
Dual Gluttony System

Alden was an ordinary young man when one day his village was attacked. With his home burned to the ground, he was hunted down and left for dead. His desperate wish to live is heard by a nameless goddess who gives him knowledge for his eye. Alden discovers not only memories of another world but also a mysterious dual system, (Demonic) Gluttony and (Heavenly) Gluttony. Now in a pact with the goddess, Alden must slay the 12 Demon Gods to restore her power and meet the Creator. Can Alden with his modern memories, survive the merciless world of the Demon Gods?

GreatRedDragon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Visit to the Inn

As they were escorted through the town, Alden had a hard time holding his laughter back.

Daiyu was floating back and forth looking at the various things in the normal town. With only Alden's village as a reference, it was the equivalent of a country bumpkin going to the city.

But in Alden's eye, it was more like watching a curious kitten investigating its surroundings. Alden was saved from being as stupefied as she was by his more modern memories. Skyscrapers dwarfed these three-story buildings by a large margin.

Eventually, Alden started to get a little worried. His escort was leading them on a winding path and Daiyu was taking more and more time marveling at the shops and people around.

He also couldn't call out to her either, to get her attention. The escort would think he's insane, Alden already looked the part in his rags.

Fortunately, they arrived at an inn and Daiyu was still following them.

"Oy! What is that thing doing in here!?"

As soon as Alden walked in, the man behind the counter pointed and commented on Huginn.

"She's my trusted partner, she's very well trained and listens to me."

"You know what's also all those things? My dog! And he's not the symbol of death!" The man crossed his arms, clearly in opposition to Huginn being inside his inn.

"I'll pay some extra sir, we're only going to be here a short while." Alden said as he put forward some coins, heavens knew the rest of his village no longer had any need for them.


"Well, at least I don't have to pay with my salary."

The guard sighed in relief as he put his coins back into his pocket. He had deliberately led Alden to a place that want too hard on his wallet.

Huginn tried her best to give the owner puppy eyes, as much as a crow could anyway.

"…I don't know…" The man slowly said as he eyed Huginn suspiciously.

"She can hunt well, how about some catches in good faith!?"

Alden smiled as best as he could while putting his money on the counter.

"If you're going to do that, then I don't want any stinking rats!" The owner swiped Alden's money off the counter and started to count it.

"Thank you. Huginn, I'm sorry but you heard him right?"


Huginn nodded and flew off through the doorway with a strong flap of her wings.

"Use a window next time!"

The owner said as he slammed Alden's room keys onto the counter. After that, he turned around and went back to taking inventory in the back.

"Duly noted."

"I'll be back in one hour, make sure to be presentable by then." The escort explained before he quickly exited.

With a time limit given, Alden walked towards his room with Daiyu following behind. There was already a tub of warm water and towels ready, so Alden would be able to clean himself nicely.

There was a simple and nothing fancy about the room, it was suitable for a few nights of rest.




"Why are you just standing there?" Daiyu asked, confused on why Alden had not moved for a while.

"Are you just going to watch me bathe?"

"I have to watch for immediate danger, do I not?"

"You watched our village, do you not know about gender differences and courtesies?"

"Those are only for humans, and you pledged yourself to me. So there is nothing that should be embarrassing between us."

"I feel honored to have a goddess watch over me." Alden sarcastically spoke as he laughed and started to take his clothes off in the room.

"…Perhaps I will excuse myself…" Daiyu suddenly found it awkward to look Alden in the eyes. As a result, she turned her back to Alden.

"I wouldn't want to think of you as a voyeur goddess anyways." Alden shrugged as he slipped into the tub in his underpants.

"V-voyeur!?" Daiyu angrily stammered but she didn't turn around, rather she phased through the wall.

"Can goddesses get red in the face?" Alden thought to himself, it was an amusing thought. But if he voiced it, she might take another finger from him.

Having wasted enough time teasing Daiyu, Alden started to scrub himself thoroughly. It was interesting to know how she could display some emotions like that of a girl Alden's age. Perhaps gods and humans had more in common than they thought.

When he left the village, Alden grabbed some clothes that were still in good condition. He put those clothes on in anticipation to meet the mayor. They weren't anything fancy but they were better than the rags he had on before.

Surprisingly, Daiyu returned nearly the instant he had everything on.

"Wait a minute…" Alden started to say as it clicked in his head. He had yet to cover his right eye again, so it was apparent.

"Not a word!" Daiyu said with a look like she was going to kill him if he continued. Alden could swear her face was a few shades red, or perhaps the steam was playing tricks on him.

Seeing Daiyu show emotions turned out to be a bigger deal to Alden than he knew. He didn't know if he could've stood listening to a domineering god for very long.

Alden secured a makeshift eyepatch to his eye and checked the condition of his sword once more.


He had opened the window to let the steam out and Huginn came flying in with something in her claws.

"That was fast, good girl!"

Alden petted Huginn and gave her some dried meat he had in the pack. She happily received his attention as he stroked her feathers, all the while eating from his hand.

Eventually, there came a knock on the door, and Alden opened it to see their escort from before.

"The mayor extends an invitation to his home to you, let's be off now."

Alden nodded in agreement and carried Huginn in both arms as he followed the guard.