
Dreamers dream

This is dropped, if you want to please check out my other book: Reborn as the Emperor of an interstellar empire Thank you and have a wonderful day! :) The year is 2022 and some interesting things are bound to happen, secret societies that lay hidden in the shadows of society come laid bare to the common people. while others scheme for domination of their cities, countries, and even the world! our "hero" Adam is but a normal teenager caught between these forces at a bad place and time, that day while he goes to sleep strange things start to happen to him and specifically to his sleep. Will our hero survive this ePiC tAlE?! or will he (more realistically) die on the way? come read to FIND OUT. ________________________________________________________________ Hey guys author here, hope I did a good job introducing you to the story! :D please keep in mind that English is not my first language and I WILL make mistakes. I downloaded Grammarly so I hope that helps a little. Also, this story doesn't happen on earth. it's my world with my names mostly cause I don't know shit about laws and what's socially acceptable in other cultures and countries. hope you enjoy the story and have a good day! :) I WILL MAKE 1 NEW CHAPTER EVERY WEEK (MAYBE 2)

MarAuthor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

The new world

As Adam woke up, he realized he had no idea where he was once again. however, the area was somewhat familiar...

'That dream!' Adam realized, almost as if responding to his thoughts, space bent around him and he was launched forwards, he could see thousands of things pass around him.

He eventually appeared next to the tower, he could feel its gaze on him, terrifying as always.

'Did the forest creep closer...?' Adam noticed

'No... why do I have a bad feeling about this...!?' Then suddenly a loud noise was heard in the distance, like an entire mountain range moving.


Adam could see that the entire forest just squirmed and moved forwards... toward the tower.

Its vines tried to reach him but then, suddenly, he was sucked inside the tower once more.

"Jezus that was so close..." Adam said "I thought it would kill me!"

"When did this place get so small?"

The once large and pressuring tower now creaked and wined under some unknown pressure, like something was trying to rip its way inside...

'Let's look around...'

Everything was the same except just smaller and less grand, the previously infinite tower now stretched on for 100 meters and was only 2 kilometers tall.

Adam went up the stairs and found everything inside the strange room, or the "control room" as he dubbed it, was the same.

Except the screen had a message written on it.

"Stage one has begun, prepare yourself. Adam, we wish you luck, you will need a lot of it."

"This tower represents humanity and its current state, once humanity disappears, so will this place and you with it."

Bellow were written some statistics.

Current human population: 6 billion (-2 Billion)

Humanity mindset: Confused, scared, and enraged.

Civilization: Shaken, people are prioritizing their own survival and abandoning their places.

Earth: Unstable due to RIFT interference, damaged by human recklessness. (10 percent destroyed)(10 percent unstable (under RIFT influence))

Host influence: 0.01 The host currently only has an influence over 4 people who are looking to the host as their leader.

'Who could have sent me this and how??'

'Did they see into my mind or something?? I thought this place was invisible to the outside world and anyone else except me!'

'And all of this information is really bad... I mean, I know that humanity has to get its shit together before it's too late but what am I supposed to do? I have no influence or contacts and have no clue how to make any!'

'Whatever I'll deal with things as they come up...'

'Right there was that weird shadow in the distance, where is it? did it disappear?' Just as Adam thought that he noticed it again, except it looked different, glitching, shifting.

The longer Adam looked at it the louder a ticking sound could be heard.

*Tick...tock...tick...tock...* And on and on and on...

Snapping out of it, Adam immediately knew, he didn't know how but he knew... That was a timer, he had a century at most until something horrible would happen to him, his friends, allies, and loved ones.

'Wait there are only 4 people in my group...?'

'RIGHT they are out there alone right now!'


'I have to leave and make sure they don't die!'

Adam ran downstairs and laid on the bed, his eyes closing quickly as he passed from this place back to earth.

Adam pov:

When I woke up, I didn't see the sky but instead saw a ceiling.

Right as I opened my eyes I took in my surroundings.

'So we moved?' I concluded.

It looks like some kind of basement... no windows... that's good they probably hid this entire time.'

"Adam you're awake! I was so worried..." Amanda said while hugging me. "We thought you weren't going to wake up..." Now sobbing, she pulled me closer to herself.

She looked sick like she hasn't eaten enough if anything at all.

"Shhhhh... It's okay we are alive it's going to be okay..." I did my best to comfort her.

"You were asleep for 2 days...!" Amanda broke down completely.

'So that's why I feel so weak...' I mused to myself.

After 10 minutes of calming her down and reassuring her that I am fine, I was able to talk with her properly and ask some questions.

"Where is everyone else? Did they make it?" I asked worried for Dave.

In the tower, I saw that I only have influence over 4 people, which means a bunch of them died...

"Only me, Dave, Jessie, and Jack made it...." She said getting sad again.

I could feel the relief crashing over my body and the anxiousness leaving me.

'I only care about the first two so that works for me...'

'Now that I look around again I can see Jessie sleeping over in the corner, but where is everyone else?'

Jessie is an insecure brunette with a short and petite build, her eyes were also brown usually covered with glasses, and her face was covered with freckles which gave her more of a cute rather than sexy look.

"I'm so glad you are alive..." Amanda said again.

"I'm glad I can see you again..." Amanda was flustered by my comment, becoming red like a tomato.

"Me too..." She said, shy under my gaze.

The two of us locked eyes and closed in on one another until...

Our lips touched.

Euphoric is the only way to describe the way I feel right now.

Although it only lasted a few seconds, they were the best seconds of my life, by far.

separating she gave a shy smile.

"Don't stare..." She said, her face burning red like a tomato.

"Sorry I just couldn't help myself..." I flirted.

"Geeez..." Amanda said, her face growing redder and redder.

And at that moment the door to the basement opened revealing a staircase with Dave and Jack at the bottom of it.

The duo was carrying a plastic bag filled to the brim with, what I assume to be, food.

"Adam you are alive!" Dave said, happy for my well-being.

"I assume Amanda told you about everyone?" As Dave said this, his face got a bit more somber and serious.

"Yeah so sorry I wasn't able to save you all..." Adam apologized.

"Nah man, You don't have nothin' to apologize for, you saved all of us and I'm grateful to ya." Jack talked for the first time.

Jack has brown hair and blue eyes long messy hair, which everyone had considering the situation, he was 6 feet tall and quite muscular.

He was dwarfed by Dave who was 6 foot 2 and was also quite muscular, with his yellow hair blue eyes, and muscular body, he looked pretty good.

"Yeah he's right, without you, we would have died, you saved four people! Be proud of yourself." Dave confirmed.

"Alright, thanks guys..."

"No problem. we brought some food for everyone, you should rest as much as possible."

"No need to tell me twice!" I chuckled.

After a few hours of rest, Jessie woke up.

"Um... thank you... for saving us back then..." She said clearly scared or shy.

"No need. I just did the right thing." I responded.

On Monday, the first day, we discovered weapons and mostly hid away from the outside world.

On the second day, we found food, not a lot but just enough to last us a day and something on top of that, needless to say, we were very happy.

On the third day, I fully recovered and all of us decided to move to another place since the area around us was completely devoid of food, and most importantly of all Amanda confessed that she loves me! this is the best day ever!

On the fourth day, we settled into our new home away from home, It's a nice house close enough to some markets and shops around us, but far enough that hopefully nothing from there will discover us.

On the Fith day... we got ambushed by some creatures on the way back and had to move further away... into another house, on a better note we found some other people! There were 5 of them and we asked them about the other parts of the city.

According to them a bunch of groups has already formed and are vying for control over important places in the city, like malls, and clearing them of creatures.

We thanked them and they left after a bit more small talk.

On the sixth day, Dave started to give off a weird glow we were worried he might become messed up and considered exiling him, but decided to wait just to be safe.

During the Seventh day, a lot happened... Dave's condition? Whatever it was, stopped completely and he acted normal, we decided to keep an eye on him for a while longer but nothing seems to have changed.

The only difference was that he seemed a lot stronger than before and Jack also gradually went through the same thing at the end of the day.

During this busy week, my relationship with Amanda improved dramatically.

The girls always stayed behind while we went out for food, which I made sure she had plenty of, and she was very grateful for it.

Of course, the girls also did something, they cooked the food and made sure the house was clean at all times.

Obviously, they were careful about the smell and kept the windows closed at all times and cooked only in the basement just to be safe, we would also eat it there, no food left the basement.

My stats look like this after this hectic week.




(you can change reality in a 2.3 m radius around you for 2.3 seconds (will increase by 0.1 at every level))


(increases stats by 0.1 every level up)


Hides your powers from other people and detectors




Gives you a buff against monsters/mutants/abominations


Makes you more skilled in combat with a knife swinging slashing and throwing included.


You recover faster, It's harder to knock you out, and you feel less pain in combat.


Makes you more skilled in combat with a knife swinging slashing and throwing included.


You recover faster, It's harder to knock you out, and you feel less pain in combat.


STRENGTH: 5 (Increased!)

AGILITY: 5 (Increased!)

ENDURANCE: 7 (Increased!)

WILLPOWER: 5(Increased!)



It represents how strong you are and how much weight you can lift.


It represents how fast you can run.


It represents how long you can run.

(and do other things... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )


It represents how much you can take before you snap.

It represents how much you can do with your powers.

The average human is significantly stronger than before... Probably because the ones who are alive adapted and those who were too weak died off, leaving only the best of the best alive... How morbid...

We walked around the house until he heard some shuffling outside.

Freezing, Adam listened carefully to his surroundings, and he eventually heard someone knocking on the door.

"We know you are here. The league wishes to speak with you!" A male voice said from the other side.

'The league who the hell are they? one of the factions I assume?"

Dave sneaked his way down and a second later Jack showed up.

"The girls went to the basement and hid."

"What should we do?" Dave asked

"Let's open the door, they know we are here anyways so might as well try to be friendly."

The other two nodded and signaled their agreement to the plan.

So with shaky steps, I walked to the door and opened it.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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