
Chapter 28: Emile Plans

Emile could not believe that he had actually seen the guy. He did look like a film star or some other celebrity.

“And to think that Elliot saw him before me and allowed them to go off and have fun or whatever it is they did,” he said to himself as he lay on his back on his bed at home.

“Will Julietta ever be the same again?” he asked himself. “She already looked and sounded different tonight. Should I really ask Urella to help me get some stunning lady from a painting to walk around and make girls like Julietta jealous?”

In the car earlier, Elliot had plied him with questions about why he had arrived at the lake so late.

“I can’t tell you now,” Emile had insisted.

“But why do you suddenly have secrets from us?” Elliot had asked. “You weren’t like this before.”

“I discovered some stuff which I will tell you about later,” Emile had responded.

“What if we discovered some of your secrets before you even told us about them?” Elliot had asked then.