
Dreamers dream

This is dropped, if you want to please check out my other book: Reborn as the Emperor of an interstellar empire Thank you and have a wonderful day! :) The year is 2022 and some interesting things are bound to happen, secret societies that lay hidden in the shadows of society come laid bare to the common people. while others scheme for domination of their cities, countries, and even the world! our "hero" Adam is but a normal teenager caught between these forces at a bad place and time, that day while he goes to sleep strange things start to happen to him and specifically to his sleep. Will our hero survive this ePiC tAlE?! or will he (more realistically) die on the way? come read to FIND OUT. ________________________________________________________________ Hey guys author here, hope I did a good job introducing you to the story! :D please keep in mind that English is not my first language and I WILL make mistakes. I downloaded Grammarly so I hope that helps a little. Also, this story doesn't happen on earth. it's my world with my names mostly cause I don't know shit about laws and what's socially acceptable in other cultures and countries. hope you enjoy the story and have a good day! :) I WILL MAKE 1 NEW CHAPTER EVERY WEEK (MAYBE 2)

MarAuthor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


We see a young man probably 16 to 18 years old standing at his bus stop, eyes filled with a mix of emotions and tiredness.

His normally sleek black hair was messed up. his blue eyes, which won him a lot of compliments were hazed over and seemed empty like he wasn't all there his 6 foot 1 body was healthy not athlete level but healthy enough his school uniform was a complete mess and he had a big frown on his face.

(MC) Adam: "I fucking hate this so much..."

There was a reason for his foul mood and a reason it wasn't all bad.

On one hand, he got a good grade on his English test and his mom was very happy, on the other, his sleeping schedule is fucked up because of said test and there were more rapidly coming up to screw him over even more.

The bus stop is empty showing how early it is. His math teacher Ms.Becc somehow concluded that he needed help studying before class, and since he lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere he had to get up at 5 AM to make it in time.

Adam: "Stupid bitch making me wake up so early." He thought to himself "I know she means well but come on...I wanna go back to bed..." He didn't know if she knew his predicament but he didn't really care. After all, he had bigger problems right now, his only good grades were in English and classes that required creativity, and his logical side was non-existent or at least that's what the teachers told him.

Then he heard his bus pull up and he quickly entered and sat down still struggling to stay awake. This peace-


an explosion in the distance caught him off guard and jerked him awake as his fight or flight kicked in.

Bus driver: "what the hell?" his shocked face would be a sight to behold if Adam wasn't even worse off. "Fuck my head hurts so much!" he screamed internally "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING AGAIN!?"

These "terrorist attacks" have been happening a lot more recently and of course, they chose this place for some reason! as mentioned before this is THE middle of nowhere like THAT'S THE TOWNS NAME! so yeah this didn't help his stress levels, and the massive headache he would experience every time didn't make them any better.

"whatever it will end soon anyways." Adam thought.

The police at this point have gotten used to this and respond quickly. He could already hear some sirens going off in the distance. But before the expected police could appear another car got into his field of vision, and he realized that there was something off about it. it looked crude and mashed up like someone tried to put multiple cars into one but also gave a feeling of slickness and elegance. And just the feeling around it was strange... his head also agreed as it started to hurt more and more the closer the car got to him. his heart beat faster and faster for some reason. "calm down calm down it's okay" he tried to convince himself but kept miserably failing and to his horror, the car stopped in front of the bus.

he hoped that the bus driver would keep going or just go around for a reason even though he didn't know or understand. unfortunately, he didn't do that and stomped his feet on the brakes as the bus came to a sudden stop and send Adam flying into the seat in front of him.

Two individuals came out of the strange car, a woman who seemed to be in her 30s and a man in his 40s both wearing suits with the symbol of the terrorist group known as the T.U.C. they excluded an aura of pressure.

the man came to the bus door and knocked on it. the bus driver, frozen in fear, got a wake-up call when the man pulled up a gun and pointed it at him and again pointed at the door.

The bus driver opened the door and immediately put his hands up...and got mercilessly shot in return. Adam hearing this quietly hid in his seat and prayed to every god on this plane for a miracle, unfortunately, he's an atheist so they probably gave 0 shits.

Adam: "Come on come on how do I get out of this!" Adam thought and quickly realized his chances of survival were low, very low, he was at the back of the bus with a window behind him and the door a few rows in front of him, the terrorists would have a clear shot at him for a few seconds maybe minutes at least.

Just as he was thinking this the man pulled a device out of his shirt that started rapidly beeping.

"Their close." Adam heard him mutter before he could think of wtf that meant the man started checking the seat for anyone and quickly found the poorly hidden and frozen scared Adam.

"Nonononono Please DONT KILL ME I BEG OF YOU!" Adam screamed in hysteria.

the man, not caring pulled out his gun and shot.


Just as Adam Accepted his fate he realized that although not well he was alive. Time seemed frozen around him and his body was as well, he could only think not move. just as he realized the situation a message appeared in front of him


System Alert New Host!





"what the fu-?!" Adams's word's got caught in his throat as he looked around him. where there was once a man and bus was now a huge crater with not even a speck of dust remaining. the car and the woman that were in front were now shredded into bits, the car sliced in half, and smoking, the woman had her neck broken and her head twisted 360 degrees, her expression showing she didn't even know she died before it was too late.

Adam seeing this mess was quite understandingly scared, confused, and horrified.

his body violently shaking as he desperately looked around hoping to find the thing that did this before it found him, just as he thought this the thing appeared.





"hahHAHA" Adam laughed "NO need to be alarmed?! are you kidding me?!"

"I need to get out of here" Adam suddenly realized. after all, if the police found him like this what would he do? and so he ran back home as fast as he could with his clothes somehow still intact.

Hey guys first chapter is out! (Duh) hope you liked it!

Also hope I didnt traumatise you too much. :D

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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