
Dropped into Stardom

After an ordeal Lu Lan is suddenly struck with a bombshell. She is a famous entertainer for a universe-wide network, and must put on her best act to win the donations of various gods. Jumping world from world, catching big fishes like the cold CEO, tyrannical emperor, and who else? PS: I've never written before so advice is appreciated!(^∇^)

AuroraAustralis · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Lu Lan looked at her hands blankly as she tried to process the information given to her.

Apparently she was some reporter or actor of sorts?

Thinking about it just made her head head so she decided to make use of the so called "manager".

"What do you mean by all of this? I don't understand." She shot an expectant gaze up but got lost in his galaxy like eyes for a second.

She shook her head to wake her mind up, this wasn't the time to think about unnecessary things.

"Can you please tell me?" She said, not daring to look up this time.

There was a momentary silence, not too long but long enough for the air to become stiff with awkwardness.

Finally he spoke, "Hmm, it seems you've lost your memories. That's extremely odd, something like this has never happened before."

Lu Lan got impatient as he was taking his time getting to the point, so she braced herself and glared at him.

Instead of him getting intimidated spilling the answers his face began to contort.

Lu Lan thought that she had managed to get the seemingly godly man who dropped from the sky angry, so she closed her eyes and tried to defend her head.

However instead of getting the expected strike, she heard incessant laughter.

Quickly reining himself back in he tried to straighten his face, but as soon as he had done so he laughed again.

Lu Lan looked in shock, and this time he really managed to fix his expression.

"Cough. Well since you've forgotten I'll get you up to speed." He said, as if the laughing had never happened in the first place.

"You are not from this world. And this body is not yours. You inhabited this body to entertain the amazing patrons of the G.R.E.A.T Network." He explained, seated on a cloud Lu Lan didn't see him make nor sit on.

"You are a host, and when you replaced this girl everyone who knew her had their memories of her name replaced with yours. It'd be pretty embarrassing if you didn't respond to your name being called."

Lu Lan nodded, no matter how nonsensical this all sounded it all sounded real when compared to a man falling out of the sky.

"You catch on pretty quickly. Anyways, to entertain the guests you have to hijack the story of a world and become the main character. You were merely the male lead's childhood friend, destined to split apart as you aged, but you didn't let that happen."

Lu Lan agreed again, her and Mu Bei were close as children, and separated in primary school, meeting again in university.

"You have only been in this body for the last year and a half, though you probably think you've been here for many years. This is because the memories of the female lead was inserted into your mind."

Suddenly things started the unravel in Lu Lan's mind. The reason she can remember things that happened when she was only around five so clearly like it was yesterday.. it's because they were put there.

"Though having too many memories from many different worlds probably caused a problem in your soul, leading to your amnesia. From now on we'll use a different method to assist the host."

Lu Lan was too shocked by all the information to react this time, how can it be? All this time she thought she was living here was just the manipulation of some show?

"There's no point in thinking too deeply, you won't be here much longer. It's time to spin the wheel to choose the next world." He said, exploring her troubled expression with a smile.

All of a sudden a bright coloured wheel with flashing lights appeared in front of her.

'This must be the wheel he's talking about.'

"Hurry up, we don't have forever, every second you waste is another complaint we get from the Network."

She quickly got up and after a second of hesitation she spun the wheel.

While the wheel was rotating quickly she thought of something.

"I have a question. Who exactly are you?" She said with an inquisitive look.

He smiled very wide at that question, "That's something you don't need to know. I'll punish you a little for that unnecessary question."

Before she could react he tapped her forehead with his gloved hand, and as soon as they made contact the world went black.


Arc 1: The Count's Miserable Daughter

I woke with a start, my head throbbing as I winced in pain.

When I opened my eyes I was in an unfamiliar bedroom.

The bed I was resting in was unreasonably large, covered with an extremely expensive looking purple blanket.

Lifting up my arms I seem to have shrunk in size. In a panic I threw the blanket off her body.

Looking at my unfamiliar legs I saw a bandage on my ankle.

'That explains the sudden pain I felt earlier.'

I saw a cup of water and what seemed to be a pill next to a note on my bed stand.

I looked at the note but it was written in an unfamiliar language. Somehow I was still able to read it.

'Lady, you must get well. I've brought your medicine. Take it well.' -Maribel

'So it's as I thought.'

I can feel the weakness in my body so it's clear I'm ill. I put the ball-like pill in my mouth and swallow it down with the water.

'Now that I think about it. I shouldn't have taken that. It could have been poison.'

Luckily it was genuine medicine.

I can't do much as I'm severely weak, unable to even get out of my bed. All I can do is lay and think.

Because of the warm blankets and maybe the medicine's effect, I begin to drift off to sleep....