
Dream Squad: Adventures In The Dreamscape

5 dead kids. One massively huge city. And terrible nightmares around every corner. Welcome to Nekon City, a paradise for those who died young. But not everything is as it seems. Terrible Nightmare creatures infecting the minds of young children, with fears of the Dreamscape falling apart at the seams, ending dreams forever. That is why the Dream Goddess created a team known as the Dream Squad, with hopes of ending the Nightmare contingent and saving the Dreamscape. Follow these young teens as they face adversity, challenges, emotions and most of all... Nightcreeps. Why'd it have to be Nightcreeps?

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Chapter 1: Hello! I'm Evan


Oh hi! Nice to meet you!

I'm Evan Yakubu and I'm dead.

Curious, huh?

Well let me give you the short version because I'm running low on time. Need to go to another Dreamscape?

Huh? You wanna know what a Dreamscape is?

Well, in order for me to do that, I need to explain why we're here.

I was only 15 when I died. A case of mistaken identity from the Korean mafia. I told them who I was but they believed differently however. And so I died. A Desert Eagle to the head. I'll never forget it. Because I literally can't.

No. Like I can't forget it at all. Because-- never mind! I'll tell you why in a minute.

Anyways when I died I was expecting to go to heaven. I was a good kid, did no harm to nobody at all. Had a good head on my shoulders. But instead I was treated to a magical, neon city. Skyscrapers as tall as the World Trade Center. Flying cars, buses and limousines like the Jetsons. Millions upon millions of people as far as the eye can see and a big sign above it all that says...

"Welcome to Nekon City!"

Nekon City. One of 3 cities in the Airwave. Oh? The Airwave is basically a huge world, consisting of 3 major cities and a bunch of other places. But I'll talk about those places later.

Anyways as I'm walking through the streets I end up being taken by hand to a gigantic skyscraper bigger than the World Trade Center. I walk inside and meet a woman named Zenonia, who is a Dream Goddess. A Dream Goddess is a person who can create good dreams for children everywhere. She tells me that she is creating a Dream Squad, a group of people who go from dream to dream, helping kids with nightmares, fears and the like. She tells me I'm the last piece needed to form the squad and pleaded for me to join the group. I agreed, as I have always liked to help those unfortunate in life.

So she sent me to a place called the Fallen Tower, a facility where my team would be stationed, where we would be eating, training and going on missions for the rest of my life, where we would form a bond that would be everlasting and where I would find the most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous vixen I would ever get the courage to--

What? Oh yeah, I'm getting carried away.

It was there I met my teammates.

The Sniper, Michael Yukawa

The Machine, Danny Ishikawa

The Beast, Mikhail Kornienko (but everyone calls him Mik.)

And the most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, hot as all hell --Ow! Fine I'll do the right introduction!--

The Diamond, Kailey Monroe Fukuyama, but I call her Kai.

And I'm the Ace.

Our job is to help the Dream Goddess by destroying the nightmares of the Darkness and bring peace to the Dreamscape and all those who sleep.

So, that's my story. Oh? You still have more questions? Well, you're gonna have to keep reading to find out more.

Anyways, I'm Evan and this is the Dream Squad. Hope you enjoy!