
Dual Class

What is a city boy to do when he wakes up in a white room with nothing and no one in it? All that greets him is a blue screen flashing with one word. "Welcome" In this story of wise cracks and wide spread murdering, Drake is forced to face old traumas and find his way in the new world of a merged planet forced by the system. He will find enemies and allies aplenty. Even some he would have never expected. His decisions will shape the future of his planet and journey in this new wild landscape that the system has brought. With God and Anime on his side- Oh and some spotty game knowledge- he must forge his own path. But first. He needs to get through this damned tutorial in one piece, and figure out how his damned spell works. New Chapters are posted Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6 PM EST. -------- Cover Art is done by my wonderful friend Caneera you can find her at https://caneera.carrd.co/ for all types of commissions. This is a story I've decided to write because my endless fantasies of chuunibyou like proportions could not stay in my head any longer. I've just wanted to make a story I can make some cringe jokes in and this is the result. I really do hope people will enjoy it as I really do enjoy writing it, and will keep writing it. If you can catch some of the references I would love to hear it. Love and Peace! Just not in this story. If you would like to read ahead, you can find my patreon at the end of any of the chapters! At patreon com/Arthur_Inverse You can also find the story on scribblehub and RoyalRoad if you wish, it will stay as up-to-date as webnovel. I would like to also mention that, this is essentially unedited work for now. More edited versions are on scribblehub. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/jJw54jd2GX

Arthur_Inverse · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
299 Chs

Chapter 170: Reluctant Disappointment

"What did you do!?"

A shout came from below the rampart, as Drake looked over and down slightly to see Chelsea right as rain, Megan next to her looking slightly confused and flustered.

"I didn't do nothin," Drake replied evenly.

"What about this announcement then!?"

Drake shrugged his shoulders, "I unno."

"What do you mean you don't know?! Why can't you take-"

Drake slowly began to tune out Chelsea's yelling as he looked at the new Titles he had just received.

[Named by the System]

[As one who has contributed to the closing of your Tutorial, your name has rung throughout the multiverse. +50% effect to your Aura Suppression of beings of your rank or below]

[Dawning of a Tyrant II]

[Your will and ideals have been thrusted upon the world. Your views will not be opposed, and those that have, have perished underfoot. Your rule is law under penalty of death. +20% to all Aura skills effects, +20 to all stats.]

[Hated by Many]

[Envy can be a poison that gnaws away at those who endure it. Peace was never an option after your name had become known. +5% to Aura Effects]

[The Awe of Many]

[Inspiration through rivalry is one that is the first step in leadership. Through your deeds, you have inspired and awed many. +5% to Aura Effects]


[Your name has been placed on a high-profile kill list and exceeded the prize of several High Ranked Mana Coins]

"A b-bounty? Really…? What did I do?" Drake laughed hesitantly, "Though these buffs to my Aura are insane. That brings me over 100% effectiveness overall. Speaking of effectiveness.." 

Drake trailed off looking at his now completely tattered rags of armor and the missing tattoos on his left arm and sighed.

"I really went overboard this time…"

"That you did!" Natto said, tapping along the side of the rampart, food in her mouth.

Drake gave a doting smile, glad to see her up and about already.

"Did the Core rank you up?" he asked.

"Certainly not. It is only one core. I will need several. There may be some in the Tutorial store so remember that when you are purchasing items. Speaking of which, do remember that you are to save a few hundred thousand points for our needs outside of the tutorial."

"I got it. Shouldn't be too hard with the amount I managed to rack up."

"You say such, but you underestimate the stores the Dragons have and are willing to part with. What have you been doing up here alone? Sulking over your forced racial change?" Natto asked, biting down on the last of her venison.

"No, surprisingly not. It's a big change and I haven't gotten used to it exactly. But I feel…. I feel good. I feel stable. I hate that she forced it on me, but it's reluctantly a net positive. I'd call it an absolute win even. Every skill powered up, my passive effects went through the roof, and I got a rocking tan. I haven't been this dark since I stood out in the sun as a kid when I was in the Philippines."

Drake shook his head, "No, I was going through the new titles I received mostly. And just glad I can take a moment to breathe finally."

"Enjoy it while you can ape," Natto snickered, "You will now get less rest than I even presumed before. Completing a Tutorial first is quite the feat."

"Someone has to do it, and I'm sure there are plenty of integrations based on what that announcement said when we first got into the Introduction room," Drake proposed, looking out again and seeing Chelsea still yelling at him from below.

"That may be so that there are many but there is only one. There is only a title and announcement for the first completion. There is none for the ones after and do not underestimate how petty the beings of the multiverse are."

"Is that so?" Drake replied.

Looking down at the yelling Chelsea, Drake began forming water effortlessly at his fingertips then gave a small grin as he dropped them down on her.

Chelsea dodged the first one with her speed as an archer. But failed to dodge the second as she sidestepped it expecting it to fall down to the floor, but instead the ball of water moved taking a hard turn and splashing into her face. The next hitting her on the top of the head, and another hitting Megan who began snickering. But ended up just as soaked.


"You know it!" Drake yelled back with a smirk.

"Hey, take on someone your own size huh bro?" Bjorn smiled walking out to the front of the Fortress, looking up at the midday sun.

"With pleasure," Drake grinned widely, something bubbling up inside him he didn't expect, forcing his eyes wide, "What was that?"

"What was what?" Natto asked, hopping up to his shoulder.

"I just felt. I don't know. Some sort of primal anticipation…"

"Ah… I see, you are an Asuran after all," Natto said understanding.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Drake asked, confused.

"Inspect your race, if you are confused I assume you have not yet."

Drake opened his status looking at his Race.


One of the Primordial Races. Known as one of the Races with the most bloodthirst, also called the Race of War Gods. They are ones who rule over others with pure force and combat prowess. Seldom do they know defeat, and will always be found to improve their Martial Abilities in combat.

Asurans have been known to plunge head-first into battle regularly, fighting for the honor of grand single combat to hone their abilities. Nothing is more important to an Asuran than a good fight; they have been used as weapons of war for many of the other Races.

Primordial Racial Effect: 100% Increased Status during Single Combat. +5 to All Stats per level. (Increased based on Overall Rank)

Drake let out a breath.

"Great. So now I'm sort of bloodthirsty battle junkie?"

"Were you not before? Now it is simply official as well as a biological imperative," Natto laughed loudly.

"This isn't a good thing… I was hoping to not have some sort of weird quirky personality change after all of this. Ah! Don't say it! I know already, 'You were already quirky before moron.'"

"While true," she snickered, "There is nothing to be done. With strength comes at least some demerits. You could not wish to improve this quickly without at least a few."

Drake sighed again, his back slumping.

"You coming or what bro? I'm growing a beard waiting here!" Bjorn shouted.

"You already have a beard, you idiot!" Drake snapped back.

"Oh, true," Bjorn chuckled, leaning his sword on his shoulder.

"Just give me a minute, I don't want to forget about this," Drake said over the wall, turning back around.

[Please select your E-Grade Weapon from the options]

Drake scrolled through the list but was immediately disappointed.

"There aren't any Ink Tattoo Weapons…" he lamented with a sigh.

Going back over the options he found the next best thing and selected Fist Weapons.

In an instant, a flash of light sparked and disappeared leaving a dark-colored flat-top box that was at least a foot and a half tall, a few feet wide.

Drake didn't waste time and opened the chest's lid, revealing the shine of golden light from the weapons.

"This is… These are so badass! What are these?!" Drake squealed.

[Asuran Initiate Chained Gauntlets  [E-Grade] [Legendary] [Set Piece ⅙ ]

4000 to 5092 Physical Damage

3500 to 4115 Magic Damage

25% Increase to Critical Strikes and 25% Increase to Damaging Skills

+100 to Strength, +150 to Dexterity, +100 to Intelligence, Increases Aura Effects by 100%

Full Set Effect: Increases Flat Defense Proficiency by 250%, Increases all Status by 200%, Reduction of Abnormal Effects by 115%, Increase of Regeneration by 200%

Requires a minimum of 2 Set pieces to activate Set Effect.

2 Set Effects: Increase Flat Defense Proficiency by 40%, Increases all Status by 30%, Increases Regeneration by 30%

4 Set Effects: Increases Flat Defense Proficiency by 100% Increases all Status by 80%, Reduction to Abnormal Effects by 115%, Increase of Regeneration by 80%

These Gauntlets are the culmination of Asuran ideology over eons of countless battles. Only those who have completed their initial training in the Halls of the Furious Asurans are given the chance to wield such weapons. Forged from the Mana Infused Gold wrenched from the hands of their defeated, the engravings on the chains and gloves are a constant reminder of the trials and battles each Asuran has overcome.

Requires a being of E-Rank or Higher to be wielded.

Drake was in awe of the weapons as he picked them up from the chest and the felt cloth that seemed to house them inside. The Golden Gauntlets gave off a sheen of power unlike Drake had felt from a weapon. They were formed to be large gloves, each finger and joint interlocking seamlessly to the next, connecting the two were four lengths of chains hooking to the pointed spikes that would cover his elbows.

The moment Drake stood up with the weapons, they flashed in a crimson fire as markings of images were etched into the gold in a burning pulsing red on the surface.

Forced to shield his eyes momentarily, he gazed back, to see new symbols and images on the chains carved in what looked like still heated markings. But they were cool the the touch as Drake brushed his fingers along the gold.

"These are awesome….Wait. I can't wear them!?" Drake howled in physical pain.

"Of course, you are still F-Rank you mongrel…." Natto sighed, slightly disappointed as well.

"It's a set item as well. Where am I supposed to get the rest of these?"

"I wonder?" Natto said evenly, her face showing that she knew but either would not or could not tell Drake as of yet, "Let us hope you will not be extorted on your way out.

Drake took the hint, and placed the Gauntlets as well as the box into his inventory very reluctantly, a tear running down the side of his face as he did.

"Are you crying?" Natto scoffed.

"Only a little…." Drake sniffled, wiping away the tear and getting up.

Drake moved to the edge and looked over, "Alright all ready- Wait where'd he go?"

Julia was there where Megan, Chelsea, and Bjorn had been.

"Oh, they left. They got tired of waiting, and Bear went for food. Megan and Chelsea went to dry off!" she hollered.

"Aw… I was looking forward to testing stuff out…." Drake sighed, "Well I have another 30 odd some days left to do whatever I'd like. There's no rush!" Drake said, his shoulders finally relaxing, "I wonder what Grumps and Wow-fi are up to?"

Thank you for reading as always!

Volume 2 just completed on Patreon! And it's a great time to become a patron! If you would like to read some of the advanced chapters, you can find the link at the bottom of the chapter or at Arthur_Inverse where you can read ahead from 1 chapter for $1, $3 for 7, $5 for 9, or up to 30+ chapters, and growing, as Draft Edits for $10. Becoming a patron also gains you access to Patreon Side Chapters which are only available for the future E-Book, and Patreon!

I would like to give an extra thank you to my T1 Patrons :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A., Pratish S., Sam4005, Salfallen, Wedmark D., ytm, Navarre C. H.

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Sphinxes, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Tyler, Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, Regan B., George M., Brother Grey, Jakub T., Nim, Talen D., James M., Liam B., DayWalker, Mark W., Rowan James, Woody, Johnnyboy 117, William N., Daniel W., Ruadhan, Alain

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S., Richard B., Sye, Coco-Jin, Zu'ul, eroth, Adrian D., Chris M., Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Nathan V. M., Jame I., Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Daniel R., Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Tanner, Swampfox, SupremeTempest, Bryan R-B, Josh, Mason G., Navarre C H., Pratish S., Jacob F. Adam G., TheGreenKraken, deadmo, Happy Pixie, Jake T., James N., Jhon A., Curtis M., John A., Shadowpulse, Melanie S., Jessy P., Patrick W., skeri123, John A., Arterion, Jordan J., TheAverageNerd, Albert, Alexikon, Kenneth K., Col A., Alex, Malcolm W., Thortinshire., Bladesunder, jason p., thethra, Maxwell J., Aditya V.K., Hartley, Chase, Rawin R., Nevan, Faerwynd, Nikalas, Zachary M., Levi C., Killertiger95, Arthur C., Alexander R., dragonsalver, Terrance S., Alexander R., Bruce F., vividlearner744, Al, Alric G., Lalanne M., Krimo, Johnathan H., JarryD,Skys, Tyler L.. Shakekiller, CardOne4All, Reuben E., Sam S., AA, Freya, Cody D., mafytoogamer, Dupl3x_, Thereader, Jordan M., Piotr, Ilan, My Name is Klondike, Michael W., Arron H., Jaklelope, Zero_to_Nero, Goldenatte, Wh1t3f0rg3, Andrew M., Fabrice, Alec G., Kris C., Seth F., Thedeathnote, Rowan J., Tiki, Timothy B., Firinen, ThePickleBoss, Brayan R., Leon J., AkisP, Fortunis, Aegir, Chris B., Barry P., CHoobler, Harlemisha, Jonathan G. Jr., Iranoc, Matt M., Eric L. S., Joe, Malcolm W., Thrangnar, 1FantasyFanatic, Alex W., Jason P., Jakleope, Matt M., MrTwinkles99

An extra ordinary extraordinary thanks to my Only T4 Patron: Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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