

Hi, I’m Bruno Ansley and my life was no different than dreamland. I was having the best job I could ever have; my monthly salary was no different than of a millionaire , I was having o BMW’s and one Mercedes and a big bungalow , just kidding . Do we want this things to get a happy life , I don’t think so. I was having a normal house, loving parents and pure neighbors. I was working in a famed company and the CEO of this company was so lovely. My salary was not of a millionaire but was stratifying. I was enjoying my life everyday ……. My life was totally normal but one day……. Yes one day my whole change ( I guess god don’t want my life to be normal)……… I get stroked by an lightning , my whole body gets dispersed into pieces I mean my normal body but soon I get an boundless body , everything was happening to me was so strange but there’s a saying “ everything happens for a reason “ And I guess there was also a reason behind this accident which I still don’t know. But the good part was, that I get an supernatural power , I could see a dream where I could see the future , but in that dream I could only see peoples death. Yes, death in the dream. I know , this was not a good super power ,almost every time it was frightening me. But one day I saw someone dead in my dream who was very close to my life , my CEO.

BhupendraGanvir · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 1

"OH ! OH !…no …no…

"NO... , this..... cant be true …


" My dream...

" My dream can't ….can't come true…

" I…..I….. can't kill three peoples ...

"AS I had did it in my dream..."


" ~~~~So you're a tough guy ,Like it really rough guy

Just can't get enough guy, Chest always so puffed guy

I'm that bad type~~~~~ , Make your mama sad type

Make your girlfriend mad tight , Might seduce your dad type , I'm the bad guy, duh~~~~

I'm the bad guy~~~~~", again an excessive ending of a great day.

Every time after I get off by my office hours, I listen to pop songs while walking to the home.

 Yes really, I like songs, they are like…. like …. they are my soul and I am there body or it can be opposite.… or they are my lovely daughter and I am there daddy.

My home was like  3 km from my company and I prefer to walk rather than pouring.

"I am a bad g---LETS KILL THIS LOVE "My phone started ringing yes that's my ringtone , I pick out my phone from my pants, it was Fromm mm…mom.

"He…. hello mommy" how could I even waste a single second if the call was from mommy.

"Hey Bruno, where are you, I guess you must be somewhere in the market

"OK… if you are nearby to market, can you please buy 4 cups, I think we are out of it

 "Oh thank-you so much, come back soon dear, bye" call ended.


JESUS , she did not even let me speak a word, and that is what my mom was, but how did she know that I was near to the market, was she inspecting me.

Without even thinking for another second I get inside the market.

Oh! did not I tell you that in between my home and company there was a big market, now you know it.

The time was already  pass 7 pm, the sun was already going to his home and moon had already taken his place.

I search a grocery shop, after looking like an eagle, I found an shop in one of the corners,

Man, this was a new corner, named "CANCANS ", what a weird name and I did not see this shop before, was it new.

I entered in the shop and go in utensils section and I picked 4 cups and pass it over to retailer.

"Thank you, sir," that retailer said as he hand me the carry bag.

When I was just going to exit the shop, I hear something, "THISHHHHHHH...…." A loud thunder storm and soon I saw some drops falling on the ground.

Yes, best situation!

I was having an office bag over my shoulder and one carry bag on my right hand, they both were so heavy and my home was still 1500 metre away.

" Hey ,did you guys sell umbrellas here" I asked the retailer as I aspect him.

" NO sir " he replied arrogantly , a big fatty man with a fully brown beard ,  his half head was lacking hairs , with his two giant hands around his chest ,  not carrying any  emotions at all in his face.

 He was wearing specs , so I can't see his eyes clearly.

No umbrella's in a grocery shop during rainy season, GREAT.

"Then Why did you call it a shop then" I said in my mind , who would dare to say shitty in front of his face.

I turned to the glass doors to see the loud rain it was pouring heavily.

Sign...…I do not have another option but to wait.

5 minutes pass....10 minutes pass...…yawn....15 minutes...a creaked sound from my stomach.

Oh shit! my stomach was carving, it was up roaring, HELL.

I again looked at the rain.

I do not have another option but to walk through this, I think I should not care about clothes more than food.

I take a deep breath and I opened the door.

 I cannot run because I was carrying precious things but I can speed walk. I held my bag over my head to cover it up and continued to walk.

The wind was moving from my left side, and to give it company, rain drops were also moving.

Who said that rains drop cannot hurt you, it was f****** hitting me on my left check, harder than my mom slap.

I get on the crossing point of the road, because of heavy rain I was not   able to see the signal, my vision was getting blur, I guess it was green light so I walked on it.

"...LETS KILL THIS LOVE…" My phone rang again , I guess it was again from   mommy  so I picked my phone out , it was water proof.

 But then suddenly ....

  A strong light fell on my eyes,

"AH….." I let out a small moan, it was aching.

 The color was light yellow, my vision went blank for some seconds, I still try to open my eyes … I saw a black mercy-dies coming towards me…..YEAH FOR REAL .

OH GOD! I think I walk on the wrong light; I think it was red, red signal.

The lights were bright but I could still see that car through the raindrops.

It was speeding towards me; seconds goes by and the distance between ours gets short.

"RU...UN Bruno…. RU…N" My subconscious shouted, my body was still frozen.

YEAH!  I was gifted with a great subconscious mind as everybody does, but he was kind of smarter than me, and sometimes, no every time I do not listen to him.

GOD, what is wrong with me.

My eyes were still on that car, wide open, for a split second, I sense something was releasing in my body, which was saying me to run, I was really feeling it.

 The front glass of that car was covered with droplets, behind that glass I saw a creature, was it a man or women, I could not see the face.

But beside him I saw a key-chain dangling on the front mirror, it was looking like "C" shape.

That was one of my specialties, when I get too…. much intensive, my body gets froze, my mind reads whatever come In-front of him.

My phone was still ringing, it was like…. the time had gotten slow…... for me.

Oops I think …...

"DOOOOOOOOOOO" A BIG SOUND and a feel a immense pain coming from my knees and I saw my self in the mid-air , the cups were flying as my mobile too, my eyes were still in shock, again the time got slowed down for a split second , I saw the drops motionless , everything was at a standstill .

"Am I going to die? "I asked myself.

The time again go to normal.

I was just going to fall when suddenly I hear a brash noise "THRISAHHHHHHHHHH" a thunder-stroke, from my eyes I saw a lightning in a straight line coming towards me, exactly towards me, that hot, bright, weird lightning was coming towards me.