
Dreamers dream

This is dropped, if you want to please check out my other book: Reborn as the Emperor of an interstellar empire Thank you and have a wonderful day! :) The year is 2022 and some interesting things are bound to happen, secret societies that lay hidden in the shadows of society come laid bare to the common people. while others scheme for domination of their cities, countries, and even the world! our "hero" Adam is but a normal teenager caught between these forces at a bad place and time, that day while he goes to sleep strange things start to happen to him and specifically to his sleep. Will our hero survive this ePiC tAlE?! or will he (more realistically) die on the way? come read to FIND OUT. ________________________________________________________________ Hey guys author here, hope I did a good job introducing you to the story! :D please keep in mind that English is not my first language and I WILL make mistakes. I downloaded Grammarly so I hope that helps a little. Also, this story doesn't happen on earth. it's my world with my names mostly cause I don't know shit about laws and what's socially acceptable in other cultures and countries. hope you enjoy the story and have a good day! :) I WILL MAKE 1 NEW CHAPTER EVERY WEEK (MAYBE 2)

MarAuthor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Time flows.

Adam awoke many hours later, the darkness surrounding him with only a little bit of light from the streetlights entering the small alley where the battle occurred, he looked around, his panicked and confused expression showing how he felt about the current situation.

Seeing no one was around he looked at his phone and checked the time.

'3 AM?!? my mom is probably worried sick!'

He went to the bus stop as fast as he could but he didn't miss the strange and terrified looks the homeless were giving him.

'System did you do something while I was unconscious?'

While Adam was unconscious...


Two men stumbled into Adam 30 minutes after his shield and cloaking ran out of energy (30 minutes before he woke up) and his system was forced to shut down.

Guy 1: "Hey is that kid ok?"

Guy 2: "I don't know man and don't care enough to investigate it."

Guy 1: "Yeah let's just leave before we stick our noses into something bad."


Guy 1: "Did you hear that...?"

Guy 2: "I suggest we FUCKING RUN!"

A large squirming mass of flesh suddenly shot out of the alleyway grabbing the two men and quickly dragging them in towards the mc where a large mouth opened in front of him out of thin air, devouring them both.


...radio silence

'It probably shut down or something..... Adam convinced himself trying not to remember how this all started.

"Let's just call mom and tell her that I'm ok first...."

"Hi, mom...."

"ADAM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! We were worried sick about you!"

"Sorry sorry I was with some friends at a party... you know teens and all of that"

"Just get home as fast as you can. you know how dangerous it gets at night with these terrorists around!"

"I know I know... Sorry for making you worried."

"I'm just glad you are alright."

"Thanks, mom I will see you at home!"

"Bye, sweetie!"

Hanging up with a smile on his face Adam walked home.

His family meant everything to him...

'No one will touch them.' That he swore soul.


Just like that a month passed by 'peacefully.'

The terrorist attacks became significantly more frequent and more organizations were beginning to show up worldwide.

His system apparently didn't do anything which Adam found suspicious but he couldn't do anything about it so he dropped the subject.

He learned how to hide from those weird detection devices so he didn't need to freak out whenever someone looked at him.

'System show me my stats!'


you want, you desire and unlike most, you are willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want


the world itself must acknowledge your will.

(you can change reality in a 1 m radius around you for 1 second (will increase by 0.1 at every level))


you have gone down the path of the sane, good choice! this path will allow you to keep your humanity and become the best you could ever hope to be!

(increases stats by 0.1 every level up)


Hides your powers from other people and detectors


you bend reality. they can't. you are superior. they shall fear you. What do you have to fear? (Works only on weaker beings)


People can't help but notice how good you look. did you do something bad? well they might just accept it as normal (only minor things like stealing, you can't just kill someone).








It represents how strong you are and how much weight you can lift.


It represents how fast you can run.


It represents how long you can run.

(and do other things... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )


It represents how much you can take before you snap.

It represents how much you can do with your powers.


'Pretty good!' Adam was confident in his ability to fight normal people now.

Which was far from good enough but it would have to be enough for now.

'Life is amazing...' He blissfully thought to himself. Who wouldn't think that when girls are noticing him even more than before? when he gets more respect from his classmates and even the teachers!

'It's all thanks to these skills...'

What Adam didn't know however was that, although the skills helped, deep down within he was changing, all of these traumatizing events he witnessed and the fact he not only made it out of them alive but also got more robust thanks to them made him significantly more confident and productive than most people his age!

Even Amanda noticed him more often! he could swear he saw lust in her eyes...

'HECK YEAH!' he internally cheered.

Adam was truly happy.


The next day in school. (classroom)

"Hi Adam!" Amanda happily said as she hugged him, which earned him a lot of jealous looks.

"Hey Amanda." Adam said returning the hug.

math class was just about to start. so today was the first time he's seen her today.

"Are you ok? Those terrorists are becoming braver and braver by the day." Amanda said worriedly.

"Haha yeah don't worry I can handle myself." Adam said confidently

"If you say so..." Amanda said, still worried.


"Already?" Adam complained

"Yeah, it feels a bit early...Well, I guess time flies when you are having fun!" Amanda said trying to cheer adam up.

"That's true..." Adam didn't know why but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off...

"Hello class" The teacher greeted them when he entered the classroom.

The rest of the day went by normally except for Adam who couldn't shake that weird feeling.

The weirdest thing was that someplace it was stronger than somewhere else, at one point he could swear he saw something creeping around in the corner of his eye.

Adam, since he wasn't an idiot, decided not to follow whatever it was. He had no clue as to what it was and how strong it was, since his system also didn't know, or just didn't want to tell him.

Later in the day...

School was just about to end when...

*boom* *crash* resounded in the distance.

And again and again, getting louder each time.

"Can you hear that?" Adam asked his classmate Michael.

"Y-yeah do you think it's a shooter?"

"Bruh this isn't America." Adam said jokingly.

"Haha yeah that's true, but what else could it be?"

while they were having this conversation the rest of the class went silent, listening to the noise as it got closer and closer.

"What should we do?" Michael asked.

"I don't know." Adam said without batting an eye.


Right after that screams of fear and agony were heard throughout the entire school.


'What the hell is a rift?'


'Oh, so that before was?'




What was once a large german shepherd, now turned into a 2-meter-tall monstrosity charged through the wall and eyed the entire class hungrily, its eyes were a bloody red, its fur a pitch black glistening with who knows how much blood, snout and mouth bigger than it should be.

"Do you believe in a god?" Adam asked.

"Nope." Michael replied

"Then you should start now." Adam said

"krkkkkrkkkrkr" even the sound it made was more like it was gurgling blood than growling.

And then *Chomp* The teacher was gone.

"AAA" Screams, everyone screamed and ran.

And more screams this time, throughout the entire school.

The others didn't notice this in their panic but Adam did, and Michael did as well.

Adam waited till most of the people left this classroom, or this world. This Rift seemed more interested in him than the others as it left him for last never allowing him the chance to leave.

Michael, unfortunately, couldn't keep it together, despite Adams's best attempts, and tried to run, his last mistake.

There were only corpses and the creature in here with him now.

Adam struggled not to throw up looking at the gory scene around him.

He already threw up twice and had a panic attack, which he suspects had something to do with the aura the rift was emitting.

'Ok, ok, keep it together, you can do this.' Adam thought as he created an extraordinarily sharp 30 cm-long dagger.

'This is the best I can do for now... got to conserve my energy.' Adam thought to himself.

His knees were shaking, the adrenaline making it difficult to think about anything except the opponent in front of him.

'I have to beat this thing.' Adam was concerned about how he was supposed to do that with his dagger, but he couldn't really complain, at least he had something, which was better than nothing.

The Creature was slowly circling Adam, most likely attempting to analyze his strength.

After it was seemingly satisfied it lunged at him with a speed far greater than Adam's.

Adam dodged by the skin of his teeth almost getting killed just like that, he didn't miss the chance and made a 3cm spike in front of the creature while it was charging at him, using its own speed against it and stabbing it straight in the right eye.

Now enraged by the puny humanoid's attack the creature charged again getting hit in the leg which slowed it down.

'Alright just keep going like this you dumb dog.' Unfortunately, the "dog" was smarter than Adam thought and knew the direction this was going if it didn't change its plan.

It slowly crept closer and closer to adam, making sure to stay out of his reach, if it lunged now Adam won't be able to react in time.

Adam realized this and backed up until he hit a wall.

He swears the dog smiled...

"KRKKKRKR" like a warcry the "dog" let out a... whatever that sound was.

'Fuck what do I do?!' Adam was panicked. 'If I stay it will kill me, I won't react in time. That means I can only charge!' just as adam came to this conclusion the creature charged at the same time as him.

Not expecting Adam to make a suicidal attack like that its aim was thrown off, it desperately tried to bite Adam to stop him but it failed.

Adams's dagger sunk into the thing's neck making a disgusting squish sound.

falling on him, the creature was dead. Its neck, sliced through with a dagger.

Adam came out victorious, the first victory of many to come.

1781 words are pretty average I think.

I won't be uploading a lot, expect 2 chapters every week. MAYBE 3 if I feel inspired.

I am gonna go to uni soon so I HAVE to study. my girlfriend is also taking some time of course.

ANYWAYS lovely to be back and hope you liked the chapter!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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