
Dual Gluttony System

Alden was an ordinary young man when one day his village was attacked. With his home burned to the ground, he was hunted down and left for dead. His desperate wish to live is heard by a nameless goddess who gives him knowledge for his eye. Alden discovers not only memories of another world but also a mysterious dual system, (Demonic) Gluttony and (Heavenly) Gluttony. Now in a pact with the goddess, Alden must slay the 12 Demon Gods to restore her power and meet the Creator. Can Alden with his modern memories, survive the merciless world of the Demon Gods?

GreatRedDragon · Fantasi
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21 Chs

An Unexpected Gift

When Alden and Yalgri were just about to head out of the Mayor's mansion, they were called to by Nylane.

"Wait! Alden, can you please spare some time?"

Alden looked at Yalgri, who gave a small nod, before going with Nylane. She quickly lead him into her room and looked around before closing the door. She had to make sure they were away from the prying eyes of Mayor Halvor's soldiers.

"Alden, can you please give me Bjarke's and Carr's swords?"

Nylane said with a solemn look on her face, she looked like she was going to take no for an answer.

"…" Alden frowned as he was taken aback by her sudden request. True they were worn and not what they once were, but these were the best weapons he currently had.

"I want to give them a proper send-off, I'll have their weapons restored and have prayers offered for their weary souls."

Alden was conflicted, she had helped him a lot but he didn't want to show the knights that he was a pushover. In truth, this was an annoying request. And yet, villager Alden would've readily agreed, but with memories from Earth, Alden was more distrustful of everyone.

In the end, Alden decided to give them to her anyway. These weapons weren't worth ruining the relationship with the knights for. Greshir still had to be dealt with and Alden would not stop until justice was obtained.

"Do as you will." Alden sighed and handed Nylane the weapons that the dragged once wielded.

"Thank you." Nylane gave Alden a sincere smile before putting the weapons away.

Alden was about to head out of Nylane's room when she then pulled something out of a trunk near her bed.

"Use this instead, the weapons you had were worth more sentimentally. But this should more than makeup for them."

Alden pulled the sword out of the sheath and had all his negative feelings go away. Nylane chuckled as she saw Alden's eyes lit up s he examined her gift.

"Nylane, what is this blade!? The quality is impeccable but there's also something strange about the metal."

Alden gave it a few swings and nearly threw the sword out of his hands from how light it felt. Its sturdy construction could definitely take down multiple undead easily.

"I'm glad you like it, it was a spare sword I had with me. The metal was specially treated and had magic runes placed in it to conduct my lightning magic, but other forms of magic should also be conducted if you pour your mana into it."

Alden slid the blade back in the sheath and put it at his side. Nylane was correct, he was very satisfied with trading the other blades for this one.

"Its name is "Skofnung". It's not supposed to be drawn in the presence of women or have sunlight touch the hilt or at least that's how the superstitions go."

"Well, I hope it's not cursed then, since I just did both things." Alden laughed as Nylane walked him to the door.

"Nothing more than old tales." Nylane readily agreed, the old traditions had given way to their cold reality. Nowadays, anyone with power was recognized in the fight against the Demon King of the North.

"Nylane, about the other weapons-"

"Don't worry, we already cleaned out your room at the inn. I'll get you the money you had stashed there, plus some extra later tonight."

"Hmm, I guess I didn't have a choice now did I?"

"You could have kept the swords, I would have returned your money still. But the bow, spear, and Skofnung would not have been yours."

As Alden exited Nylane's room, he ran into another familiar knight. Kane nodded to Alden and he did the same before going back to Yalgri.

"You gave him that sword…" Kane said as they watched Alden turn the corner.

"Despite the feelings, I have about it, it's still an excellent weapon. He needs a good blade, regardless of where it came from." Nylane sighed as started to wrap her hair around her finger.

"Didn't you say your father gave it to you?"

"He did, the message he sent with those two archaic superstitions was very clear! Especially after I became a Knight of Lundri. A sword that I can't use in my presence and the fact that "it should never touch the sun"."

Nylane spoke with disdain in contrast to the usual image everyone had of her, she was relieved to be rid of the sword. One day she would have to confront him in person and then she wouldn't mince any words.

"I'm sorry, I know nothing."

"Please just let me rest, they have been forcing us to guard the area all night."

"Apologies, I don't recall the incident that well."

When Alden and Yalgri went to question the deceased's supervisor and his peers, they were stonewalled at every turn. Alden knew something was strange seeing how they all looked nervously away.

"They're hiding something! We just need to decide on the method to find out."

Yalgri started to think over their next steps as Alden looked once more at the report. There had to be something they could use in it!

"It says the deceased, Borik, has a wife and child that he left behind. We should go question her and find out what she knows."

Alden suggested as he handed the report back to Yalgri.

"Hmm, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask her. But I think we rattled them, they're probably going to report this to whoever is the next highest. There's still his colleagues, we should finish with them first."

Yalgri was keeping a close eye on Alden, but when he was distracted questioning the workers, Alden spoke quickly with Daiyu. He had used the excuse that they wouldn't see him as an authority figure to speak to.

"If this necromancer exists and they are in the city, most likely the evidence of their base or actions should be in the mines. Do you think you could phase through the mine and look for clues?"

"I won't do it."

Almost immediately, Daiyu had refused Alden's suggestion. She seemed slightly angry that he even mentioned it.