
Dropped... again hehe

This Novel is being Dropped because it was trash. Yes!! I am Author and i am saying this is Trash Sorry for this but if I am able to make A good Story in the future it will be publish too all of you Thanks For your Support So Far Dragon Jade

Dragon_jade_150 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


Inside a room, a boy sat at his desk, engrossed in his studies. He flipped through the book's pages every minute or two, his eyes focused and his mind absorbed in the knowledge before him.

The boy sitting at the desk was none other than Aiden himself. After finishing the dishes with Ava, Aiden returned to his room and resumed studying. He sat at his desk, immerse himself in his books again.

Soon, Aiden reached the last page of the book he was studying. He carefully flipped through the final pages, he closed the book, satisfied with his progress.

Feeling a moment of relaxation, Aiden settled himself comfortably in the chair. He reached for his phone and checked the time.

Aiden's eyes widened in surprise as he glanced at the clock on his phone. It was already 6 PM, and he couldn't believe how much time had passed since he started studying. It was the first time Aiden had studied for such a long period without even realizing it.

"It's 6 PM now, which means Jane must be back from college, and Mom will be back soon too," Aiden mumbled to himself as he made his way towards the bathroom to freshen up.

After taking a quick bath he came back from the bathroom, Aiden decided to change into a comfortable pair of trousers and a T-shirt. He also grabbed a jacket to wear on top.

Aiden took a moment to look at himself in the mirror and nodded in approval. "I look good," he said with a smile. he stepped out of his room and headed toward the living room.

Inside the living room, Aiden spotted Jane sitting on the couch, engrossed in her laptop.

Looking at Jane, Aiden couldn't help but feel a little strange, especially after finding out that she had feelings for him.

As Aiden looked at Jane, he couldn't help but notice her wearing a tight top that showed off her cleavage paired with cute pink pajamas.

He quickly looked away, realizing that he had been staring at Jane for a few seconds.

He snuck up behind her, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Leaning in close, he shouted, "Hey!" right into her ears, startling her.

"Ah!" Jane exclaimed, startled by Aiden's sudden shout. She jumped in her seat and her laptop almost fell off her lap. Her heart raced as she turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise.

Aiden couldn't hold back his laughter as he watched her reaction. "Haha"

"AIDEN!!!" Jane shouted at him, her voice echoing through the room. She crossed her arms and gave him a stern look, clearly annoyed by his prank. "That was not funny, Aiden. You can't just sneak up on me like that and scare me. I was in the middle of something important!"

"Sorry, but I couldn't help it," Aiden replied with a sheepish grin. "You were so focused on your laptop, and I thought it would be funny to surprise you."

Jane looked at Aiden, observing his attire. "Are you going out?" she asked, noticing his tracksuit and jacket.

"Yes, I'm going to the garden and might take a walk around, but don't worry, I'll be back on time," Aiden reassured Jane.

"Why are you going to the garden at this time?" Jane asked curiously.

"I was in my room studying all day, so I just want to take a walk and relax," Aiden explained "Do you want to come with me?".

Jane glanced at her brother, Aiden, and then shifted her gaze back to the laptop on her lap. "I still have some work to do, so I'll have to pass this time," she replied

"Okay, I'm going out now. Please let Mom and Ava know," Aiden said, turning toward the door.

Alright, I'll inform Mom and Ava that you're heading out," Jane responded, glancing up from her laptop.

Aiden quickly put on his shoes and stepped out of the house, closing the door behind him.

As Aiden looked around, he noticed four similar doors on the floor, each leading to a different apartment.

Aiden's apartment was on the 27th floor, and it was one of four apartments on that floor. What made this floor interesting was that all the apartments were occupied by females. Aiden's mom had intentionally chosen this floor and paid a hefty price for their apartment to create a safe and secure living environment for her and her children.

Aiden's apartment had the number 2704, which happened to be the last apartment available on this floor. It was quite expensive because it was in high demand. All the other apartments had already been sold when his mom decided to buy one.

The apartment right next to Aiden's, House Number 2701, was now empty as the previous owner had moved to another city. The lady who lived there before was middle-aged and had twin daughters who were two years older than Aiden.

House Number 2702 was occupied by a family of three. However, most of the time, only the mother and her five-year-old son stayed there, as the father worked abroad.

House Number 2703 was a rented flat on the 27th floor. Two young women, who had come to the city for work, were living there. The owner of the flat, an elderly woman, had decided to rent it out and move to the countryside for a peaceful life.

Aiden couldn't help but smirk to himself as he thought about the situation. Living on the 27th floor surrounded by six gorgeous women, with no other guys in sight?

What's more, in two weeks, the twin daughters of House Number 2701 would be returning to the city. They will be coming back a week before the lockdown to explore colleges in the city. Little did they know that they would be stuck here for the next four months, along with the rest of the residents.

As Aiden thought about it, he couldn't help but feel excited about the upcoming lockdown. Being stuck with eight beautiful women in a state of panic and chaos seemed like a dream come true.

In his previous life, Aiden was quite immature and introverted. He would often isolate himself in his room and didn't socialize much. However, this time around, things were going to be different. With the knowledge he possessed and the help of the system, He knew there were no limits to what he could achieve.

A lot of dark thoughts start coming to his mind and he knew that with the system and the abilities he has along with the future knowledge he can do whatever he wants and no one can stop him.

He looked around and noticed that there was no one outside at this time. He made his way to the elevator and it took him a couple of minutes to reach the ground floor. Stepping outside, he felt a chill in the air as it was still February and the sun had already set.



I know I took way too much time from what I said.

so please forgive.

now let me tell you the reason

1 it took longer for me to come back

2 I wasn't in the mood to write after I saw a 'comment'

3 I got a job starting yesterday so I will be busy as it starts at 6 am and ends at 4 pm. I will also take time to travel so I won't have much time to write, but as I said before I won't drop this novel even though it takes time to write a chapter and there is a gap in uploads


Last time you guys give me a few nice suggestions that Ava can do but I want more and make them that can be done easily even though they are lewd

now give me a few good names for 6 women living with him
