
Dual cultivating assassin

What Happens when a soul of fighter from underground MMA fughts ends up in a body of just murdered orphan beggar i cultivation world ? Read about the rise of the Lei Fen, as he dual cultivates and assassinates his way to the top of the foodchain from the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Victor_PR · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 27- Slavers

But this time we made a mistake; we decided not to eat inside of the room but in the dining room of the Inn.

Shortly a group of five men arrived at our table. They looked like hunters, that had very little care about how they looked. Their clothes were dirty and torn, they had huge unkept bushy beards and one could even see black and missing teeth everywhere.

The largest one of them that stood in front of the group stopped next to our table and started speaking while he looked at Sayako. Sayako looked very nervous and fearful. She was about crawl under the table.

When I saw that I quickly stroked her head and whispered to her in spirit language. Telling her that she has nothing to fear as long she with us and I won't let anybody to harm her.

"Where did you catch that spirit? It is perfect, I can feel it's cold Qi from here, she is untouched virgin! I am jealous she will net you a lot of gold. We caught very similar one not so long ago." Spoke the man.

I tried to suppress my anger as I spoke. "We did not catch her; I am returning her home as some piece of shit kidnapped her from home and sold her to slavery!"

He chuckled and turned to his mates while he spoke. "I knew it, it is the merchandise we delivered recently to the boss."

I could no longer suppress my anger and exploded. I quickly jumped on the table and called my polearm. With my first swing I took the head of the one that was talking. He had the highest cultivation out of the bunch. He was somewhere in captain grade. But since I surprised him and quickly chopped of his head, I didn't had to really fight him.

"She is a girl not a thing you fuckheads!" I spoke as I proceed to massacre all five asshats. Once they were lying down on the ground in pieces I stopped and looked around the tavern.

"Anybody else here thinks that she is a thing or has the bright idea of selling a kid into slavery. Just speak up, I can add your bodies to the pile right away!"

There was pin drop silence in the tavern nobody even moved. Fear visible on everybody's face. Yuki just looked at me and decided to not intervene, she knew that slavery pissed me off so she decided to let me let off some steam knowing that I won't attack innocents.

After about a minute tavern owner spoke.

"Look I get that you hate slavery but look at us, we are just some small fries from boonies. Most of us share your opinion but speaking up most of the time does not add well with wanting to live a long life. As you just now demonstrated on those pieces of shit you carved up."

I looked around and what I save really was just bunch of people that barely even cultivate. Most of them were just ordinary farmers or such. I dismissed the weapon and politely nodded to the tavern owner.

"My apologies for the mess, when somebody treat people like objects or mentions slavery in front of me, I tend to get really angry."

"You don't have to bow to the likes of me. We don't blame you. It's fine, they were pieces of shit anyway, glad that somebody took care of them! I don't mind the mess, just go sit to another table I will clean that up shortly."

We stood up and moved to another table, once we sat at another table owner went to the back and screamed.

"Rascals go clean the dining room!"

Shortly after those words four big dogs arrived in the dinning room and started munching on the five dead bodies. The were eating them with bones and clothing like nothing. It took maybe just 15 minutes and there was nothing left, the dogs even licked out all the blood. As they finished the feast they sat in front of the owner and looked at him awaiting orders.

"Go back to the back you rascals. There is nothing more to clean now."

Dogs ran to the back the moment he stopped talking. I could no longer stay silent and so I spoke.

"Impressive dogs!"

Owner chuckled and spoke. "Those are tamed wolfs, no dog would be able to eat the human skull like these guys can!"

"I see! Thanks for the explanation!" I spoke and I turned back to Yuki.

"I should get a technique like that; I would love to have a familiar!"

Yuki chuckled. "Why? For what? Miss Ai has more than enough of them and shortly she will become your partner, you can play with all the familiars you will ever want then!"

I chuckled and spoke. "True that!"

We finished our food and went to sleep. Sayako had her own room while we slept together in one. Next day it looked like Sayako was much less reserved around us then she was before, we didn't quite get what was going on but it was very welcome change.

Next day we once again found a carriage and went towards the last city on our way. We would be forced to continue on foot front that point onward since from there it was just a bunch of mountains and after the mountains it was a country of eternal snow and ice.

But before we reached the next city our carriage stopped. It was about the half way point between the cities when that happened. When I noticed that carriage stopped, I quickly asked the coachmen without looking.

 "Why are we stopping?"

"There are bandits in the way!" Coachmen spoke.

I quickly turned and saw a group of about 10 men standing in front of the carriage. All of them carrying weapons and looking like they are ready to use them.

I shook my head and quickly spoke to Sayako.

"Ostaň v koči. Mi sa o nich postarame!"

I asked her to stay in the carriage and she just nodded, fear visible on her face. Me with Yuki, we quickly jumped of the back of the carriage and walked towards the people blocking our way.

When we went about half the way between the carriage and the group, one of the men opened the mouth to speak to us. By the looks of it he was leader. He was the only one with clothing that was not in tatters and teeth that were not black or missing. He was even shaved. The rest looked exactly like the five idiots I toke care of in the last city. As he was about to speak, I quickly spoke.


"Let me guess, I killed five of your friends in the city? And now you want revenge? And also, to enslave my partner and that kid? Did I miss something?"

The whole group outside of a leader became visibly angry, the leader chuckled.

"We have a smart one! Yeap, you pretty much summed it up!" Spoke the leader. "So now we can get to the fun part, can't we? Since you were so nice to help me with the boring part, I will also make it quick for you and ensure that you die without pain. I originally planned to slowly carve you up."

"Let me ask you one thing before we start to dance." I spoke.

"Go ahead!" Spoke the leader with a smile.

"I see that there is ten of you here. How exactly do you think you will fare when I killed your five friends in like two to three seconds?"

The smile on the face of the leader froze and he spoke. "You did what?"

"Well, I carved up all five of your friends in like two to three seconds. I kind of hope you will be more entertaining since carving up the slavers makes me feel really really good inside. " I spoke with a smile as I summoned my polearm.

"Look how about we make a deal? You give me that little spirit and I will leave you alone. I will even leave some of my men for you to carve up, so you can feel really really good. What do you say?"

As he spoke most of his men looked at him with the look full of anger. I could not help but laugh.

"You are pathetic, so pathetic I can't even believe you lead this bunch of assholes. How about you shut up before the rest of your party turns on you and instead of you all dying by my hand you start kill stealing kills from me by killing each other! And if any of you thinks that you will get out of here alive, think again. But I will keep the last one alive long enough to answer few questions for me so if any you would like to have a chat with me before dying just try to stay away from me and if you are last one standing, we will have a chat."