
Dream Trip { HIATUS! ]

the daily life of a Supreme Being. English is not my native language. I like Mc Op . . DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY SERIOUSLY.

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76 Chs

\ '..' /

> Do you prefer large or medium chapters?

> I can publish a medium chapter every day

> Large chapters should take one to two days to publish.

> Medium<

> Large<


(Merlin) Negative.


(Meliodas) Eh! Why not Merlin?


(Merlin) Have you forgotten that Noa killed one of the commandments?


(Merlin) They must be on full alert now that they feel you have regained your power.


(Merlin) Do you still want to go away know that?


(Meliodas) Yes!


It'll take me about ten seconds to get him back here. I don't think they'll just fold their arms and wait patiently for that long.

(Merlin) In other words, you must withstand the attacks yourself for ten seconds.


(Merlin) Unless...


(Gilthunder) Unless?


(Merlin) Unless Noa decides to go along with the captain.

(Merlin) But I doubt he will help us without asking anything in return ....



(Gilthunder) Merlin-dono, isn't he your lover? Why can't he help us, without asking anything in return?

( Merlin ) This isn't his fight... Just because he's my lover, doesn't mean he had to help us in the fight against the commandments .


( Gilthunder ) But....

( Meliodas ) Merlin is right little Gil this is not his fight.


Trying to say something again but was soon interrupted by Merlin's teleport .

Seeing Meliodas being teleported to fight the commandments, I ended up getting bored of just sitting there. Getting up I started to walk towards Merlin, while walking I started to hear '' Jenna '' talking about Meliodas .


( Jenna ) But then Meliodas really managed to recover his memories?


( Jenna ) Honestly, he didn't seem any different at all. That's so weird...

( ??? ) No. He didn't.


Seeing a new person appear, I wondered who this new addition was .


( Jenna ) Zaneri?

( Jenna ) What do you mean '' he's not over it''?

( Jenna ) You're saying it's still possible he'll lose control!

( Zaneri ) What's going through his mind now, isn't a desire to destroy everything, it's actually a desire to fight with all his might, to bring an end to all of this soon .


( Zaneri ) Meliodas has absolute control over his anger .


Arriving behind Merlin, I realized that only she noticed me, and wrapping my arms around her waist I asked, "What's going on?


(Merlin) The Captain decided to fight against the Commandments.


Looking at who Merlin answered, they were surprised again that they are openly showing their affection like this. But the ones who got overwhelmed were King, Jenna and Zaneri, they couldn't feel this man approaching them.


( Noa ) Those people who were devouring human souls by force?

( Merlin ) Yes, those people.


Looking at the fight between Meliodas and the man in the red breastplate, ( Fraudrin, not to be confused with Galand ) I could see that Meliodas had the upper hand against him.

But suddenly another dark haired dwarf joined the fight, just as he was about to land an attack on Meliodas, Merlin teleported him to the front of the cave.


(Meliodas) What's up!

(Hendrickson) Meliodas-dono!

( Gilthunder ) I'm glad you're all right!

( Meliodas ) But didn't I tell you? I just went there to greet you.

( Jenna ) But what kind of greeting did you give them?

( Meliodas ) What? I just told them I'd kick their asses if they did something stupid.


( Shocked )


( King ) You're the one who did something stupid!!

( King ) All you did was provoke them!

( Meliodas ) I think so...

( Jenna ) You said you wouldn't do anything reckless, you moron!

( Meliodas ) Why are you mad?

(King ) How can we not get mad!

(Jenna ) How can we not get mad!


Why are these people so annoying and loud ?


(Noa ) How strong are these Commandments?

(Merlin ) They're pretty strong.

( Noa ) Do they all have it in their souls?


Removing the commandment for her to see, seeing the commandment she is surprised for a moment .


( Merlin ) Is that it?

( Noa ) That was in the soul of that commandment.


Seeing her looking at the commandment with sparkling eyes, as if she'd found a new toy .

Whispering in her ear with a slight seductive tone .


( Noa ) Do you want this?

( Merlin ) Yes.


Putting the commandment into the potion bottle and handing it to her.


( Noa ) Here, be careful with this. We don't know if it can still work without being fused with the user.

( Merlin ) I will, I'll be careful.


Giving me a kiss with great passion I responded in the same way with a passionate kiss .


> Coughing <

> Coughing <


Being interrupted by a slightly blushing and embarrassed Jenna, it wasn't just her who was blushing, king and Zaneri were slightly blushing .


( Jenna ) Sorry to interrupt the couple in love, but Meliodas has a plan to fight the commandments .


> Cough <

> Cough <

( Merlin ) It's okay, you can continue.


Saying this she turned around and began to listen to Meliodas' proposed plan.

But I could still see her face slightly flushed and her ears flushed .


( Meliodas ) There are many cities in Britannia. Of course they'll think it's better for them to split up and wipe everyone out.

( Meliodas ) If they're together, we won't have a chance right now.

( Meliodas ) That's why I had to divide them to go on defeating them one by two !


( Hawk ) I see, that sounds interesting! I'll join that plan too!

( Meliodas ) Looks like you've finished your training.

( Meliodas ) Ha...


Ignoring the pig-chan, he went to talk to Zaneri .


( Meliodas ) Hey, Zaneri! If you're here, Elizabeth's training is over, right?

( Zaneri ) Yes...

( Hawk ) Will you ignore me?!


( Howzer ) The others are leaving too.


( Merlin ) Arthur, what is this thing in your head?


Looking at Arthur's head there was a fat cat on top of his head.

( Gowther ) It's a mystery.

( Arthur ) It's a mystery...


> Buááá !!<


( Griamore ) I'm afraid !

( Slader ) Easy, good boy.

( Gilthunder ) G-Gria...

( Howzer ) ...more?


Looking at the child who was crying, I soon noticed that it wasn't a child but Griamore, trying not to laugh at the comical sight.


(Elizabeth) Meliodas-sama!

( Meliodas ) At last, Elizabeth.

( Elizabeth ) Sorry, it took me so long to get ready.

( Elizabeth ) Zaneri said my other clothes would bother me to move. Am I okay?

( Meliodas ) Yes!


Looking at those two perverts all I could feel was disgust.

Why perverts?

Well, the dwarf is sniffing Elizabeth's panties like a dog and she's not doing anything so she's also a pervert.


( Noa ) Are they always like that?

( Merlin ) Ignore them, please?

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