
Dual cultivating assassin

What Happens when a soul of fighter from underground MMA fughts ends up in a body of just murdered orphan beggar i cultivation world ? Read about the rise of the Lei Fen, as he dual cultivates and assassinates his way to the top of the foodchain from the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Victor_PR · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 21- Cultivation and training

But this was when the loud *KNOCK* KNOCK* sounded from the main entrance to the house.

"Are you waiting more guests?" Elder Luo asked.

"No, we don't. I am going to have a look who is it." I stood up from the table and went to open the door. I was shocked when I saw who was knocking on the door. It was miss Ai.

"Hello miss Ai, please come in! How can I help you?" I spoke with a smile.

"I came to congratulate you, Fen! Your first expedition to dark forest ended up being a huge success."

I smiled at her as I was closing the door behind her after she entered the house.

"How come?" I asked.

"You became the top dog in monthly merit ranking. You must have brought a truckton of carcasses."

I inertly chuckled in my mind, most of the merit points came from 'dusk' , cleaning the dark forest is best for martial arts training but worst for merit points. Since it is just a sect's activity, there are no requests from outside in there.

"Well, we had to stop prematurely because we ran out of space in out rings."

I answered to miss Ai as I led her to dining room.

"Do you need some?" She asked.

"No, no, thank you very much for the offer. I already bought some for resource points so we are good."

She smiled and nodded. As she nodded, we arrived in a dinning room. Everybody in room looked at her surprised, while she looked surprised back. The only being that reacted quickly was a big rabbit that was stretched on the ground near the table. It stood up and started to run, it looked like it was searching for a place to hide. Miss Ai woke up from her surprise and spoke.

"Ken chill I didn't came to pick you up. You can relax."

The moment she spoke those words rabbit visibly calmed down and returned to his spot where he once again stretched. This helped to lighten the atmosphere a bit and everybody chuckled. Miss Ai once again spoke.

"Am I interrupting something? Sorry I didn't knew you were already celebrating." Her tone was weird, I could not identify why, but the way she spoke was weird.

"Please stay Miss AI, I would have invited you but I was afraid you would refuse, and I have no way to properly contact you." I quickly spoke.

"If you insist, I will stay, and regarding the contact thing that is easy to fix. Come!" She grabbed my hand with one of Her's and used the other hand on which she wore her bracelet similar to mine and pressed it against mine. Once she did this she spoke up.

"Pair up!" Once she spoke, I received the notification from system.


Communication formation and address book formation were activated in your bracelet. Do you want system to manage them for you?



I was shocked all I could do was to speak in my mind. 'Sure!' After that I turned to miss AI!

"It is also the communication device? I didn't know."

While I spoke this, I received one more notification, this one was about that my device was successfully paired up with the device of Miss AI. Before Ai could answer elder Luo spoke.

"Didn't I mention that? Sorry it's rather new function I am still not used to it and since it uses your qi to connect to other devices, I can't use it to communicate with my wife. So, I rarely use it, only times I use it is when Hikari calls me."

Ai chuckled and started to speak. "That will show you that going to Luo for explanations is not the best idea, in future just call me." She spoke and winked at me.

We chuckled and started to chat, Ai sad down and we had a nice dinner together during which we spoke about a lot of things like our first expedition to dark forest, Dusk and so on. I had to bullshit quite a lot since I wanted to keep real identity of Dusk secret. As we were about to say our good byes Ai spoke.

"Ahhh I almost forgot; I brought you a little gift." She pulled two scrolls from her storage and gave one to me and one to Yuki.

"These are scrolls with a cultivation masking technique, with this you can set your cultivation to any rank bellow your actual rank, it becomes a must if you don't want to squish to paste non cultivators just by existing later on."

"Thank you, Miss AI." We both spoke as we accepted the scrolls.

"Its very common technique but it is extremely useful, once you are above the captain grade you are dangerous for non-cultivators unless you can somehow control pressure you passively exude, this helps with that a lot. It also helps when you need to go unnoticed."

After this we said our goodbyes and elder Luo with wife and Miss Ai left. But before that Elder Luo paired up his bracelet with mine so we cold contact each other when needed. Hikari went to put the dishes inside of what was formation-based dishwasher and me with Yuki went to relax a bit in living room. Hikari joined us once she was done and we had a nice chat late into the night. We also all paired up our bracelets, so we can reach each other when needed.

We woke up relatively late next day and went straight to the cultivation room. Once we were their me and Yuki both ate first the nourishing pill and then stimulating pill. First one provides nourishment for 24 hours, both food and drinks and second is there to put you into mood for dual cultivation and to keep you running for a long time.

After that we went on it. For next week we were in cycle of having sex, cultivating, sleeping and eating next set of pills. We did nothing else during the whole seven days. The end result was that I felt a nice progress in cultivation and Yuki was able to catch up to me, she was now also Corporal stage 2.

After this I rented private training room for a week and went hard on the martial arts training of Kuramitsuha's dread, while Yuki practiced her martial art. Once that was done, we went on another expedition to the dark forest. We used all the left-over lure and I bought more before we were able to fill out all of our storage rings with carcasses. Once that was done, we went to turn them in. The plan was now to relax for a week and stabilize our progress and to go for next round of assassinations on the first of next month.

*** Unkown POV / Long Mansion ***

Two old men were waiting in rather spacious very luxurious looking room. Impatience visible on their faces as they were walking back and forth in the room. This was when they both heard what they were waiting for.

*KNOCK* KNOCK* KNOCK* "It's me Ho, may I enter?"

"Enter!" Stern impatient voice sounded from the room.

Man entered the room and spoke. "Greetings Elder Li! Greetings Elder Long!"

"Skip the formalities and speak, you called us here for something! So, speak up quickly!" Elder LI spoke while gesturing to elder Ho to hurry up.

 "But sure, I will tell you everything. Do you remember how I told you that I am going to ask my local contact in sect to look into who was the person that took on the assassination jobs?"

They both nodded and once again gestured for Ho to continue quickly.

"Well, she was able to dig out something, all four jobs that were done during that night were accepted by one and the same disciple like you thought. That disciple is named 'DUSK', before you ask. No, it is not his real name, no we don't know his real name. Honestly the only think we know about him is the name Dusk. And one more thing, this was first time he ever took on the job. He registered few days' prior. That is everything we will be able to get. And the only reason we were able to get this much is because my contact takes care of the statistics so she has access to the data that would be normally inaccessible for most people."

"Can't she find him by the number of points he got? Four assassinations should make him jump up in the rankings." Li spoke and Ho shook his head.

"Sadly, no she was not able to find him since the person has set everything to private, we were not able to see anyone jump by the corresponding amount. The only weird leap was the fucker because of which I was forced to leave the sect."

Elder Long quickly reacted. "You mean that kid with the polearm?"

Ho nodded. "Yes, that one! But no matter how much I would love for it to be him so I can fuck him up, it can't be him, you saw how much he spills Qi all around himself when you tested him."

Both elders nodded and elder Li spoke. "Yes, that kid was insane, it is normal when you use high performance martial art and big weapon to spill Qi a little, but this was the first time I saw something this big. Well anyway, we need to find this Dusk and lure him out. Ask your contact to monitor the situation and to try to find the fucker somehow. I want his head; I don't care how!"
