

This is a story about Lee Jieun a medical college student who have a weak heart since birth, magically recovered after her father coincidently met a mysterious man 10 years ago. One day, she suddenly become an experiment by the college special science department secret research (at least that what she think of at first) after she accidently drinking some 'special' medicine. After that, everytime she sleeping at night she will get a dream. The dream that she had each night seems real enough. New people, new surrounding with some 'magic power' really confuses her but, how come people in there know her like she’s been there for the whole time? Her confuse life of course began more chaos when she met Eun Woo. A perfect handsome young man with warm and cold personalities. He is one of the famous 6 children of The King's in that 'Dream Land'. More shocking! The man also is her fiancée that she never thought she has! How these never cross fate becomes a fate to each other? And how they overcome their love-hate relationship and in the end help each other? [COVER BOOK IS MINE]

Aira_Rin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
189 Chs


Throughout the journey Jieun and Melanie only serves each other's feelings. Did not say anything at all to each other.

When they arrived in a relatively remote area, full of forests and houses like a village here and there, Jieun felt very calm looking at it. Her face also began to lit up a bit. A smile also started to form in her face, while looking at the beautiful sight.

Melanie, who occasionally glanced at the girl was also a bit relieved after seeing Jieun who was a little cheerful. She is worried actually. Because all of things that she said to the girl before, probably hard to accept.

After a long drive they finally arrive at their destination.

"It's so beautiful. Whose house this is?" Jieun asked Melanie after seeing a house which half of it was made of wood and the other half with the cement. Woods, is very rare and expensive material nowadays. Making she excited a little.