
Dual Cultivation in Dimension Immortal

One year ago, an Immortal dimension descended upon the Earth. Why Immortal? Simply because in this dimension, everyone has the ability to cultivate and become Immortal. A young man who left a village embarks on this journey, but what he didn't imagine is that he possesses the Yin Yang body, so he had to embark on the path of Dual Cultivation.

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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Buying a bracelet

As Xiang Yun approached the sales point to acquire his entry bracelet for the Dimension Immortal, a mix of emotions swept over him. His heart pounded not just with excitement at exploring a new world, but also with anxiety and concern.

Sitting on a wooden bench facing the sales point, Xiang Yun clenched the small pouch of coins Uncle Wu had given him. The coins felt heavier now, not just in metal weight but in the expectations and responsibilities they represented. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to focus on the decision ahead.

*"What if I fail?"* Xiang Yun thought. *"Uncle Wu trusted me to take care of the village. What if I get lost in this new world and can't find my way back?"*

These thoughts echoed in his mind, challenging his newfound determination. He recalled Uncle Wu's words: *"True strength lies not only in muscles but in the wisdom to know when to act and when to retreat."*

Taking a deep breath, Xiang Yun opened his eyes, determined to proceed. He knew the Dimension Immortal offered not just a chance at immortality but also a place fraught with dangers. Yet, he wanted to try. His hand trembled slightly as he raised the pouch of coins toward the vendor.

"A bracelet, please," he said, trying to conceal his anxiety.

The vendor, a stern-looking man with eyes that seemed to see through Xiang Yun, accepted the coins and handed over the bracelet with a solemn gesture.

After receiving the bracelet, Xiang Yun placed it in his pocket and decided he needed to buy some clothes before heading to the inn.

Walking through the bustling streets of the city, Xiang Yun observed the various shops offering clothes of all kinds. Finally, he entered a small shop selling used clothes, drawn by the low prices displayed in the window. The shop's interior was simple but organized, with several shelves and racks filled with clothes.

"Hello, can I help you?" asked a friendly saleswoman as she noticed Xiang Yun entering.

"Yes, please. I'm looking for new and cheap clothes," replied Xiang Yun, trying to hide his unfamiliarity with the city.

The saleswoman led him to a section with simple but good-condition clothes. Xiang Yun chose a few pieces: a blue linen shirt, brown cotton trousers, and a pair of comfortable leather boots. He also found a lightweight coat to protect him from the mountain chill.

"How much are these clothes?" Xiang Yun asked as he brought the pieces to the counter.

The saleswoman totaled the price of the clothes and replied, "Altogether, it's twelve coins."

Xiang Yun carefully counted the coins and paid the saleswoman, relieved to still have twenty coins remaining. "Thank you," he said, taking his new clothes and leaving the shop.

As he walked, Xiang Yun remembered Uncle Wu's advice about saving money and decided to look for a cheap inn to spend the night.

Approaching a group of women, he asked politely, "Excuse me, ladies, could you recommend a cheap inn around here?"

A young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, dressed in a white jacket and black blouse with black pants, responded. Initially judging Xiang Yun as humble, she decided to help anyway.

"There's a simple inn on Cedar Street. Go straight ahead for two blocks and turn right. It's modest, but it should be affordable for you."

Xiang Yun thanked her with a nod and followed her instructions. The city was bustling with life, and he felt energized by the atmosphere around him. When he finally arrived at Cedar Street, he found the inn. It was a modest building, but cozy, with a sign gently swaying in the wind.

He entered and approached the counter. "Good afternoon. How much for a night here?" he asked.

The receptionist, a friendly-looking man, replied, "Five coins per night, young man."

He sighed with relief, knowing he could afford to stay for a few days while preparing to enter the Dimension Immortal. "I'll take a room, please," he said, handing over the coins.

With the key in hand, Xiang Yun climbed the stairs, each step echoing softly in the wooden hallway. Arriving on the second floor, he found his room at the end of the corridor. The key turned in the lock with a satisfying click, and the door opened with a slight creak.

The room was simple but clean and comfortable. There was a single bed against the wall, with white sheets and a wool blanket. A small wooden table with a chair stood by the window, and a candle on the table provided soft light. In the corner, a wooden wardrobe offered a place to store his clothes.

He placed his backpack on the floor and sat on the bed, feeling the day's fatigue finally catching up to him. He took the new clothes out of the bag and organized them in the wardrobe. Looking around the room, he felt grateful to have a place to rest before entering the Dimension Immortal.

Before lying down, Xiang Yun approached the window and looked outside. The view showed the quiet movement of the street below, with lantern lights softly illuminating the path. He took a deep breath, absorbing the serenity of the moment.

Lying on the bed, he reflected on what awaited him. He held the Dimension Immortal bracelet in his hands, feeling its weight and significance. With a final thought of hope and determination, he closed his eyes and let the weariness carry him into sleep.


**Author's Note**

Uncle Wu entrusted Xiang Yun with 100 coins, and here's how they've been spent so far:

- 8 coins - Bus fare

- 60 coins - Bracelet

- 12 coins - Clothes

- 5 coins - Inn

Currently, Xiang Yun has 15 coins remaining.