
Dreaming Destiny

[HIGHLY NOTICE] Hi everyone good day, Author here. I would like to apologize for the past few months for not updating this Novel. As for now I'm going to take a brief Hiatus from continuing this Novel for some school and personal reasons. I hope you all can understand, anyway always keep safe and goodluck! -glenzyeahhh I'LL BE BACK SOON! [Brief Scene] "What about our future?", I asked while we're walking. "Sorry but I think you'll continue your future without me", my eyes started turning red while he's saying it. "You know that I'm not that type of girl that cry over peoples' death unless it's a special person", I jokingly said while keeping my tears from falling. "I can't change the past and I can't continue to the future but please do me a favor until the very last end", he said while holding my hand. We sat down on a bench, memories with him started popping in my mind at that moment while I'm crying. "If it's for you, I'll be glad to do it" [Synopsis] She's going to prove that life doesn't change people due to the fact that people are the ones who changes life. She thinks that fate agrees with the everyday things that happens to her until a problem comes into her life and at the same time a dream that starts appearing in her midnight sleep that might help or maybe mess up her life. Who would have thought a dream could add up and some people might be carrying concomitant problems that would come into her life, and it's up to destiny on how she conquers the challenges and so on. contact me on Instagram: @glarieee_

glenzyeahhh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


Chapter 11: "UNLUCKY WITH HIM"


After the incident yesterday I got home and took the whole day as my rest day but I guess a day is shorter like an hour 'cause today I need to go to school again, it feels like yesterday was just like today gosh even my life's annoying me.

"TJ!!!", Kristine shouted while seeing me and I just smiled at her ,"Are you feeling fine now?", she asked looking all worried then approached me.

"Heck yeah, I'm just lack at clear eye sight due to my long rest and it's just a hit of a ball no serious injured happened", I said.

"Heck Yeah your face Tiffany you've almost got into an accident earlier", Iñigo said while passing in front of us.

"What accident, TJ?", then Kristine looked at me.

"Stop telling lies Iñigo", I said then he stopped walking and faced us.

"Look I'm not telling lies okay, I saw you almost got ran out by the motorcycle earlier Tiffany", he said and smirked while saying my name.

"How many times do I have to tell you that don't call me Tiffany we're not even close"

"It's your name so why should I stop?", he said.

I calmed myself down before saying a word damn some demon here trying to pissed me off without knowing what he did to me last time.

"So I'll call you ID then, Mr. IÑIGO DEAN LOPEZ", I calmly said while emphasizing his name.

Kristene burst into laughters after hearing what I've said. ID short for Iñigo Dean nice idea right?

"Whatever call me what ever you want", he said then walked away.

Nicely done Tiffany, after our conversation earlier we head back to our classroom for our perspective class.

"So everyone gets my point?", Mr. Parker (our Science Teacher) said while packing up his stuff.

"Yes Sir", all of us replied.

Mr. Parker head back to his office and here we are again waiting for our PE time.

"Class D1 all Male student wear your PE uniform and head to the basketball court in 5 minutes", Mr. Baltazar announced.

So yeah he's Mrs. Baltazars' husband, Basketball stuff are all up to him since Mrs. Baltazar can't handle that sport.

"Do I have to join them?", Iñigo said and everyone laughed.

"Dude your part of the class", Theodore said while laughing ,"Coach Baltazar said ALL MALE STUDENTS", then he emphasized the capitalized words.

"Don't join them unless you're not a Male", I sarcastically inserted.

"Let's go brother", Theo dragged Iñigo out of the room alongside with Asher and the remaining boys who headed to the lockers room to get their uniforms.

"Shall we watch them play?", Kristene said while poking me from the back.

"Stop it, why should I watch them?", I said.

"Stop being so KJ, TJ", she sarcastically said, so now I'm being Kill Joy?

"Okay fine"

"Let's go!!", she grabbed my arm then dragged me out of the room.

"Wait where's my ID", I stopped and said.

"What ID? Your Identification Card or Iñigo Dean?", Kristine sarcastically answered my question.

"My Identification Card dummy I don't have my school ID with me"

"Your IDs' on your bag where I last saw it and your other ID is inside our schools' basketball court so let's go", Kristine said and started dragging me again.

I really thought that calling Iñigo by his Initial names can be fun to pissed him off but why am I the one who's pissed off right now because of that initial darn it Kristine!!!!

We head inside the court and there we saw many students cheering and shouting while the game starts playing, some girls are staring at my direction as I entered the court.

"Is she TJ?", a girl said.

"Why is she here?", then another girl asked.

"Is she hear to watch Iñigo play?", then another one said.

Why is it a big deal for them that I'm here am I banned for watching the game, those meddlers lurking around spreading false words like ghost, right now I just want to kick their faces damn.

"Kris I'll go back first, you can watch the game by yourself", I said to Kristine while we're walking in front of the students.

But I guess she didn't hear me 'cause she just ignored what I've said without knowing that I'm right beside her, she's just focusing on the game like a die hard fan of basketball, even though she's not.

"Kristine I'll go back first, let's just keep in touch later after you watch the game", I said but for my second attempt she didn't respond.

"Damn Theo's also good at playing basketball I didn't knew that", she shockingly said while ignoring what I've said ",What did you say TJ?", she inserted to her own sentence, finally a response from her.

"I said I'll go bac~~".

"Shh look at Kian though he's not my type but he's so hot while sweating", I couldn't finished what I was going to say when she kept me quiet by using her finger to block my lips from talking, I didn't say a word after that due to the fact that I saw her enjoying it while watching the game so I'll go with the flow.

"You know what maybe a few minutes couldn't hurt", I said and she smiled.

Iñigo's POV:

It's my first time playing with this class it keeps bringing memories but I enjoyed it specifically with Theo he's good also and Asher was good at defense.

"Hey Iñigo, TJ's watching", Asher said alongside with Theo approaching me ,"Kristine's also watching, Theo", then he laughed.

"Why? Is TJ not allowed to watch the game? Why are you shocked all of a sudden?", I asked while wiping my sweats ,"And what's up with Kristene and Theo?".

"TJ doesn't actually watch other games specially basketball, who wouldn't be shocked by that and also sometimes she's just watching it if Kian or Kristine is playing the game and for Kristine, Theo has a crush on her", then he laughed after ending his explanations.

"Watch your mouth I thought It was a secret between the both of us", Theo said while releasing a light punch on Ashers' arm.

"So it's her first time watching the game?", I asked again.

"Maybe, TJ's not that typical girl that has interest on men playing hotness or good looking guys, but Kristine? she's different from TJ, she's the opposite of her", Theo inserted.

"Our Theo's inlove", Asher said while backing away from Theo then they both started chasing each other inside the hall.

Since it's our break time and the two of them are busy playing punches I decided to approach TJ.


Mr. Baltazar declared a break time after a long game for the boys while Kristine and I are still here inside the court while waiting for the game to resume.

"Hey TJ, Iñigo's coming", Kristine whispered.

"So?", I sparingly answered.

"Tiffany!!", Iñigo shouted, here we go again with the Tiffany part.

"Ohh hey ID", I responded, we'll play fair and square.

"So funny Tiffany so funny indeed", he sarcastically replied.

"What do you want?", I said.

"Someone told me that it's your first time seeing an actual game inside this court", he said while dribbling the ball.

"So am I banned to watch a game?", I said while smirking.

"I don't know maybe", he replied with a smirked on his face also ,"Have you played basketball once?", he asked.

"Once with my brother", I replied, what is he up to?

"Then catch", he said then he throws the ball to me but I succeed on catching it.

"Hey you jerk what was that for!", I shouted then all the students focused their attention at us, damn look what you made me do.

"Shoot some 3 points will yah", he said while smiling, so he's acting nice in front of this crown eyy.

"Tell me, why should I?", I said.

"Coz everyone knows that you're good at everything so if you back out from this challenge you'll be humiliated", he replied demonically, he's demon side are rising damn.

"Okay fine", then I started dribbling the ball ,"I hope this works", I tossed the ball as high as I can so it can reach the ring everyone was mesmerized with the ball floating into the air until it reaches the ring.

"YES!!!", I cheered when the ball enters the ring, everyone was cheering also I can't believe it works I guess it's a 3 point ,"How was that for a girl?", I said while facing Iñigo.

"I knew you could do it", he complimented.

"What did you say?", I shockly said, I thought Iñigo's intention was to humiliate me but why is he expecting that I can do that shoot?

"TJ, Kristine it's also time for our game", a student informed us.

"We'll go now Iñigo by the way nice game", Kristine said.

"Both of you head to the field I'll watch your game after I finished ours", Iñigo replied then Kristine nodded and started dragging me out of the court.

We went to the locker room to get changed then after that we immediately head to the field, the net was raised all the balls are gathered and even the students are also gathered around.

"TJ how are you feeling?", Mrs. Baltazar asked while popping out of nowhere causing us to be shocked ,"Sorry for that".

"It's okay Ma'am, I'm fine but my eyes are a bit blurry due to the long rest I had yesterday", I replied, I hope I can manage the game with this poor eye sight.

"Can you play the game?"

"Yes Ma'am I can", and I nodded.

Mrs. Baltazar ordered everyone to line up then grouped us into two groups, as the game started other students who wasn't included in our game started to gather around and watched the game.

To become the winning team we need to score 2 strikes ahead of them in only 3 rounds so we have to grab that chance.

The first round was taken by the other team then the second one was taken by our team and the last round will declare the winning team of this game.

"The last round will declare the winning team so put all your full efforts to win this round, READY!", Mrs. Baltazar shouted.

Then we started passing the ball to each side of the net, the game was clearly heating and the sun is also in the mood to rise and strike it's sunshine to our skin.

Mrs. Baltazar declared a break 'cause no team is losing at this round well when Mrs. Baltazar said "put all your full efforts" this is what we give.

Mrs. Baltazar cuts the break time then toss me the ball for me to serve while dribbling the ball the the ground before serving everyone was cheering for their desired Team and I saw Iñigo in side cheering also alongside with Theo and Asher.

I tossed the ball as high as I can once it's in the air my eyes gets blurry cause of the sunlight but luckily I was able to hit at as hard as I can, the other team defends it with full strength though I knew that the other side won't let their team lose so I decided to strike it rather than defending it in a normal way.

I jumped as high as I can to put on a full strike but the ball was too high for me to see clearly, the sunlight covered my face causing my eyes to get blurry all in.


How about this Chapter did you like it?

I'll update the next one as soon as possible.

enjoyyy and have a nice day
