembered about some and looked at Min Jae while taking a sip of coffee.

"What?" Min Jae took his phone and concentrating on it, he asked.

"Are you sick? I found this on your desk. I wanted to ask you but I didn't get a chance. If you're then you can tell me." Dae Ju was curious.

"Ah! You got me! The truth is.....I will tell you later." he looked at the small bottle and saying this he looked at his phone screen again and start walking to somewhere.

"Dae Ju-sshi! Please sit down! We have to change your makeup." a staff came to him and said. Dae Ju was looking at Min Jae's leaving but he heard the staff and sit on a chair obediently. He was rehearsal the new song which he has to shoot after some time. He was singing in his mind. While singing the song, he remembered about the girl which he met a while ago. Did he know her? The diary on her hand was familiar but where he saw it, he couldn't remember.

"Ah! I am getting distracted again!" he shouted. The makeup artist who was doing makeup on him, get afraid.

"What?" she asked and moved backwards.

"Ah! Nothing!" Dae Ju smiled weirdly.

"Then why you shout like that? I thought you get hurt!" Jung Haeok was far from him but he also got afraid and asked laughingly.

"I got the lyrics wrong again," he said disappointingly.

"It's okay. You can do it! I trust you." Jung Haeok said.

"By the way, where is our Maknae?" Dae Ju asked. Nam Gil entered inside and hearing him he asked,

"He is running around here and there." Nam Gil said as if nothing happened.

"What? Running around?" Dae Ju laughed.

"Don't talk about him! Min Jae ruined him more when you weren't here. There was nobody who could scold him. Now, it's time to get him on the true path. Please take care of him. I beg you! I can't take him anymore!" Nam Gil said and sat beside Dae Ju. He put his hand on his forehead as if he was so done with that boy. Suddenly Jong Goo came inside and the staff who were working inside smiled at him.

"What? Why you all are laughing?" Jong Goo asked and make a curious but cute face.

"Here your kid came." The staff who was doing the makeup of Dae Ju said.

"Hey! Jong Goo-ah! Where were you?" Dae Ju asked.

"Why?" he was looking very tired so he sat down on a couch and asked while drinking water.

"Hey! You got more tattoos on your hand? NO! HOW! Did you get permission from me? Ah! After someday, we have to see a tattooed monster instead of Jong Goo! Ah! How can we survive after that?" Dae Ju said in his own style. Jong Goo didn't reply to him. He was acting as if Dae Ju was a parrot who was talking nonstop and he was the parrot's owner. Jong Goo laughed and said,

"He is cute!"

"Eh! Jong Goo-ah! I am your hyung! You should listen to me! Ah! I am upset! No one listens to me anymore!" Dae Ju said and acted as if he was so upset but he was happy.

"I know you my hyung. You are 30 now. Nobody will listen to you now. You are too old." Jong Goo was teasing him.

"Hey! Nam Gil-ah! Why you don't say anything to him?" Dae Ju was being passionate. Nam Gil was using his phone and he has no time to look around.

"Hmm. Don't irritate him." Nam Gil said to Jong Goo as if he was reading a book.

"Hey! No! I can't stay here anymore! You guys forgot how to respect your hyung!" he stood up but the makeup girl didn't let him go as he has to do more makeup. Jong Goo smiled and took his phone.

"Do we have any schedule tomorrow?" Dae Ju asked to a staff.

"Yes, you have a magazine photoshoot and interview for a magazine." the staff replied.

"Why?" Nam Gil said without looking at him.

"I should meet my mom. I wish Seo Jin would be out from home." he smiled though he didn't mean it.

"She will not. She is living in another house now! Why she will live with your mom?" Nam Gil replied.

"What? She is married?" he was surprised. Suddenly his head starts hurting and seems like he saw Seo Jin as a bride.

"What was that?" he got a shock.

"What?" Nam Gil finally looked at him and asked.

"Ah! Nothing!" he smiled. He thought it was his imagination. But he felt it was real. So real.

He went to his mom right after the shoot ended. His mom makes delicious food for him. But Seo Jin wasn't there.

"Mom, when did Seo Jin get married?" Dae Ju asked while eating.

"It's been three or four months already. She wanted to stop her marriage because of you but I told her not to wait so...." his mom was feeling guilty.

"Ah! It's okay. But, can you show me some pictures of her marriage?" Dae Ju asked. He was curious.

"Of course! You should watch it!" saying this her mom took out her phone and showed Seo Jin's picture of the wedding day. Dae Ju takes a look and got shocked. He saw exactly the same look a while ago. Then, was it real? How can it be? He wasn't there! He wasn't feel something right. He eats silently for the rest of the time.

"I should leave mom. I have another schedule tomorrow." saying this he bowed to his mom and went outside.

"Be careful! It's too late! Can you really go alone or I will come to leave you there?" his mom shouted from inside.

"Ei! Mom! I am not a child anymore! I can go! I brought my car today! Nothing will happen!" Dae Ju makes her understand and went outside. He got into the car. He wasn't a good driver but he can drive. But nowadays, he felt like he can drive better than anyone. Min Jae was the best driver amongst them but today he drives better than him. While driving he felt like he was in a race. He has to win the race no matter what.

"Why those things kept coming into my mind when I didn't do these?" he asked himself. He stopped the car near the bridge. He gets out of the car. He thought he will feel nice if he gets some fresh wind. He saw a girl who was sitting near the edge of the bridge. She was looking up and suddenly she looked down. She has something in her hand. She kept it and hugging it, she started crying. Dae Ju wanted to go and ask what happened to her. But seems like his feet have stuck. He can't move his feet when he thinks to go to her. He felt bad for her. She must be going through a hard time. But he can't go and console her. He came here to refreshing his mind but he gets more disappointed. So he was going back to his car.

"Excuse me!" the girl stood up and noticing him she was coming to him.

"What?" he was going backward.

"I can understand why you acting like this. But I hope you will remember everything. Keep it (giving the diary). Maybe you will find out everything someday. But I will not be there. If you miss me, then look at it(pointing to his necklace). It's not your fault. Don't blame at yourself. Take good care of yourself." she touched his face then looked back. It was the same girl who came to him a while ago. He was feeling strange but his heart suddenly beat fast when she touched him. He couldn't say a single word as he was too confused. He was holding the diary though he didn't want to receive it. He looked at her leaving but he couldn't understand what she just said to him. After some time, he came back to his sense and went inside the car again. He passed by her and went to his dorm. He came inside his room. He took the diary as he was curious what was inside it. He took it on his bed and went to the mirror. He started to put off his makeup with remover and suddenly he felt curious about his necklace. He couldn't remember which staff gave it to him. Why the girl mentioned it? What is it? He touched the necklace. While looking carefully by upside down suddenly it opened. He looked at it surprisingly. A photo of himself and that girl was inside it. He saw it and become more surprised.

"What is it? Why I was wearing it for so long?" he asked himself.

"What?" Min Jae came inside and hearing him he asked.

"Why I am wearing this?" Dae Ju asked to Min Jae and pointed to his necklace.

"Maybe for the photoshoot," he replied without any expression.

"Who's diary is it?" Min Jae took the diary and asked. He opened it and kept turning the pages.

"Oh! Isn't this your handwriting?" he came to Dae Ju and asked curiously.

"Yes, it's mine! But when I wrote this! Ah! It's too long paragraph! What I wrote in it?" he was confused. Suddenly he felt like he was remembering something. That girl was sitting on a chair like his and he was going near to her to put on her that necklace which he was wearing right then. He looked at the mirror again and touched the necklace again. He started thinking why he kept remembering those things. He took the diary and opened the first page. He saw Lina's picture, her mom and dad's picture but her husband's photo wasn't there. There was another person. Dae Ju remembered he saw it before and her husband's photo was there too.

"Min Jae-ah!" He shouted.

"What?" he felt curious and came to him again.

"I made a big mistake! I-I-I must go! I remember who she was! I pushed her away! How can I? Can you come with me?" he asked and looked at him with his poor face.

"Why? What happened?" Min Jae was curious. Dae Ju went outside without letting anyone know and start explaining everything to Min Jae. They went inside the car and Dae Ju started driving the car to his destination. He knows where he can find her because it was not been too long since he met her. He stopped the car where he saw her. But she wasn't there. Both of them came out of the car and start searching for her. But she was nowhere. He kept searching here and there because he knows she can't go far. Suddenly Min Jae showed someone who was standing on the edge of the bridge. Dae Ju recognizes her from far. It was her. It was Lina. She was going to jump on the river.

[End of the seven months]