
Druid in GoT

Reincarnated to the house so small and insignificant that they hardly bothered to write about it on Wiki. Watch as from poorest and lowest of houses grows beast that seven kingdoms will have to deal with or fall. ----------------------------------------------------------- I had this idea in my head for a while and writhing my other fic started to get a lot harder because of the powers I got him so I tried to write something new. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Zero01010100 · Televisi
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19 Chs

Chapter 8

Few weeks after the establishing of Nydus Roots Nexus, Oberyn decided to leave. He had a lot to talk about with Doran. He said goodbye to his sister, who will not be returning to Dorne anytime soon, and soon was on the way.

Richard watched as Oberyn with his host of troops left. Now that he had Nydus Roots set up he needed to start working on the fleet, for that he had a special idea. A living ship, just like he created a Treants he wanted his fleet to be independent of actual humans and only to support them. Humans were inefficient, they break easily if sufficient causalities were achieved and he could never be 100% sure that they will get the job done and were loyal.

Sure he was planning on forming a formal military, Arthur was lately restless and had asked Richard multiple times if he can help with something. So Richard would put Arthur as head of the army, after all, Richards's only tactics that were possible to implement with a force of animals and treants were to swarm the enemies, to ambush them, or to employ Hit-and-run tactics. All of them effective tactics with the force he was using but he didn't know anything about human versus human warcraft.

The human force would then be used for securing the castles, calming the population, and to enforce laws. For actual battles, he would use his own forces that expanded daily. The current population of the predators on the island is already massive, that is one of the reasons he decided to expand, he needs more space. Simple as that.

Back to the ship design, since they will be a living ship he needed to create a system that will allow them to get nutrients needed for life from different sources. Massive sails will take care of the need for sunlight.

From the bottom of the ship will grow thin strands that will act as a net. Their job is to collect plankton, small fishes, and the occasional body of the enemy. Richard needed to add some form of intelligence so that ships can differentiate between his men and the enemy, it would not be good if the ships ate their crew.

Now that the life sustain of the ship is achieved Richard set himself to design an actual shape of the ships. There will be three distinct classes of ships.

Carriers were the biggest, they are to be designed to transport human troops and carry supplies. Few of the ballistae on board but otherwise little to no weapons were present. The below deck was designed as living areas for troops, and supplies. Ships size would be 137m long and 55m wide, the ship would be able to carry 500 - 1000 man and hold massive cargo.

The second class of ships was Frigate, smaller but faster ships, their job is to scout for the fleet, run patrols, and convey messages. They were equipped with 14 cannons inspired by the Middle age technology from Richards's old life but instead of gunpowder, they used a plant matter that when dried and grinded after contact with fire would explode, creating a similar but much more stable effect as gunpowder. They shot special fruit his CM designed. Said fruit had a hard casing and after it broke and the insides were exposed to the air they would ignite. The frigates were 41m long and 4m wide.

The third and most destructive were Carracks, heavily armed ships that were designed to do one thing, to destroy. They were equipped with 31 cannons on the sides and 4 big ballista's on the deck. They were 90m long and 40m wide and were manned up to 400 men.

After Richard finished the designs he let CM work on the seeds. That would take a few weeks to a few months.


Ashara was looking for Richard, she was by now used to him disappearing for a few days. When asked where he goes, he always tells her that he is working on projects. Richard had taken her to his workshop many times and Ashara watched as he created the most detailed blueprints or create life with his hands. For her, it was always fascinating watching him work.

But now it has been 8 days since he disappeared. It was the longest he spend couped in his workshop at one time since Ashara come to this island. Arriving at the door trough which is Richard located she saw them open, from them come through her lover. He looked like shit. Richard oftentimes when working on projects forgot to eat and bathe, so caught up with whatever he was doing that when he was finished he oftentimes reminded smallfolk farmer after a hard day than Lord.

When Ashara saw the state of her lover she pinched the top of her nose and let out a long-suffering sigh, tick she caught from his mother with who she spent much of her free time.

"Ashara? Love what are you doing here?" Richard asks, it could not be that long so she came looking for him, could it?

"What do you mean I'm doing here? You have been there for 8 days and you look horrible"

Richard had enough self-conscience to look sheepish.

"Yeah, I had caught up in a project. I didn't know it will take so long to finish"

"Well now that you are finished you need to eat and bath, I will tell servants to prepare something" Ashara broke no arguments as she dragged him to the dining room. Servants had already prepared a feast for they were already used to their Lord state after one of his projects.

They enjoyed the launch together. After that Ashara dragged him to the baths, when Nydus Roots started drilling to their respective locations they uncovered underground thermal waters, Richard being preoccupied with other things let Ashara deal with it. A few days later with help of enthusiastic smallfolk and few treants, public baths were set up. Of course, they had a private section for their Lord and his guests alone.

In hot water Richard relaxed, he enjoyed being taken care of by his love. Being op is fun but not as fun as when you have someone you love to share it with. That is the project Richard has worked on, he has been testing and researching his created bonds extensively. He came to the conclusion that a bond was created when an animal opens to him and trust him completely. That's why he linked to the Ripmaw when he saved him from poachers, Ripmaw felt the natural energies in Richard and felt protected.

Now to capitalize on this he wanted to link Ashara to him, she would probably be able to harness this energy through the link and do some small stuff, maybe even link a few animals herself. Without the CM(Computer Mind) she will not be able to do any of the plant modifications as that was enormously complicated but she would be able to feel nature around her.

"Ashara, what would you do if you had the same gift as me?"

"What brought this on? Richard, what did you do now?" Ashara prepared herself for another of his miracles.

"I found the way I can link to you as I link to the Ripmaw, but it would be different with fully sentient human, in theory, you will be able to harness the natural energies in me through the link and maybe mental communication but it will not be as powerful as mine"

Richard ended a little apologetically.

Ashara had a massive smile on her face from ear to ear, she will be able to help him more! Ashara felt a little useless after she saw her love make so many miracles and was not able to help him, that why she often took time to help him relax. "Really? You would do that for me?" tears threaten to escape her eyes.

"Of course" He pulled her into a kiss.

Ashara felt something reaching out to her, she knew it was Richard instinctively, and the same way she knew that if she did not trust her love she could reject it, she reached for the connection, and in the blinding glow that enveloped them, she felt more alive than ever before.


I would like to thank all of you who took time off your day to write a comment or a review!

I know some of you are not happy with the pairing I decided but we can't all have what we want, can we?

Anyway thank you for your support and see you in the next one.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Zero01010100creators' thoughts